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Fleet Mission: "To Boldly Go..."
Starbase Thrinacia
Promenade Deck
1530 hours

I really hate Starbases, Zack Gillibrand mused silently as he entered thr crowded Promenade Deck. He recognized that such outposts were a necessary component for any widely dispersed interstellar entity; that didn't mean he had to like it though. Zack preferred the relative comfort of his ship, with only 240 people on board. The Independence was like a floating home town--small enough that you knew everyone, but big enough to sustain all of your foreseeable needs. Starbases were so cold, so impersonal.

And if that wasn't bad enough, Zack had a meeting at 1800. Apparently, the thrills never end at Starbase Thrinacia.

Zack stopped at one of the small vendors located along the walls. He was hungry, but not for a full meal; he purchased a bag of raspberries coated with Regalian chocolate, then sat on a nearby bench. Because he wanted to blend in with the crowd, he had left the Starfleet Captain's uniform on the ship and instead opted for comfortable civilian clothes in neutral colors. This was his time to relax, and he didn't want to waste it on junior officers trying to suck up to a Captain they didn't know.

Watching people was a lot of fun for Zack...and as much as he detested Starbases, he couldn't deny that a Promenade Deck was the ideal place to do such a thing. Zack could easily identify twenty different species, but for every one he knew there were at least three he could not identify.  The amateur anthropologist in him was having a field day.

"Hi," said a voice to Zack's left. "Zack, right?"

Zack turned to face the person that had spoken. He wanted to speak, but his voice caught on a knot in his throat. "Gah," was all that managed to come out.

"You don't remember me, do you?" asked the stranger.

<i>Why would I want to forget such a beautiful creature?</i> Zack managed to shake his head 'no'.

"We served on the Bratislava together," said the stranger with a slight smirk.
"The Bratislava?" Zack said with surprise. " I left that ship nearly seven years ago."

"I know. You were XO and I was fresh out of the Academy. I'm Logan...Logan Rockwell." He stuck out a large hand to shake. Zack took the offered hand and shook it, marvelling at how warm Logan was to the touch.

"Obviously I made an impression on you if you still remember me after all this time, Mister Rockwell..."

"Logan, please. Call me Logan."

"Logan," Zack said, smiling slightly. "So where are you posted now?"

"The Firebrand. I will be Chief of Security and Tactical."

"Impressive. I'm on the..."

"...Independence. Commanding officer for seven years. Challenger class."

Zack raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Should I be concerned that you know my career so well?"

Logann chuckled softly as he ran a hand through his slightly messy blonde hair. "I just followed your career in hopes that we might cross paths again someday."

<i>This has <b>got</b> to be some kind of illusion or trick,</i> Zack thought. <i>The man of my dreams is hitting on me.</i>

Before he even had time to think about it, Zack spoke. "Have dinner with me," he blurted out. "I have a CO meeting at 1800. Why don't you meet me at my quarters at 2030?"

"That's a mighty long time for me to wait," said Logan in a mock serious tone. He reached over and plucked a chocolate raspberry from the bag on Zack's lap. "I should have a few more of these."

"So is that a yes?"

"I love beef...and I'm allergic to peanuts." Logan grabbed a few more chocolate berries before getting up. "See you at 2030." He winked at Zack, then strolled away.

<i>What the hell?</i> Zack thought. <i>Must be something in the water here. I swear, weird crap happpens every time I set foot on Thrinacia.</i>

USS Majesy
Main Bridge
1530 hours

=/\= Communication error, cannot locate subject... =/\= the computer informed Des.

"Oh great, that's lovely... This must be the finest hours of Starfleet, we have a beautiful Sovereign Class ship with her crew missing..." Locker grumpily whispered under his sigh.

=/\= Locker to Firebrand, please tell me our communications and transporters are up and running, I really don't feel like walking all the way back through the starbase, especially when there is a meeting coming up...=/\= Locker communicated.

=/\= This is Firebrand, yes sir, both those systems are online now. Transporters have been tested and are working. Would you like us to beam you back?=/\= Lieutenant Commander Jenny-Lee Copeland responded.

=/\=Ah, Miss Copeland, I am so glad you onboard. This refit has been keeping me shuffling command officers around. Yes, please beam me to the bridge.=/\=

=/\=Understood sir, its good to be here. Standbye for transport. =/\= Jenny-Lee replied.

Locker slowley vanished as the transporter locked on and took him away to the Firebrand.

"Haha, I didn't even get a chance to thank Captain Jackson." He thought silently.

"Captain on deck!" Jenny-Lee announced.

"At ease, open a channel to Admiral Malloway and send an sms to Captain Jackson on my behalf thanking him for the use of the Majesty's comms." Locker ordered as he sat down in the command chair.

"Channel open sir," Leiutenant Emmanuel Sahara Shore responded.

=/\= Firebrand to Admiral Malloway, do you have a minute to talk? =/\=

TAG: Malloway
Commanding Officer's Office
1516 hours

Emma walked through the doors at the Admiral’s invitation and glanced around before settling her eyes on her old friend.

"How are you, my dear?" He asked with a smile.

“I’m good thanks…yourself? It’s been too long! Looking forward to this new assignment…should be fun!” She replied with a smile of her own.

Steve nodded in agreement, picking up one of the PADDs from off his desk behind him. “Agreed, you’ll certainly have your hands full that’s for sure.” He leant forwards from the desk and handed over the PADD. “Updated personnel list, gets it off my desk anyway.” Steve chuckled with a wink.

Emma rolled her eyes as she took the PADD from him. Great, yet more personnel files to go through. “Thanks…because I haven’t gone through nearly enough of these yet!” She griped, good naturedly, giving it a cursory glance to look at further later and pulling out the one she had been working on herself earlier containing the Updates schedules and supply lists. “I suppose I can’t take one without giving one back though!” She smirked handing it over.

The Admiral returned the gesture with a mocking roll of his eyes as he took the PADD. “I’ll be sure to pass this on to Commander Jezebell of Gateway Control.” He chuckled, gesturing to the couch for Emma to take a seat. “John’s stuck out there, by the way, so he won’t be able to make it to the meeting this evening.”

Emma took a seat as she chuckled. “Passing the buck as ever.” She commented with a grin. She had missed the banter between the two of them. “Trust John to get himself stuck somewhere to avoid a meeting! Couldn’t he think up an excuse to get out of it this time? So he’s resorted to dirty tactics?” She queried with a barely contained giggle.

“Probably something shot into his rear once again…” Steve started, laughing slightly at the thought of one of the first away missions he had sent John on, so many years ago. “Alas, we’ll have to put up without him being here… not so much of a loss really? Eh?” Again the Admiral chuckled, moving across the room to join Emma on the couch, welcoming the feeling of the cushioning as opposed to the chair at his desk.

“Well, I’m sure we’ll manage one way or another!” She laughed, her own mind wondering back to that time. “Wow, it’s been a while since then hasn’t it?! A lot has happened since then, now look at us!” She said nostalgically. “Off to explore the unknown…I’m sure John can find plenty more mischief to get up to.” She thought out loud, he was somewhat known for his knack of getting into trouble, but always managed to scramble his way out of it again. “John aside, everything ready for this meeting? Anything in particular you want to come from myself?” She asked getting down to the business at hand.

Steve thought for a moment, considering the many PADDs still sat over on his desk. “Only the usual. I’ll cover the usual, the whys and what not’s. I’d like for you to cover how’s, if that’s ok by yourself? This is a big venture you’re taking on, so I would be a lot more comfortable on you taking the reigns as it’s your baby after all.”

Nodding Emma thought over what sort of info she needed to brush up on and have handy to refer to in the meeting as the techno babble wasn’t exactly her forte. “Well I’ve already worked out how the teams will be structured, but to some degree were gonna have to play things by ear based on what we encounter and how things go. So I’ll make it clear that things could change.” She said, then with a glint in her eye added, “Sure you don’t want to join us?” She knew how bored the Admiral got from time to time, and how much he missed being out amongst the stars. She guessed that he really would come along if he could.

“Oh, you aren’t rid of me just yet.” Steve replied, standing and walking over the replicator, turning to look back at Emma. “I’ll be joining you for the initial few weeks, what with Thrinacia undergoing her refit at the moment things round here are slow at the best of times.” He smiled, thinking back to the early days of his command on the Starbase. There had been so much to sort out, so many things to change, so many things to add, remove… you name it, something about it needed looking into. And now, after nearly 9 years on board, the place was running smoothly it had become a little monotonous.

“Excellent! More cannon fodder then!” She grinned nodding as the Admiral pointed towards the replicator in question. “Tea please, white, one sugar as always.” She asked in response with a wink. They had always both been creatures of habit. “Well, first off it will be good to have the extra sets of hands to move everything through, even with the shuttles lending a hand.” She told him. There is a lot to do and the quicker we get everything through, the sooner things will be up and running.” She finished.

“Computer, Tea; white, one sugar. Coffee; White, two sugars.” Steve commanded the computer, replying to Emma as the ‘hole in the wall’ fuzzed in a blue shimmer as the beverages materialised. “Hang on, you expect me to do heavy lifting? At my age, you got another thing coming.” He grinned, picking up the two mugs and walking back to the couch.

Emma took her drink and blew on it before taking a satisfying sip. “Well, neither of us are exactly spring chickens, but I’m sure we’ll find someone to delegate to!” she suggested with a knowing smile. “After all, what are Ensigns for?” She shrugged, wrapping her hands round her cup and savouring the warmth. “Either that or when john finally puts in an appearance we’ll just get him to do it. Might actually keep him out of trouble for a while.” She said, before the pair of them let out a simultaneous bark of laughter at the comment.

“Oh he’ll love the extra work, that’s for sure!” Steve interjected through the laughs, taking a seat again and placing the mug of his coffee on the glass table in front of them. “Well, there’ll certainly be plenty for everyone to do, that’s a given. My only concern is the Commanding Officers finding some things menial to their skill… but then again, they should understand the need.” He offered with a wink. “Speaking of which, any progress on your XO?”

“Well, I’ve got one possible candidate, with a good record that looks promising, but I haven’t actually met up with the guy yet, so should be interesting. He should be at the meeting, so I’ll catch him afterwards and discuss things further with him to sort any questions or further info he wants or needs to get him up to speed with everything.” She informed him and then added, “He’s arriving shortly before the meeting, which is why we haven’t met up beforehand, as his last assignment has only just finished and he couldn’t get here any sooner.” She finished taking another sip of her tea, and folded her lower legs and leaning into the cushions with a sign of contentment.

“Ah, good plan.” Steve replied as he leant forwards he picked up his mug before leaning back in comfort once more. Savour it, won’t last long. Of course. “Anything you need confirming from me about this assignment?”

Emma thought for a moment or two whilst draining the remaining tea in her mug and licking her lips dry. “I know they are only sending us through the smaller, but are there any plans for the larger one to be set up or used at all?” She asked as she hadn’t heard anything about it as of yet.

“Mm, good question.” Steve replied, swallowing a mouthful of his coffee before continuing, placing the warm mug on his knee. “At present, without a recipient gateway on the other end we can’t hold a stable connection to link to – we wouldn’t be able to maintain the large connection continuously as the chance of it changing an opening are just over 98% guaranteed. The smaller one we can control as we have the ‘sister’ opening in place on the other end.”

“Yer, but I heard talk of the development of one they were looking to create, which we were to take with us, in order to establish a stable connection with which to work with, any word on that, or was it just a rumour or an idea that failed?” She hadn’t received any official orders, but maybe there was something in the pipework’s for a later date that she was yet to be bought up to speed on.

“Rumour unfortunately. We can’t create the gateways; they’re the original Iconian ones.” Steve answered, again lifting his mug to drain the remaining contents before leaning to place the empty container on the table with a small ‘clink’ of ceramic to glass. “We’ve been extraordinarily lucky to find the 3 so far. At present all we have is the Starship Gateway, off yonder,” Steve gestured with his head over his shoulder to the station, “with the first Personnel Gateway on board too, then your one already in place.”

Emma nodded her understanding. She had had her suspicions there wasn’t anything to them, but it had been worth an ask. “Well, I’m sure we can make do with what we got. You never know, once out there we may find more to play with.” She said with a hopeful tone. “How much of the inventory is ready to go already?” She enquired unfolding her feet only to refold them the other way and crossing her arms for good measure.

The Admiral paused, considering for a moment as he attempted to recall the figures and requests that had come through. “Hmm… well at present John is there already, I believe the temporary structures are ready to go, but don’t quote me as yet on that. I believe we still have approximately three quarters here – we’ll need to assess the situation planet-side before a decision can be made on what can follow.”

Again nodding her understanding, Emma thought for another minute but came up blank. “Well I think that about covers everything really for now. Like you say, everything else has to be taken as it comes, due to the nature of the mission.” She finished before adding “Anything you need to me find out or finalise before the meeting?” She asked, she couldn’t think of anything herself as most of the info was already available and ready, but there was normally something.

Steve, too, thought for a moment, also drawing a blank. “Nothing springs to mind actually… All I would suggest is checking in with Gateway Control to make sure the read-outs are stable and they’re on track with everything left waiting ready to go.”

“Fair enough, that was my next port of call anyway, so no worries.” She said, finally putting her empty mug on the table in front of them. “Well, if there’s nothing else…I’ll let you get back to your wonderful admin you love so much,” Emma said sarcastically with a wink, “And I’ll go check in with control before the meeting, and check that my new XO is on his way.” She said once again unfolding her arms and feet and pushing herself up from the rather comfy and deceptively deep couch, with only a little struggle.

“I’ll get a zimmer frame ready for your next visit.” Steve commented sarcastically, chuckling as he stood himself. “I recommend we arrive at the Conference Room for 1745 hours and prep the room etc.”

Emma looked at him with a raised brow, “You’re not that bad that!” She shot back at him.

The Admiral merely scowled, laughing slightly. “Smart-aleck.” Picking up the two mugs, he walked back to the replicator to have them recycled. “If you think of anything extra you need from me; just give me a shout.”

“Well one of us has to be!” She said with a smirk and a chuckle, making her way to the door. “Will do, see you in a while then I guess.” She finished with a wave of her hand as the doors opened and she stepped out, making her way to communications for a report.

Tag ALL.
Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia
USS Majesty
Main Bridge
15:50 Hrs

"As far as I'm aware we have a scheduled test flight at five AM, that will be fun" Callum commented "Just a short trip out of the system then back again.  I just need to confirm our clearance to leave first" Callum added.

Callum paused for a second "I was at the Academy for a few days last month, I was giving a talk on the dangers of deep space exploration to a class of Tactical Cadets.  I had hoped to meet up with you, but I was called back to the Majesty before I had a chance." Callum said.

Callum thought for a moment "As for Ensign Cotton, he must be the one I've seen around the past few weeks" Callum started "I don't see any problems with his promotion" Callum looked around him "maybe you should give him a little something to go along with his new position" Callum said suggestively as he ran a finger across his rank pips.

Will nodded in acknowledgment.
"That's very generous of you, sir. I'll call a departmental meeting later and make it official. Stanley's a good officer. An extra half pip will suit him well."

He considered for a moment.

"You gave that talk to the cadets? That must've been interesting. It was Commander Willoughby who gave it when I was in that class. I think we gave him his best results because three of us managed to stay awake for the entire time. It's a shame I missed you, I'd've enjoyed hearing you take that class. So, 0500 then? Just a quick shakedown, I presume?"

"I didn't bore them too much, I hope not anyway" Callum started.  "And yes, nice and early, I really don't know whether I should try and get some rest or just stay up until then" Callum commented "We're literally just testing the engines.  We do have a full shakedown planned for next week" Callum continued.

"I've got this meeting later on" Callum began after a short pause "but I would like you and Commander Hurt to join me for a spot of dinner in the Captain Mess afterwards, say nine PM.  As long as the meeting finishes in time that is" Callum continued "Just want to catch up and go over the plans for the next few days properly. Oh, and let you both know what this meetings about, as long as it's not classified of course" Callum commented.  "I'm going to head down to see Chef in a minute, what would you like??" he asked.

Will suddenly appeared slightly flustered, his cheeks colouring almost imperceptably.
"Um... actually, sir, I have an appointment at that time," he said so quietly only Callum could hear him. "Would you be really offended if I passed on this opportunity? You, um... you could give me an order."

"An Appointment" Callum boomed purposely, making a couple of the officers on the bridge jump, one officer dropped a pile of PADDS they were carrying "Well, I suppose I could let you off this once" Callum added, much quieter now.  "What about breakfast at oh four hundred??" Callum asked, "we should be able to make it to the Bridge in time for the test" Callum added.

Callum noticed Ch'Amok was staring at the both of them, he looked at her and almost immediately she looked back at her station.

"Breakfast at 0400, sir," Will mumbled, his cheeks colouring. "Thank you, sir, that would be ideal."

Callum smiled "Captain's Mess 0400 then" Callum said "I gotta get down to Engineering to check up on how things are going down there"  Callum looked over to the centre chair "I should get to try that new chair out soon" Callum commented "but for now it's all yours. The Bridge is yours" Callum said to Will.

"The bridge is mine, sir, aye," Will acknowledged, glad for the change of subject. As Callum left the bridge, Will nodded to the ensign standing ready to take over and moved down to the command pit.

He looked at the centre for a moment before sighing deeply and sitting in it. Surprisingly comfortable, he decided. I could get used to this.

TAG: All
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Majesty
1600 Hours

One of the strangest pieces of advice Will had received at Command School was that upon first taking the centre seat a line officer should spend a moment examining the captain's readout displayed on the arm of the command chair. This, aside from providing whatever information the officer needed to see, also gave the officer the chance to calm any nerves connected with the implications of sitting there.

Will had imagined this moment for some time; certainly many of his classmates displayed jitters even when they carried out simulations in the holodeck. He'd thought he wouldn't and, although he'd fared better than most, he was forced to concede he was wrong.

Now it was the real thing. Granted it wasn't the heat of battle, with the captain and executive officer hors de combat, but it was the first time he'd taken command of a vessel in his own right. And he was nervous.

He stared at the blank screen for several moments, pretending to absorb the information he pretended was there while he gathered his faculties and remembered what he'd been taught. Don't imagine being a department head will prepare you for starship command, he'd been told. Up until now, you've commanded men and women who are the same as you, identical in every way except for rank and experience. From now, you are commanding the entire crew in all its diversity.

Will looked up. Nobody was staring at him. Nobody was waiting to see what he'd do next.

If this was the security department, we'd all be in the holodeck on exercise right now, he thought, then smiled. He pulled up the command console again and tapped in his command code to programme in a simulation.

"Alright, people, let's have some fun," he announced, standing as a yellow alert signalled on the bridge. "We have a Ferengi trade ship in trouble in orbit around Oberon. Respond, people."

"Sir, course laid in to Oberon, but I've had to compensate for a gravitic anomoly between Miranda and Ariel," ch'Amok reported.

"Sensors indicate irregular plasma flux, sir," the young science officer called out from behind him.

"Sir, Ferengi vessels have manual overrides on flux capacitors," the engineering ensign beside her said. "They can shut it off from the bridge, if that's accessible."

"They're not responding to hails, sir," said the Ops officer. "But they can hear us. Unclear if they can respond."

"Suggest a security team beams over before anyone else, sir, in case it's a trap," the security ensign ventured.

"And don't forget," ch'Amok said, "if we see anything they deem confidential, they'll try and charge us for it. They might have triggered the accident themselves to make some easy latinum."

Will sat back in the centre seat and smiled as the crew dealt with the simulation. If he had to lead them for real, he knew he could depend on them.

TAG: All
USS Majesty
Deck 37 - Main Engineering
16:00 Hrs

Callum stepped off the turbo lift and slowly walked around the corner towards the entrance to main engineering.

Not much on deck 37 had changed, sure the shade of grey used on the walls was slightly darker and some systems had clearly been upgraded, the on wall displays for one were ten times more responsive than before, but the general layout was the same.

Callum stopped at the entrance to engineering itself, just slightly out of sight of everyone, well, everyone but one Lieutenant.

"It's not right is it, no vibrations from the core, no engine sounds, just doesn't feel right to me. I personally can't wait until the core is back online.  I'm Lieutenant Gallagher by the way, Junior Engineer, just transferred to the Majesty." The Lieutenant said offering his hand.

Callum turned so his pips were now visible to the Lieutenant, Callum shook the Lieutenant's hand "Fleet Captain Jackson, Commanding Officer, transferred to the Majesty two years ago" Callum replied watching as the sudden realisation that the young Lieutenant had just casually approached the most senior officer on board.

"I'm sorry, Sir" the Lieutenant swallowed hard, "if I had known..."
"Don't worry about it Lieutenant.  And for the record, I agree.  Over the years I've become accustomed to the vibrations of the core, I can barely sleep without them now.  Anyway, I must get on" Callum replied before entering Engineering.

Callum spotted Gregrez and Hurt talking, he approached them.
"Not interrupting am I??" he asked, but continued before anyone could reply "Good. Welcome back aboard Commander, I trust you enjoyed your time at the Academy?? I've just popped down to confirm everything will be ready for our engine test later on, Lieutenant??" he queried only turning to look at Lieutenant Gregrez once he had finished speaking.

TAG: Lieutenant Gregrez & Commander Hurt.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Firebrand
Main Bridge
1600 hours

=/\= Communication error, cannot locate subject... =/\= the computer informed Des.

"Oh great.... Not again... Maybe I should try someone else..." Des thought to himself.

=/\= Admiral Wilkinson, I am getting a whole lot of interference in the communications grid and I am struggling to communicate, please tell me you are receiving this? I would like to speak to you or Admiral Malloway. Please, it is of an urgent matter. =/\= Locker communicated.

There was only static coming through on the comms.

Locker looked around the bridge wondering what to do next.

=/\= Chief Jorek, what is happening with our external communications? I can't seem to communicate with anyone outside the Firebrand. I couldn't on board Majesty either. =/\=

The chief engineer Klingon male quickly looked at an engineering console nearby in Main Engineering.

=/\= Sir, there doesn't appear to be any problems with the communications on the Firebrand. I will do a scanner sweep of the starbase to try identify the problem. =/\= Jorek reported.

=/\= Thank you chief, how is Firebrand looking? =/\= Locker inquired.

=/\= Firebrand seems to be just about fully operational. Just a few tweaks before we can start doing system checks and tests. I think we will be out of docks within a few days depending on how well the tests go. I am longing to go into battle with the Firebrand. =/\= Jorek said with an enthusiastic tone.

=/\= Don't get too excited chief, we are a peace keeping ship, our ship is not intended to start wars but to end them. =/\= Locker informed.

=/\= Grrrr..... perhaps another war will fall on us before Starfleet learns to show their teeth better. =/\= The Klingon complained.

=/\=Be careful what you wish for Chief. I won't be experiencing any troubles with you will I? =/\= Locker asked worryingly.

=/\=No sir, it's the Klingon blood in me that wants to fight. But I can control it. =/\= Jorek responded.

=/\=I hope so Chief. But my doors are open if you need help. =/\= Locker suggested with a smile.

Locker made his way to his ready room and lay down for a moment.

TAG: ALL FIREBRAND CREW, Malloway, Wilkinson

USS Firebrand
1640 hours

Being on the bridge of a Sovereign class vessek was a new experience for Logan. Although he was more than familiar with the Tactical systems on this class that had become the Federation's premier heavy cruiser, he was more accustomed to Ambassador class systems.He would adapt. Logan was taking a little time to familiarize himself with the ship, and his travels had brought him to the Bridge. He ran his fingers along the smooth plexiglas surface of his control panel, noting the arrangement of the interface.

"Computer," began Logan. "Upload Sec/Tac console configuration Delta Two."

"Unable to comply," said the Computer in its customary inflectionless yet still slightly feminine monotone.

"State reason for inability to comply."

"Configuration is already part of the database."

"Oh Good Lord," Logan muttered. "Okay then, Ms. Smarty Pants...reset Sec/Tac console to Delta Two."

"Voice authorization not recognized."

"I give up," Logan said as he walked away. He really detested computers. But he also wanted his work station to be properly configured. So he decided to take a look and see if the Captain was in his Ready Room. Logan walked over, rang the chime and waited for a reply.
Staging Area for Aurora Colony
Outside Temporary Operations - ( AKA the 'shack' )
1700 Hours

John was making his way a large temporary structure containing all operations. The air was fresh, the breeze was calm and cool. The structure was dull and grey like the cloud cover looming overhead.
The structure's flat and grey walls seem drab and characterless. The way it simply sits on top of the ground gives the impression of its temporary nature, as if it would be moved at any time.

Surrounding the site, various structures of similar design stood. These being for living and storage, and hopefully, a bowling ally for recreation. A number of Starfleet personnel moved between them, The operations building being at the hub of this activity.

Beyond these structure, a dense forest that gently followed the breeze surround the site. The dense canopy hid its secrets in a shroud of darkness. Waiting for a bold, adventurous being to seek them out.

Looking above the operations structure. Far in the distance huge mountains loomed over it all in their magnificence with mist shrouding its peaks. The location certainly feels like something out of a J.R.R Tolkin novel.

At that moment, as John was taking in his surroundings. An interruption came along as a Lieutenant, who focused on a PADD their firmly grasp, bumped into John.

“Admiral, sorry!” Exclaimed the Lieutenant in surprise.

“Lieutenant Lee, what has you interested enough to not see an Admiral in your path?“, John calmly asked.

“Erm, the latest meteorology report Sir.”  Lieutenant Lee stuttered in reply.

“Ah, perhaps you can tell me the weather forecast?” John enquired.

“Sir, it looks like this region is temperate in with infrequent he“, Lieutenant Lee begun, but was interrupted by a huge flash followed by a thunderous clap.

“a”,  Lieutenant attempted to continue, only to be followed by the start of a huge down poor.  The sound of the rain was almost deafening.

“Infrequent, for your sake Lieutenant. Last thing we need is these flimsy structures being washed into the nearby river. Carry on.” John said with raising his eyebrow slightly and a hint of jest.

“Yes sir” The Lieutenant replied in slight embarrassment, before walking around John and continue in his tasks.

As John proceeded towards operations building, the rain poured down his face like Niagara falls. His rain soaked uniform started to weigh down slightly on him. Deciding to pick up the pace a little,  he moved swiftly to get to his destination.

The building had only one room. Centre of the room was a full holographic map of the world the colony was situated on, with desks and consoles around the edge of the room.

As he entered the building, an operations office approached him.

“Sir, a little wet out there is it?” They said with a slight grin,

“Lieutenant Commander, remarks like that will find you scrubbing floors as an ensign very soon.” John Replied.

“Yes sir. Just to inform you that the structures for storage is ready for when they come through. We are currently erecting additional barracks for the required capacity.” The Lieutenant Commander informed John.

“Good, but we are still behind schedule. We need to make sure they all have a bunk at least to sleep in at least.” John stated. “Step to it”

“Yes sir” They replied, returning to their station.

John walked to a desk in the corner and picked up a PADD.  Looks like an updated manifest has come through John thought to him self as he checked the information being displayed. Well at least I can forgo the utter enjoyment of the meeting at 1800 hours being here.

Placing the PADD down, John begun pacing around the room and observing the work of others.

Tag All.
Admiral John 'Spiced' Morgan
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet
Commanding USS Elimination

Quote:[02/27/11 13:25:51 ] Nick : just noticed another issue, now the posts aren't showing in teh Starfleet HQ thread. the post is there when you open teh thread, but the only post that shows is my instructor thread
[02/27/11 13:26:13 ] Nick : I love creating work for the admin....(H)
[02/27/11 13:26:34 ] Paul : I love ignoring issues as an admin Tongue
USS Firebrand
Captains Ready Room
1703 hours

Des heard the door bell of his ready room go off. He was rather hoping he could rest a little as he had been busy overseeing the refit final stages since 05H00.

He sighed as he realised its just about time for his command crew to begin reporting in.

"Come..." He said loudly.

The door opened and the Firebrand's Chief of security and tactical appeared.

Des wasn't entirely sure he had met him before but he got up, straightened his uniform and extended his hand out to the officer.

"Lieutenant Commander Desmond Locker, Commanding Officer of the USS Firebrand, welcome on board."

TAG: Logan and all other Firebrand crew (I think we should do a JP as there is a lot we need to discuss. I believe Commander Grax will be reporting in as well).


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