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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
USS Majesty
1950 hrs

William was monitoring his station when Commander Jackson after acknowledging Admiral Targus's message asked William,
Quote:"Mr Halsey is it possible to get any more speed without having to risk starting up the core again?"
Rapidly thinking over his options William came up with a solution, "Sir I can boost our impulse speed to near-warp using power from the reserve power banks but I need your authorization to do that. The only drawbacks are that it will drain one-sixth of our reserves and will put a little strain on the engine. The engine can handle the stress for up to two minutes of increased speed at maximum. I don't think we'll need the speed that long though. We should overtake the Cardassians at the one or one-and-a-half minute mark."

Tag: Jackson
USS Majesty
1950 hrs

Callum was still looking over at Mr Halsey Callum could see by the expression on halsey's face that he was thinking of a solution to the problem then he said
Quote:"Sir I can boost our impulse speed to near-warp using power from the reserve power banks but I need your authorization to do that. The only drawbacks are that it will drain one-sixth of our reserves and will put a little strain on the engine. The engine can handle the stress for up to two minutes of increased speed at maximum. I don't think we'll need the speed that long though. We should overtake the Cardassians at the one or one-and-a-half minute mark."
Callum then thought for a few seconds and then said "Mr Halsey what i would like you to do is to boost the engines but the second we hit 1 minute 30 seconds return to normal power even if we are not there" He then turned round to the helm station and said "Cadet prepare to come to a full stop when we are in between the Cardassian ship and the Independence" The Cadet responded "aye aye sir" Callum then looked at the Cadet who was on the tactical station and said "the second we get into weapons range lock on their weapons and prepare to fire" The Cadet replied "standing by to lock on weapons sir" Callum then finally turned to Mr Halsey again and said "Do it and keep an eye on our reserve power"

TAG: Majesty Crew, Cadets, William Halsey.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Majesty
1950 hrs

William nodded as Commander Jackson told him what he wanted William to do exactly. William entered the appropriate commands into his console but waited to press the submit button until Jackson gave him the order. When the Commander was finished giving orders to the other Cadets he turned to William and said
Quote: "Do it and keep an eye on our reserve power"
"Roger that sir. I will turn off the reserves either when we overtake them or when we get to the one-and-a-half minute mark." William then turned to his console and pressed the submit button for the commands. Suddenly the impulse engines roared with power as the reserves fed them. "Sir your the power is on and is driving us forward. The engines show no sign of stress and we are accellerating," William said.

TAG: Jackson
OOC: ALL; Please remember the 200 word limit on posts. Each character post MUST be at least 200 words long, not including TAGs, or OOC Notes, or Time/Location stamps - JUST THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE. From this point on, all those that are less than 200 words WILL BE DELETED. You have all been told this four times, so no excuses! Stuck? Joint Post!


Command Deck
1952 hours

The deck shook as a barrage of weapons fire struck through the Starbase, having the Admiral grip a railing to steady his balance. "Report!" He mustered, helping an Ensign off the floor, handing them some PADDs they had let slip.

"Shields around the Command Deck are down to 33% - they certainly know where to hit us, Admiral!" Came the start of a reply. "The Majesty has taken some hits, one Cardassian Galor has had it's weapon systems disabled, the others seem to be on a direct course for the Starbase, totally ignoring the Gateway!"

"Take out the Central Command and the prize becomes easier to grab - re-establish power transfer and plug as much to the shields, we'll opt for a better defence while the Fleet takes on offence." Steve ordered, jumping the rail as another shock ran through the deck, his feet not being on the plating luckily keeping him from missing the vibrants. "Send word to the Braveheart - I want her to keep a close eye on the Gateways protection too. Read out on the Cardassians?!"

"11 ships - 6 Keldon, 4 Galor, 1 Hideki Patrol. Still trying to get a fix on those Tachyon disturbances they showed up with, but they seem to be keeping to the outer perimeter." The Lieutenant replied, looking up and over at the Admiral as he approached, sweat clear across his brow.

"Nothing at all?" Steve pursed his lips in though as a small shake of the head from the Lieutenant confirmed. "Hmm... concentrate what you can on the sensors to it, but dont let down my defences-"

"Brace for incoming torpedoes!"

The Admiral looked over as the shout-out came through, within moments the deck shook dramatically and sparks flew out from consoles, whisps of smoke erupting from several as, among many others, the Admiral found himself thrown several meteres backwards to the deck. Winded, he stood up, flicking his entire arm outwards as if to fling the pain away. That matter would have to wait as he gritted his teeth somewhat. No-one threw torpedoes at his Starbase. "Tactical - full barrage of torpedoes at the lead Keldon, Fire!"

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Thrinica Galley
1941 hours

Ornixen was just finishing his dinner when the claxon's went off.


Ah, crud, why does this always happen.  Firestorm, do you read

I do, sir, came the sleepy response.

The station just went to Red Alert...What is going on?

Sensors coming on-line now...I'm detecting 11 Cardassian ships, 6 Keldon Class and 5 smaller ships on an attack vector, ETA 5 minutes at half impulse.

Beam me aboard and launch immediately.

A moment later, Ornixen materialized in the Firestorm's cockpit.  =/\=Firestorm to Thrinaca control, requesting launch clearance =/\=

=/\= Clearance granted, Firestorm.  Fleet is gathering at the Gateway. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged.  Engaging sublight engines. =/\=

"Firestorm, raise shields and bring the weapons online.  Controls to manual."

"Sensors are indicating some anomalous tachyon emissions in the area."

"Start adjusting our sensors to analyze.  What are the meta-field levels in this area?"

"Low.  Adjusting weapons to compensate," Firestorm reported as they cleared the station and started to accelerate towards the fleet.

"ETA to fleet?"

"30 seconds and counting....sir, the station has numerous torpedoes heading towards it."

"Accelerate to attack speed, weapons on rapid fire, target those torpedoes" Ornixen ordered as he flung the ship around and opened fire on the torpedoes, rapidly taking down nearly half of them before they hit the station's shields.

=/\= Ornixen to Admiral Targus, can we get some fighters on point defense of the station? The Cardassians are starting to focus their fire. My readings are indicating that the command deck's shields are down to 33%. =/\=

"Firestorm, is there anything we can do for the station's shields?"

"Not at this time, sir.  My power systems are not compatible with Federation technology.  Best we could do is extend our shields over the command deck, but at that extension, they won't hold long.  They aren't exactly meant to cover a starbase."

"What I wouldn't give for a team of wizards casting a mana shell!!  Adjust weapons to 360-degree coverage, we have to reduce the number of torps hitting those shields as much as possible."


TAG Targus, Malloway
Main Gallery
1936 hours

John sat in his chair continuing through his starters, which was a salad with light dressing. He looked around the room seeing everyone enjoying their meal. However their meals where only finite, and that he could only suspend the grand event for so long. What could be so important to drag Steve from this fleet opening.

However this seem to not matter, for only moments before placing his fork on his plate to indicate he finished his starter, all hell broke loose.

"RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" Came through the the stations intercom system, in Malloway voice.

“Great, just what I needed! To rush about after starting my meal, am going to get indigestion!” John thought to him self.

John then turned to Emma in Jested, “Sounds like we got our selves some extra guests for the fleet opening”. John chuckled a bit, and finished with “As long as it isn't Cardassians, we don't have the Kanar.”

At this point the whole room was in motion. People stood up and swiftly departed out of the room in the most efficient manner. Leaving their meals in what ever state and headed out to their ships or  other assignments. Since John's ship was still in dry dock, under repair, John waited for everyone else to leave the room.

Once everyone was clear, John exited the Main gallery and proceeded to the Command Deck of the station. It was difficult to move at any reasonable speed, Since John has little to contribute against what ever threat besieged this fleet, he let anyone who needed to be somewhere pass him. When  he finally made his way to a turbo lift, at which point Commander Connor exited.

“Commander, may I enquire to what in blazes is going on?” John Enquired of the Commander.

Tag: Conner
Admiral John 'Spiced' Morgan
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet
Commanding USS Elimination

Quote:[02/27/11 13:25:51 ] Nick : just noticed another issue, now the posts aren't showing in teh Starfleet HQ thread. the post is there when you open teh thread, but the only post that shows is my instructor thread
[02/27/11 13:26:13 ] Nick : I love creating work for the admin....(H)
[02/27/11 13:26:34 ] Paul : I love ignoring issues as an admin Tongue
USS Majesty

Callum had just given the order to feed the impulse engines with the reserve power almost simultaniously as Mr Halsey pressed the submit button the engines roared up with the power being fed to them although Callum was a bit more happy that the ship will get there hopefully in time but in the back of his mind he was annoyed as it was the first time he had ever taken his ship out of dock and already the warp core was offline due to a coolant leak and now he is pushing the impulse engines for his first mission Callum was hoping for something like a shakedown cruise or something nothing to damage his ship on the first time out. Callum then thought to himself "well I wouldn't be that lucky something always has to intervene in plans especially if everything is going well" it then dawned on Callum that he hadn't informed the fighter squadron that they are increasing speed so he tapped his COMM badge and said =/\= Majesty to fighter squadron we are increasing our speed we suggest that you do the same =/\= he then tapped it again to close the channel.

Callum then looked up at the view screen and saw that the Cardassian ship had come to a full stop so swung his head around to the Cadet on the Science station and said "Cadet why has that Cardassian ship stopped?" but just before the Cadet had a chance to answer it was clear why the ship had got into weapons range and was about to fire it photon torpedo's he then tapped his COMM badge again and said "Majesty to Independence we are making full steam towards you to assist you but our core is offline we are currently feeding our impulse engines with reserve power" Callum then felt a sharp jolt as if they had been hit with a torpedo he quickly said "Majesty out" and then tapped the COMM badge to close the channel "REPORT" Callum then said sharply without waiting for a reply he then turned to Mr Halsey and said "how long until we have to stop the reserve power feed and how are the impulse engines holding up?"

TAG: Cadets, William Halsey, Majesty Crew, fighter squadron, Independence
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Majesty
Outside Transporter Room One
1941 hrs

I had just contacted Mr Jackson when a few seconds later he responded with =/\= yes go to red alert keep the weapons and shields down and beam me and the Cadets aboard now but beam me straight to the bridge as we are heading out =/\= I immediately walked into the transporter room that I was walking by and locked on to them and I energized the transporters within a few minutes the Cadets appeared in front of me I was about to say welcome aboard but they walked out straight away i can only presume that Mr Jackson had given them orders to report to their stations when on board because of the crisis.

I then walked out of the transporter room and began to walk down to sick bay when i heard the Mr Jackson over the ships intercom =/\= Jackson to all hands all decks we are heading out secure your stations Jackson out =/\= I then almost broke into a run to get to sick bay I then heard the docking clamps being released and felt the thrusters start up to take us out.

USS Majesty
Sick Bay
1944 hrs

A few minutes later I arrived in sick bay it was strange and eerie because there was no one else there due to the fact that I was the only Medical Officer on board I then went into the Chief Medical Officer's office and sat down waiting for something to happen when once again I hear the Commander over the intercom =/\= Jackson to all hands all decks prepare your stations for battle we have Cardassian war ships approaching our main priority is to protect the Starbase. As you know we have no second officer nor do we have a first officer as he is on LOA so I will be acting as the Commanding Officer and First Officer. Good luck to you all Jackson out =/\= I then again was sat in complete silence apart from the impulse engines humming as the ship was moving into position. I then felt a large jolt I realised that we had been hit by something I then felt it again but this time a lot more fierce I could only presume that the shields had failed and the torpedo had hit the hull directly.

A few minutes later it went all calm and the engine hum had stopped we had come to a full stop but that wasn't for long because shortly after the engines came back up in all their glory but then the engines seemed to get louder and the humming changed to a roaring sound I didn't really know why but shortly after the ship jolted quite sharply so I accessed the sensor systems from the computer terminal in sick bay and realised that there wasn't a ship in weapons range so I tapped my COMM badge and said =/\= Ensign Jackson to the Bridge what was that?=/\=
USS Majesty

After William had given the impulse engines extra power the ship had accelerated beyond the impulse engines design but they were holding together quite well considering the damage the Majesty had taken. Commander Jackson had just told the fighter squadron to increase speed to match the Majesty's when the Cardassian ship stopped. It was obvious that the Majesty had caught up to the Cardassians since they were standing their ground. While the Commander was communicating to Independence the Cardassian ship opened fire with its photon torpedoes and the Majesty shook with a great jolt.

When the Commander asked William
Quote: "How long until we have to stop the reserve power feed and how are the impulse engines holding up?"
William responded by saying, "Sir we obviously caught up to them alot faster than expected so I can shut down the reserve power anytime now since we are in torpedo range. If you want to close to phaser range we can do that on standard power. The impulse engines are holding up very well and they have taken no damage from the Cardassian torpedoes. If you want we can shut down the reserve power and I can go check on the coolant leak in Engineering and see if we can bring the core back online."

TAG: Lieutenant Commander Jackson, Cadets
USS Majesty

Callum didn't have to wait for a response too long as the Mr Halsey answered straight away he said
Quote:"Sir we obviously caught up to them alot faster than expected so I can shut down the reserve power anytime now since we are in torpedo range. If you want to close to phaser range we can do that on standard power. The impulse engines are holding up very well and they have taken no damage from the Cardassian torpedoes. If you want we can shut down the reserve power and I can go check on the coolant leak in Engineering and see if we can bring the core back online."
but straight after he answered and before Callum had a chance to respond he received a message via the COMM
Quote:=/\=Ensign Jackson to the Bridge what was that?=/\=
Callum then responded with =/\= we have just been fired upon by a third ship if you just accessed the sensor system the primary sensors are offline switch to secondary systems=/\=

Callum then quickly responded to Mr Halsey with "yes please shut down the reserve power feed we will carry on under normal power and I will take your station whilst you are down in Engineering if you think that it is safe to bring the core back online then please do so but if you think there is any chance that there will be a problem when bringing the core online then don't do so" Callum then tapped his COMM badge and said =/\=Majesty to fighter squadron we are decreasing our speed to regular impulse speed Majesty out=/\= shortly after the Cadet walked over to the turbo lift and disappeared into it as the doors closed. Callum then walked up to the Engineering console and looked at it intently Callum only took the Engineering station because they were in battle and he wanted continuous updates on the damage inflicted on the ship he then looked up and said "right then I suppose we should disable that ship tactical you know what to do FIRE" Callum then looked down and saw the display showing that one of the torpedo banks was destroyed a few seconds later the Cadet on Tactical had fired a full spread of torpedo's and then again fired the phasers as we came into range.

Callum then looked at the Helm station and said "hold us at this range from that ship all stop but be ready to move the ship when they retaliate"

TAG: Cadets, Majesty Crew, Mr Halsey, Fighter Squadron
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer

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