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Forums in 'Main Communications Grid'
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Welcome to the Fleet
New to the Fleet? Just Signed-up to the Forum and need advice? Head on in and introduce yourself!
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News and Announcements
Important Announcements and News from the Senior Fleet Command Team.
1 1 Removal of JAG Department...
02-14-2015, 06:20 PM
by Steve Malloway
Out-of-Character Chitter-Chatter
As per the constant nagging of Ethan Trane, here's the OOC Chat Threads! Name says all, and find inside your threads for various categories!
Sub Forums:
General Chit-Chat,
Movie Chit-Chat, and 2 more.
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Leave of Absences
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Fleet Public Archive
Archived threads, such as Fleet Missions, Joint Missions etc
5 608 Fleet Mission: "Tides a'c...
05-12-2017, 05:19 AM
by Lorenzo Schrödinger