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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Starbase Thrinacia
Main Gallery
1930 hrs

I had been aboard the Starbase all day I have to admit that it was rather boring as I was not on duty yet and had nothing to do I wish I had don’t what most of the other new officer had done and arrived now by shuttle craft but any way I knew what my Commanding Officer looked like but had not seen him in the main gallery yet but that is when my eyes fell on two officers stood over on the other side of the room I couldn’t see the officer that was stood in front of the other but then the other officer moved away and took a seat at a table nearby that is when I saw that is was my Commanding Officer and he was just about to sit back down so I got up quickly and walked over to him and said "sorry to interrupt you sir but you asked me to report in here"

TAG: Callum Jackson
Starbase Thrinacia
Main Gallery

I had just finished talking to my new first officer Aidan Brent as I went to go and take a seat back at the table I had just pulled out my seat to sit down again, I was rather looking forward to finally sitting down and eating as I was still rather hungry when I heard someone from behind me say "sorry to interrupt you sir but you asked me to report in here", I then turned around and I saw an Ensign wearing blue so I new straight away that she was my new Staff Physician I then saw that she had noticed my uniform so I said "I see that you have noticed my uniform then yes my first officer came to report in a few minutes ago and made me jump you might have seen him he is sat over there" I then pointed over to a table close to the one I was about to sit down at. I then carried on saying "if you don't mind reporting in tomorrow aboard the Majesty because I would like to eat my dinner before it gets cold and I am sure you would like to finish yours" she then saluted slightly and walked off. I then sat down and picked up my drink again I looked round before I took a sip of it, I then put it down and picked up my knife and fork and began to eat my roast chicken dinner. I enjoyed ever bite of it even knowing it wasn't that hot any more but I didn't mind. After I had finished eating I looked up at the head table and noticed that Admiral Malloway had still not returned I wondered where he had gone I hoped that something drastic hadn't happened. I then sat back in my seat and picked up the PADD that was sat next to me I thought to myself that I must review the deck layout of my ship as I didn't really know where anything was apart from the bridge, engineering, my quarters and my ready room so I began reading the deck layout before I knew it my pudding had arrived in front of me I looked at it and didn't really feel like eating anything else until I saw what it was it was a chocolate cheese cake so I put the PADD down and began devouring that again enjoying every bite. After I had finished that I looked up and out of the window and wondered which docking port the Majesty was at as I couldn't actually see her from where I was sitting so I picked up my drink and PADD again took a sip and finished reading the deck layout and ship specs.

TAG:Ann Jackson
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
OOC: Posting as Admiral Steve Malloway, Fleet CO, CO SB Thrinacia


Command Centre
1936 hours

"A blip? How can there be a 'blip' in the system?!" Steve yelled, astounded at such 'technical' terms used by his own staff. "This is the most advanced equipment in the sector, Lieutenant! There shouldnt be any blips! I was updated not 2 hours ago that this was all fine! And NOW you tell me you noticed a bli-"


Steve turned sharply as he was interupted, he could feel the vein in his forehead throbbing. "WHAT?!" He demanded, glaring right at the officer across the deck, who merely replied quietly requesting the Admiral come take a look himself. Right now he could be sat on his backside comfortably, eating a meal he had longed to allow his tastebuds to cover all day, but no. Here he was, babysitting the junior staff. What I wouldnt give for a large whiskey right now. Steve thought to himself as he moved across the deck to the station and peered at the console screen. His mind went blank of everything, immediately changing his posture and facial expressions as he straightened. His command instincts had set in.

"Lieutenant, confirm those readings." Steve pointed to another station, flicking his hand to the one before him and they allowed the Admiral to sit. He punched in codes, flicking screens through each other as he brought up scans and database information, cross-checking and cartographing the readings.

"Confirmed!" Came the reply, and Steve stood again, striding across to the console across the deck, one hand leaning on the back of the officers chair, the other on the edge of the console itself as his eyes darted back and forth at the blue and green flourescentscy (yes, may not be a word, but it sounded good...). "13, down to 11 all of a sudden. I double-checked myself. Definately some tachyon readings in there somewhere."

"We did not need this right now." The Fleet CO muttered, his eyes remaining on the readings before bringing up docking control stats and engineering routines. "Status of our own?"

"We have 8, including the Starbase Command, 9 including Thrinacia herself. The odds dont look promising."

"They'll have to do." Steve replied, straightening as he reached up with his left hand swiftly, his fingers tapping the commbadge on his chest as he opened a Fleet-wide channel. =/\="RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"=/\= Another tap shut the link down. "Have our fighter squadrons get to the Gateway, protect it at all costs, and get all functioning vessels out of the mushroom and into formation!"

Somehow, somewhen... the Cardassians had found out about the Gateway. Somehow, they were here to take the bounty.

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Main Gallery
1936 hours

Cadet Halsey was conversing with the other Cadets around the table he was sitting at. More Cadets had joined the group that he was in during the dinner and he had struck up conversations with them while eating concerning where they were from, what they were studying at the Academy and other related topics. Bjorn and Des had gone off talking with starship COs concerning potential assignments on their ships. Wow. We have barely started our Starfleet careers and some of us are already getting job offers! William thought I hope I will get some opportunity to put  my Engineering skills to the test sometime.

When William finished up his meal he placed his silverware on his plate at the 3 o'clock position, wiped his mouth with a napkin and signaled the waiter that he was done eating. As the waiter was picking up his plate a message came overeveryone's combadge: =/\="RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"=/\=

A Red Alert? What in the world is going on? I hope this isn't part of the ceremony. Deciding that it wasn't part of the ceremony he stood to his feet quickly as the rest of the Gallery erupted into chaos as officers of both ships and the Starbase scrambled to leave the Hall. Getting the attention of the other Cadets he stated firmly, "Alright men lets find a ranking officer and ask them what we should do."

TAG: All, Cadets, Any high ranking officer
OOC: Sorry, should have said - all Cadets to the Command Deck as Thrinacia protocol: report to Fleet CO and you'll receive orders.
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Main Gallery
1936 hours

Recalling Starbase protocol in case of a Red Alert that Cadets should go to the Command Deck, William said to his fellow Cadets, "Belay that last idea men. Protocol says that we should go to the command deck in case of a Red Alert. Don't worry about getting lost, I have the floor plans memorized." The other Cadets got to their feet while William collected Bjorn and Des.

The Cadets followed William to the nearest turbolift that served the entire station. After they entered the car William said "Command Deck". The doors closed and the turbolift car shot up the tube towards the Command Deck. A few moments later the doors opened again and William stepped out followed by the Cadets.

William figured that the Fleet CO would be in the center of action so he headed towards the middle of the deck. He entered the room where the Admiral would be and saw the Fleet CO. Walking straight up to Admiral Malloway with the Cadets following behind, William stopped and saluted smartly to the Admiral, "Cadet William Halsey and fellows reporting for duty sir as per orders."

TAG: Cadets, Admiral Malloway
Main Gallery
1936 hours

Bjorn was just walking back towards the table, with a full plate from the buffet, when he heard a message over his combadge: =/\="RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"=/\=

Bjorn was a bit startled for a moment..Red Alert? Now? Why? I didn´t expact that to happen.., Bjorn thought to himself. He came a bit to his senses and put his plate on the table where all the Cadets where. He noticed that William was already scrambling everyone.
Quote:"Belay that last idea men. Protocol says that we should go to the command deck in case of a Red Alert. Don't worry about getting lost, I have the floor plans memorized."
, William said.
Well, better follow him than, Bjorn thought to himself. He followed William to the turbolift and walked after him into the Command Center.
Quote:"Cadet William Halsey and fellows reporting for duty sir as per orders."
, William said.

Tag: All
Starbase Thrinacia
Main Gallery
1936 hrs

Callum was sat back in his chair reading through the ship's deck layout and the ship specs he was feeling excited to get to his ship but also in the back of his mind was wondering why Admiral Malloway had to leave so sudden. Just as he was about to pick up his drink again he heard =/\=RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL=/\=

He then got up straightened his uniform and began to walk quickly out of the main gallery but he was finding it difficult because the whole gallery was in mayhem officers everywhere trying to get to their stations, when he finally got out a little frustrated he was about to head straight for his ship but then remembered that he only had 3 crew members so far so he changed his mind and went for the turbo lift he had always hated the turbo lifts in case they broke down especially when they are at red alert because they could be hit by enemy fire and the turbo lift could brake down he got into the turbo lift with a few others he then took a deep breath and said "Command Centre".

As they were on their way Callum then looked around slightly to see who else was in the turbo lift with him and he found out that they were all cadets who were on their way to the Command Centre he then thought to himself "I wonder why they are on their way to the Comman" then he remembered that in the case of an emergency, then all the cadets are to report to the command centre to receive further instructions.

Starbase Thrinacia
Command Centre
1937 hrs

The turbo lift had come to a halt and Callum walked out with all the other cadets, the cadets went over to Admiral Malloway as Callum walked around amazed at how big it was he had expected it to be much smaller, Callum then looked over at Admiral Malloway the cadets had finished talking to him so he went over to him and said "sir as I cannot take my ship out what can I do to help"

TAG:Admiral Malloway.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
Starbase Thrinacia
Main Gallery
1936 hours

Following his conversation with Cadet Locker, Zack  had finished his meal quickly and began to mingle with his fellow officers and crew. Even though he was not a Taskforce CO, Zack still had a good deal of Command seniority among those of the 354th Oracles; he was a lot of fun to be around and generally quite popular with his peers and subordinates. Perhaps a bit too laid back for his own good--our at least enough to really annoy the Fleet brass.  Zack's mingling was interrupted by the somewhat panicked-sounding voice of Admiral Malloway.


Immediately Zack set in motion. Knowing the Starbase would want to scramble all available vessels immediately, Zack tapped his commbadge.

"Gillibrand to Independence."

Independence acknowledging, said his ship's Computer in its dull feminine monotone.

"Computer, begin orderly beam-out of all Independence personnel, authorization Gillibrand six-seven-five red. Beam Senior Staff directly to duty stations and put all engines on standby.  As soon as all staff are accounted for, go to Red Alert..."

Zack barely had time to finish his last command before he dematerialized in a blue-white curtain of light and reappeared on the bridge of his ship. Within a minute's time, the remainder of the Senior Staff had appeared at their stations.

"XO, are all personnel accounted for?" After he recieved an affirmative reply, Zack continued.  "Mister Kingsley, take us out. Fall into formation with the Braveheart, the Thunderstorm, the Agamemnon and the Star Fighters."

{open Tag}
USS Independence
1941 hours

"All Fleet ships this is Captain Melanie Woodcroft, TFXO. Form all around the gate and protect it! Agamemnon and Braveheart aft of the gate, Independence and the rest forward! Protect those fighters as well! Lets move!" she ordered sitting in her chair. "go to formation!" she added. " I also want a count off of all ships in the area! Open comms to all!" she ordered.

"You heard the Lady," said Zack as he sat down in his Command Chair.  "Mr. Haven, send confirmation to Captain Woodcroft that her orders are recieved...Mr. Kingsley, take us to the front of the line. Mr. Skal, full scan of whatever it is we're facing."

Zack waited a moment for his crew to carry out his orders and get him the requested information.  The Ops Chief put the signatures on screen, but it did not really help because of how far away they were.  He just hoped that the sensors would be better at identifying this possible threat.

"Captain," said Ensign Skal from the Ops console.  "We have eleven distinct signatures, along with some unusual tachyon readings. The vessels warp signatures make them out to be Cardassian warships."

Great, thought Zack. The return of the Spoon-Heads. How in the name of Gre'thor did they get the location of this deeply classified facility?

"Hailing frequencies," said Zack, getting up from his chair.

"No response," said Skal from Ops.

"Will they receive if we transmit?"

"Yes Captain. They can hear us, they just choose not to respond."

"Open a channel, Ensign."

"Open, Sir."

"Approaching vessels, this is Captain Zack Gillibrand of the Federation Starship Independence.  You have entered restricted space.  Reverse course immediately or we will be forced to retaliate.  I repeat, reverse course immediately or we will retaliate.  This is your only warning."

"No resopnse," said Ensign Skal after waiting several seconds.

"The Cardassians should have learned by now that the Federation likes to keep its best toys a secret.  Coordinate defensive pattern with the Thunderstorm tactical officer.  And bust out the quantum torpedos...if the Cardassians want to play hardball, the Independence is ready."

{tag: Independence crew}

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