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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Starbase Thrinacia
Main Gallery
1935 hrs

I had just finished eating my pudding which was strawberry mouse which was lovely. I sat back in my seat when I heard a message over the COMM from Admiral Malloway =/\= RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!=/\=
I got up as quickly as I could I looked over to where Callum was sat and he had gone so when I finally got out of the gallery I started to head for the Majesty as I was walking there I tapped my COMM badge and said =/\= Ensign Jackson to Lieutenant Commander Jackson I am heading to the ship now sir I will prep sick bay in case of an emergency is there anything else you want me to do=/\=
Command Control Deck
1941 hours

"Gentlemen, all at once is not warranted to request orders!" Steve snapped as his head flicked to the Lieutenant Commander and the Cadets as they had sped up towards him, the red alert lighting casting eery shadows across everyone's faces. Then his eyes widened with a thought. The odds could do with a Galaxy Class out there with the others.

As an officer began to dart past with a PADD, Steve reached out and snatched it, wiping its contents as he plumbed in data while speaking, his eyes remaining on the small screen as he issued orders. "Lieutenant Commander Jackson, you are hereby permitted TEMPORARY flight with the Majesty during this crisis. I am assigning crewmen to your vital areas but you WILL be on a skeleton crew. Get your ship ou there." Steve ordered, thrusting the PADD at Callam with the orders on it for docking control to receive. "And take these Cadets with you, they could be useful." He turned to the Cadets standing there watching him. "Cadets, you are with Lieutenant Commander Jackson, get to your stations on the USS Majesty, Galaxy Class and for the time being until this is over he is your direct Commanding Officer. Commander," He looked to Callam, "your primary objective is to act as defence to the Starbase, the majority of our resources went to the Gateway so both Thrinacia and Majesty will need each other; us with limited resources, you with limited crew. Dismissed!" He barked, turning back to the front of the deck as Megan approached and reported.

"all security personnel in position in and out of the station. All ships are in formation and an open comm to all of them. captain Woodcroft has reported they're ready and is waiting on others to report to her." she reported to him. As she said that she hears a voice coming over the comm again.

"Understood Commander, coordinate attacks with our people using the Starbase scanners." He ordered, overhearing Gillibrands attempts at communications over the comm. with the Cardassians. "And Megan, relay all scans to each ship; there's Tachyons out there, I wouldnt put it past those inbreds to have some form of cloak." He paused, accepting a PADD and placing his thumb to acknowledge its data. "And for the love of gods, would someone analysis all outgoing communications?! I wanna know how these bastards got wind of all this!"

"Admiral! The Cardassians have moved down to one half impulse power! Increasing time to weapons range now to almost 5 minutes!"

The Admiral paused, squinting his eyes somewhat as he took in what the Ensign said. "Why would they slow down?" He muttered aloud, straightening as he looked to the viewscreen at the ships around the Gateway. "Open a channel to our Fleet."

As the blirp echoed for an open line, Steve leant on the back of one of the chairs at a console as he spoke via audio only. =/\="All ships, this is Admiral Malloway. Stand your grounds. I know the odds dont look promising, at least 11 of them against limited of us but I know you all posess the skills that by far outreach theirs. All Fighters are to remain with the Gateway and Thrinacia, using the USS Majesty as aid, the rest of you are under the direction of your Taskforce Commanding Officer and Executive. Concentrate your resources as you see fit, you know your vessels. Malloway out."=/\= And the line was closed.

Steve turned to Connor. "Commander, we have a breach in security here somewhere and I want to know who. Work with Admiral Morgan and anyone else you need - find me this mole."

TAG: All you lovely people out there
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Starbase Thrinacia
Command Centre
1941 hrs

Callum was stood in front of Admiral Malloway he was thinking and then his eyes widened with a though the Admiral then reached out and snatched a PADD from an officer that was walking by he then wiped its contents and began putting in data while speaking to Callum the Admiral said "Lieutenant Commander Jackson, you are hereby permitted TEMPORARY flight with the Majesty during this crisis. I am assigning crewmen to your vital areas but you WILL be on a skeleton crew. Get your ship out there." The Admiral then thrust the PADD into Callum's hands with the orders on it for docking control to receive.  The Admiral then said "And take these Cadets with you, they could be useful." The Admiral then turned to the cadets that were there watching him and said "cadets, you are with Lieutenant Commander Jackson, get to you stations on the USS Majesty, Galaxy Class and for the time being until this is over he is your direct Commanding Officer" The Admiral then looked at Callum and said "your primary objective is to act as defence to the Starbase, the majority of our resources went to the gateway so both Thrinacia and Majesty will need each other; us with limited resources, you with limited crew Dismissed!" He barked the Admiral then turned back to the front of the deck as an officer approached him.

Just as Callum was about to speak to the Cadets he got a message through the COMM system =/\= Ensign Jackson to Lieutenant Commander Jackson I am heading to the ship now sir I will prep sick bay in case of an emergency is there anything else you want me to do=/\= he then tapped is own COMM badge and said =/\= yes bring the ship to red alert and keep the shields and weapons offline and beam me and the cadets aboard now but beam me directly to the bridge we are heading out=/\=  Callum then turned to the cadets and said "when we get aboard the ship get to your stations immediately as I would like to head out straight away" they then all disappeared in the normal transporter fashion.

USS Majesty
1943 hrs

Callum re-materialised on the bridge he then looked at the centre chair walked up to it and stood there for a minute. The turbo lift doors then opened which made Callum jump he looked up and saw the cadets stood there, he then said "Welcome aboard please take your stations" The cadets then nodded an approval and took their stations.  Callum then said to them all "I am Lieutenant Commander Callum Jackson hopefully at some point in this mission we will all get to know each other" He then looked over at the helm station and said "open a channel with docking control" The cadet on the helm station then responded with "yes sir channel open" Callum then went on to say "docking control this is Lieutenant Commander Callum Jackson, Commanding Officer USS Majesty we have been temporarily given clearance to take the ship out. We are heading out now" Docking Control then responded with "understood Majesty you are cleared to head out Docking Control out" Callum then said "We are heading out now Jackson out" he then signalled that he wanted the COMM channel closed the Cadet then responded "Channel closed sir".

Callum then said open a ship wide channel =/\= Jackson to all hands all decks we are heading out secure your stations Jackson out =/\= Callum then gave the following orders "Engineering bring all engines online, bring the sensors online, bring the structural integrity fields online and prepare to head out. Callum then said "Helm, take us out easy 1/4 impulse" The Cadet responded "aye sir 1/4 impulse heading out"

The helm then reported "we have cleared the outer section of the Starbase" Callum ordered "Raise shields, charge weapons, load torpedo bays" The Cadet on the Tactical station then responded "aye sir shields up weapons are charging now forward and aft torpedo bays loaded sir" Callum then responded with "brilliant. Now open a COMM channel with all ships and the Starbase and Helm hold a defensive posture in front of the Starbase facing the Cardassian ships that are approaching" Callum then asked "Please open a ship wide channel again" The cadet again responded "Channel open sir" Callum then sat down in his chair and said =/\= Jackson to all hands all decks prepare your stations for battle we have Cardassian war ships approaching our main priority is to protect the Starbase. As you know we have no second officer nor do we have a first officer as he is on LOA so I will be acting as the Commanding Officer and First Officer. Good luck to you all Jackson out=/\=

TAG: All available Majesty Crew and all cadets.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
Starbase Thrinacia
Command Centre
1941 hrs

William and the other Cadets acknowledged Admiral Malloway's orders to go with Lieutenant Commander
Jackson to the USS Majesty Wow. Just barely into this career and we have a Red Alert already. On top of that we are headed for a Galaxy! William listened intently as his new commanding officer said to him and the Cadets,
Quote:"when we get aboard the ship get to your stations immediately as I would like to head out straight away."
A moment later the group of Cadets and Lieutenant Commander Jackson beamed off the Starbase.

USS Majesty 
Transporter room
1942 hrs

William and the Cadets materialized in the Majesty's transporter room a moment later. William stepped off the platform and headed for the main turbolift with the Cadets close behind him. They stepped into the lift and the doors closed. "Bridge," William stated clearly.

USS Majesty 
1943 hrs

The doors of the turbolift opened on the Bridge level as Commander Jackson was admiring the captain’s chair. William listened to Jackson greet them and introduce himself and then he picked out an Engineering station as the group of Cadets fanned out across the Bridge. When Jackson ordered,
Quote:“Engineering bring all engines online, bring the sensors online, bring the structural integrity fields online and prepare to head out,”
William entered the appropriate commands into his console and then responded, “Engines are online, sensors online, integrity fields online. All systems are go sir.” The Commander then ordered the ship out of the Starbase and they took up a defensive position.

TAG: Lieutenant Commander Jackson, Cadets
USS Majesty
1947 hrs

Callum was sat in his chair when he realised that he still had the PADD in his hand that Admiral Malloway gave him a few minutes earlier as he had already read through it he put it down on the first Officers chair when the Cadet who was watching the scanners reported that two of the Cardassian Ships had broke formation and were heading right for the Starbase, at that point Callum tapped his COMM badge and said "Majesty to Thrinacia two Cardassian ships have broke formation and are on a intercept course with the Starbase I will move the Majesty so we are in a direct course and try to hold them off Jackson out"

Callum walked over to the helm station and said to the Cadet on that station "put this ship half way between the Starbase and the Cardassian's and then hold position until I order otherwise" The Cadet responded "yes sir ship in position" Callum then walked over to the tactical station and said "as soon as they come into weapons rang lock on to the primary weapons but do not fire until I say" The Cadet said "aye aye sir standing by"

Callum then went back to his seat and sat down in no time at all the Cardassian ships were in weapons range Tactical then reported that they have powered up their weapons and are taking an attack posture. Callum then said open a channel to both of the ships approaching" The cadet responded "channel open sir" Callum then stood up and continued "This is Lieutenant Commander Callum Jackson Commanding officer of the Federation Starship Majesty you have entered restricted space and have ignored hails from the USS Independence this is your last warning reverse course immediately or you will be" his transmission was interrupted because one of the Cardassian ships opened fire on the ship.

Callum then looked at the Tactical station and said "disable their weapons before they reach the Starbase" The Cadet responded "weapons locked on sire" Callum then sat down and said "FIRE and Tactical what is our torpedo complement" The Cadet at tactical responded "we have 110 photon Torpedo's on board sir" Callum then sat back in his chair and said "what is the status on the Cardassian's Cadet" the Cadet responded with "We have weakened the starboard shields sir" Callum then looked at the tactical station then back at the view screen and said "Fire a full spread of photon torpedo's and the Starboard weapons array" Tactical responded "locked on sir awaiting your order to fire" Callum then said "fire all the phaser banks simultaneously as the torpedo's. FIRE" The cadet fired and Callum then said "Cadet keep firing until you take out their weapons only their weapons do not destroy the ship" The Cadet responded with "aye sir coming about for another attack" Callum responded with "very good Cadet keep it up"

Callum then turned and looked at the Cadet who was watching the scanners and said "scan the target ship what is their status" The cadet responded after a few second with "Their starboard weapons are offline but" The cadet who was on the Tactical station said "sorry to interrupt you sir but they have just fired a full spread of photon torpedo's right at our warp core" Callum sharply turned around and said quickly "Helm evasive manoeuvres now" The Cadet frantically began to move the ship but the torpedo's hit the first torpedo hit the shields which weakened them the second broke through the third came into direct contact with the ships hull but luckily the fourth missed. The cadet on the Tactical station said "sir I have disabled the first ships primary weapons our scans show that we have also disable 3 of their torpedo launchers" Callum then said "what about the second where are they" The cadet on the Helm station responded about 100 kilometres from the Starbase they are powering their weapons sir" Callum then quickly said "Tactical get their attention quick fire a full spread of torpedo's and get them to detonate about 100 metres of their starboard side" The cadet responded "Aye aye sir firing now" just at that point a torpedo hit their hull again in the same area the jolt of it almost threw Callum out of his seat if he wasn't holding on to the arms of his chair Callum then shouted "DAMN IT" then he continued but talking normally this time "forgot about that other ship Tactical can we use our aft torpedo's to disable that ships other torpedo launcher" The cadet responded with "yes but as their shields have failed on that section we could cause a lot of damage sir" Callum then looked around and said "we have no choice only use a single torpedo. FIRE"

Just as the cadet fired the torpedo the Cardassian ship fired another which impacted with the hull again and at that point the cadet on the Engineering console said "sir we have a coolant leak in engineering we have to shut down the core manually permission to leave the bridge" Callum the turned around and said "get down their cadet but be careful I don't want to loose anybody on this mission understood" The Cadet responded with "understood sir" and walked over to the turbo lift and got in it the doors closed and he was gone Callum then swung round and said to the cadet on the tactical station "Cadet report on the other Cardassian ship" the cadet Responded with they have opened fire upon the Starbase sir" Callum then looked at the helm station and said "get us into weapons range of that ship" Callum then tapped his COMM badge and said =/\= Jackson to engineering report on the warp core=/\= Callum then got a response of =/\= we have taken the warp core offline and have began repairs now sir I am heading back up to the bridge=/\= Callum responded with =/\= very good cadet =/\= The cadet on tactical then said we are in weapons range now sir" Callum said to him "Cadet do exactly what you did with the last ship" the Cadet responded with "understood beginning attack sequence now sir" Callum then said to the Cadet on the science station "scan the area what is the condition of all the other ships and the gate" the Cadet responded with "The gate is fine sir some of the Cardassian ships have took considerable damage but I...I can't really get a lock sir. Sir the primary sensors have gone offline" Callum then said "Switch to secondary sensor systems" The Cadet on the Tactical station said "I have disabled the Cardassian ship sir" Callum responded "very good Cadet"

Callum then turned to the Helm and said "intercept that Cardassian ship that is coming up behind the Independence" The cadet responded "Aye aye sir setting a course engaging at full impulse" Callum responded with "very good Cadet how long until we get into weapons range" the Cadet said "approximately 6 minutes sir" At that point the Cadet that had been down to Engineering repapered on the bridge and said "the core is stable sir but we can't bring it online yet Callum looked at him and said "very good Cadet take your station"

TAG: Someone From Thrinacia, All Cadets and all the available Majesty Crew
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Majesty
1947 hrs

The Cardassian ships had opened fire on the Majesty and she was fighting back, determined to defend the Starbase and its secrets. William closely monitored his console as the ships exchanged fire. Suddenly alarm lights flashed on the console and William quickly realized they had a problem. William quickly assessed the damage and reported to the Commander, “Sir we have a coolant leak in engineering. We have to shut down the core manually. Permission to leave the bridge." Commander Jackson then turned around and said, "Get down there Cadet but be careful, I don't want to lose anybody on this mission, understood?" William responded with "understood sir" and walked over to the turbolift to go to Engineering.

USS Majesty
1948 hrs

William strode into Engineering with a purpose: to shut down the warp core and get a patch on the coolant pipe. He walked over to the primary control console and searched for the proper interface. Finding it he immediately input a code to shut down the core safely. Moments later the warp core promptly shut down and William looked for the coolant leak.  He found it and placed a temporary patch on the pipe which sealed the leak for now. William then received a message over his combadge, =/\= Jackson to engineering report on the warp core.=/\= William responded promptly by saying; =/\= We have taken the warp core offline and have begun repairs now sir I am heading back up to the bridge=/\= Jackson acknowledged:=/\= Very good cadet =/\=

USS Majesty
1950 hrs

William arrived back on the bridge to report on the situation and resume his station. He said to Commander Jackson, “The core is stable sir but we can't bring it online yet.” The Commander looked at him and said "Very good Cadet take your station,” which William promptly did.

TAG: Lieutenant Commander Jackson, Cadets
Command Centre
1936 hours


As the alert came across Draco could see senoir officers tapping thier comnbadges and disappearing from the room in flashes of blue and purple. He didnt have to say a thing. A simple look at Sage and Jack told them to get thier tails moving. With a snap in his turn Draco made his way to the door.  Sage and Jack in close tow behind him. Just before he made it to the corridor Draco tapped his conbadge
=^= Computer, set up a site to site transport for Commander Sage Targus and Lt. JG Jack Whillis to the Starfighter Hanger of teh USS Braveheart. Security clearacne Targus Alpha three Tango. =^= 
As the channel closed Sage and Jack disapeared, midstride in a haze of blue. By now Draco was in a full run. About 200 meters from the Main Gallery he ducked into a service junction and slid down a ladder till he reached the flight deck six levels below him.  He quickly exited the Service junction on the flight deck and took off running to his waiting craft.

" LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR. WE ARE TO PROTECT THE STATION AT ALL COST. MOUNT UP AND GOD'S SPEED" He barked as he stood on the top step to his cockpit. all teh pilots in the deck whipped up a whoa ra ah he climbed in and closed his cock pit.
Within seconds Draco Launched his craft with every flight worthy fighter and runabout in the station directly on his tail. He feverishly tapped in orders to his section leaders as well as to the CAGs of the fleets larger ships. As the entire of the stations completent collected in the cold void of space Draco took point placing his scout along with the 4 best pilots on the station inbetween the Station and gate.
=/\="All ships, this is Admiral Malloway. Stand your grounds. I know the odds dont look promising, at least 11 of them against limited of us but I know you all posess the skills that by far outreach theirs. All Fighters are to remain with the Gateway and Thrinacia, using the USS Majesty as aid, the rest of you are under the direction of your Taskforce Commanding Officer and Executive. Concentrate your resources as you see fit, you know your vessels. Malloway out."=/\=

Draco in Reply opened a channel to the fleets fighter complement. =^= Targus to all pilots. I want the Stations fighter to concentrait on protecting the gate while the shipo based fighter will cover the station. Commander Targus is in command of all Ship Based Fighter. Targus Out=^=
As the fighters took up position Draco saw an exchange of fire betwen the Majisty and a Cardassian ship. With in moments the Majesty had disabled the attacker but in the same she had been damaged.

=^= Admiral Targus to USS Majesty. I am deploying a squadren of fightrer to flank you as cover=^=

TAG: ALL, Jackson
Starbase Thrinaca
Main Gallery
1936 Hours

Melanie looks over at Falcon hearing the call over the commbadge and she gets up and taps her commbadge.

“All Thunderstorm personnel to the ship immediately! I repeat all Thunderstorm personnel to the ship. Woodcroft to Thunderstorm two to beam up” she ordered.

in the blink of eye Falcon and Woodcroft disappear in a haze of blue and reappear on pad in transporter room one. " Sorry Captain' He commented as he picked up his Captain and headed out the door headiong for the bridge. As the pair reached the turbolift Falcon set her back down just ion time for the lift door to open.

Melanie squeals slightly and looks around shocked. “what the hell.. Falcon..” she said as she watched where they were going and blushes. When he put her down she looked at him and straightened out her uniform.

“Falcon, as much as I liked that.. maybe you should do that when we’re not in such a hurry with a big mission?” she asked chuckling as they walked in the lift.

"I will try to remember that Captain." He replied with a grin as the door shut. " Bridge" Falcon barked as he removed his sidearm from its holster. With a jerk on the slide he insured that he was ready to handle an invasion of the bridge should it be needed. Seconds later the door opened and Melanie stepped out with Falcon close on her six. As she headed for the command chair He took up the tachical station. " All weapons are armed. Shields are ready to to go active as soon as we clear the spacedock doors." Transporter chief reports all personal will be on ship in thirty seconds."

Melanie nods going to her chair and sits down.

“good.. open a channel to all ships..” she ordered and the helm officer did so.

“channels open” the helm responded.

“this is captain Melanie Woodcroft, Taskforce XO. All ships get into formation immediately…protect the gate and the station at all costs!” she commanded. “All ships into formation! Weapons ready and not fire until they fire!” she commanded.

As the Channel to the Taskforce ships closed the ship's Helmsman emerged from the lift.  with a bit of speed and spring in his step he made his way to the COMM and took up tapping in commands.
"Releaseing docking clamps.  Manuvering Thursters at station keeping." He barked off as the release of the clamps could be heard. " permission to leave Spacedock Ma'am."

“granted..” she ordered and looked up at him.  “easy does it and keep your scanners open.. lets protect with all we can..” she added and got up heading over to the tactical and looking.

" Aye Ma'am." He torted Back as the ship clearly took into forword motion. " 100 meters to the spacedoors. ships ready to go to full impulse as soon as we are clear."

She nods and looks at the readings.

“excellent.. “ she called back and presses a button. “alright crew listen up!! We’re getting ready to engage the enemy.. Everyone as their posts.. make me proud.. I know this is one of the best crews in this fleet.. lets show them who not to deal with!” she exclaimed.

Falcon Looked over at Her as he called up the ships stores. " I think we have a small issue. We hadn't been fully loaded with torpedos yet." He commented as he pointed out that they were only carrying half the ship s normal complement. " More over, It appears that the Majesty has been fired on. She disabled one of the agressors and was damaged in the process. Her warp core is offline. "

Melanie goes down and stands behind him looking.

“damn..they told me it was fully loaded!” she exclaimed and sighed. “go to the Majesty. Cover their backs til they get to safety.” She ordered them.

" Damn is right captain" Replied Falcon as Kearney replied with Aye Ma'am. As the Ship cleared the spacedoor she banked sharply to the left and went to full impulse headed to give cover to the Majesty. " Captain," Toted up Falcon," It appears that a squadron of fighters is also takeing up position to cover the Majesty. "

She nodded.

“good.. lets let them be and protect the gate and Station.. weapons at the ready and tell me the readings..” she ordered.

Open Tag

JP between falcon and Melanie Woodcroft
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
USS Majesty
1950 hrs

Callum was sat back in his chair watching as the Cardassian ship sped up behind the Independence "Damn it" he thought to himself if only we could go to warp to get there faster callum then sharply said to the helm "how long until we intercept now" the Cadet on Helm replied with "5 minutes sir" Callum then thought "well I suppose that will have to do i just hope that the Independence has seen it" he then shook his head and thought again "what am i thinking if we can see it how close it is to them then surely they can see it" at that point the Cadet on the Helm station said "we have an incoming transmission from Admiral Targus sir" =/\= Majesty here sir go ahead =/\= Callum then heard =/\= Admiral Targus to USS Majesty. I am deploying a squadren of fightrer to flank you as cover=/\= Callum then responded with =/\= Thank you sir we hold this position until they arrive Majesty out =/\=

Shortly after that transmission the fighter squadron joined up with the Majesty Callum looked at the helm station and said "let's make up for lost time resume intercept course maximum engine power" Callum then turned sharply to the Engineering station and said "Mr Halsey is it possible to get any more speed without having to risk starting up the core again"

TAG: Majesty Crew,William Halsey, Rest of the Cadets.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer

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