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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
(Emma Wilkinson)

Conference Room Alpha
1326 Hours

Emma sat watching the various officers stand and put their idea’s across. Some were useful, others weren’t for this particular instance. Emma understood all the questions, and almost felt proud, that their little part of space was filled with the best and brightest, taking all this new information in and processing it very effectively.

When the USS Braveheart volunteered to be the first out into the wide unknown, Emma smiled slightly. When the question had been asked, she knew someone would snap at the chance and they had. The Braveheart…if she understood the information she had received…had recently changed Captains, so she was especially impressed at his attitude for taking the mission on.

The questions started dying down, and most of the questions had been answered easily and swiftly, so it looked like the briefing was winding down. She was looking forward to Steve’s face when he saw her again, seeming as they hadn’t seen each other for about ten years. He hadn’t looked her way or seen her during the briefing, so she already had the jump on him. Would he have noticed or twigged that she had been transferred to his station?
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Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia
Starbase Thrinicia
Conference room

As Melanie was collecting her stuff she looked up hearing connor and gave a confused look. "yes thats me.. um.." she said looking around. "you sure youre asking ME to assist? no one else bothered to pay attention to me.." she responded to him picking up the padds she had collected. "i'm sure you'll be fine without me.. "she added unsure. She wandered why out of all hte people she had talked in front of why this one was approaching her. No one really listened to her anyways as it was proven earlier so why now? she was flattered to be asked honestly, but she didnt know if it was to make her feel better, or if it was becuase she was skilled to do it. In her past people have done things to make her happy when they have downed her, Not cuase they thought she could do it. Only one that thought that was Steve i guess.. he HAD appointed her as TFXO.. but surely thats not cause of her skills.. or was it? she shook her head slightly to get it out of a fog and looked at Connor again. "you sure you want me? why ask me?" she asked him.

TAG: connor
N.B: briefing not over yet! dont be oving your butts from them seats! hehe XD
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Conference Room Alpha
1326 Hours

"You seem to have a low opinion of yourself Captain; I hope you re-evaluate your worth as you are a starship captain and that alone should be enough to convince you that you are something." Connor said with genuine sincerity. "I request that the Thunderstorm could escort the Braveheart and survey for a location, a distance away, to place a redundant relay station should the first one be taken out by surprise."

tag Melanie and still waiting on Trane

OOC: What does N.B stand for Steve?
Conference Room Alpha

"yes i may be a starship captain sir but its a bit more than that. I may be something but its not what you think. If i was something then maybe people would actually see it and not ignore it when i try to help or show that i am something like what happened earlier. I try to show i have ideas and they get ignored or pushed away. Its happened longer than you think but the thunderstorm will be happy to escort the Braveheart. Maybe this fleet will change my opinion of myself and they'll actually appreciate me. Other fleets haven't. We'll have to get together to work out the plan for the trip." she answered him. She knew he was trying to make her feel better about herself and he was being sincere and she saw that in him but he didnt know her past when it came to that kind of thing and she knew he'd understand. "its hard to explain what happened to me in my past when it comes to about me and my opinion of myself. Its hard to believe others right now after all that too. It has to be proven to me to really see it." she added shrugging. "like i said the thunderstorm will be happy to escort the braveheart. We'll work on the details after all this.." she added.

{Zack Gillibrand}

Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha
1329 hours

Zack sat quietly, sipping his Bolian tonic water and listening intently to the several simultaneous exchanges taking place.  He had to admit that he was vaguely disturbed by the fact that this Ambassador Ornixen's people utilized Gateway technology themselves, and even more disturbed by the fact that they "monitored" the usage of Gateway technology.  The fact that they did so seemed, to Zack, arrogant and presumptuous and slightly draconian.  This Ambassador's people were obviously on a much higher technological level than the Federation and the local powers in the Alpha Quadrant if they utilized the Gateways already--but somehow, this fact did not comfort Zack in the slightest.  Regardless of Zack's opinion in this matter, Admiral Malloway had chosen to take advantage of the Ambassador's experience; that was good enough for Zack, at least for the time being.

Zack also had been glad when Captain Trane--Ethan--had volunteered the Braveheart to place the relay station that Commander Blake had suggested, although he also thought that the least dangerous and most practical method was the probe Captain Woodcroft had suggested.  Nothing like volunteering for a potentially dangerous assignment right off the bat to get you started in your new command properly, thought Zack. He looked over to Ethan and his XO and favored both of them with a small smile and an encouraging nod.  Zack had been about to offer the Independence to escort the Braveheart when Commander Blake recommended Captain Woodcroft's vessel, the Thunderstorm.  Zack had been about to speak up, but listening further he saw that Woodcroft seemed to be having a crisis of confidence of sorts and that it would be better for her and her crew's morale if they escorted the Braveheart.  Zack was always happy to defer to one of his more junior colleagues if it meant improving Fleet morale.

[open tag]
Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha
1329 hours | Malone Martize

Malone sat quietly, having nothing useful or interesting to comment on about the Gateway at the moment. He looked over and smiled, nodding towards Melanie. It's awesome that her ship has been selected to escort the Braveheart and can't wait til everything begins.

He did listen quietly as Melanie and Mr.Blake spoke. Melanie is really humble when it comes to fullfilling her already superior records. However, the thought reoccured in his head about the classifed information that came with him to go to Admiral Malloway.
'What ever it is...can it have something to do with that gate?' He thought silently.

tag - open
OOC: My apologies for not posting as of late, been crazy with work (mucho overtime) and family during the holidays, also bit of back posting to catch up.

Starbase Thrinacea
Conferemnce Room Alpha
1325 Hours

Ethan heard a voice speak up from another part of the room. Looking around, his eyes finally fell on the speaker, another Admiral. He recognized the man from the file of one of his new crew, the flight wing Commander, Sage Targus.

Geez, am I on of the only ones here that’s not an Admiral? he thought with a grin on his face.

Ethan listened as the Admiral make a suggestion about all ships having fighters with them. The point was made moot by the Fleet Admiral when he announced that he would leave it to each CO to determine the want or need for a fighter squadron. A he sat listening to the various comments and retorts; he noticed the Captain who was in charge of the relay station the Braveheart would be delivering.

Connor turned to Ethan. "Captain Trane, may I ask how long it will take for the Braveheart to be ready for departure? I will have the relay station parts loaded into one of your cargobays and a few starbase engineers accompany me once your ready."

“Looks like it will be a bit longer than expected. Once this meeting is over, we’ll have another to discuss the ins and outs of the mission with the three of us,” he said nodding at both captains and added, “once that is over, I’ll need time to prep the ship and crew.”

Ethan continued, “I am sure the crew would be ready at a moments notice, however, at last report I was still missing a few of the crew. The ship is ready now though, I don’t believe there is anything more than needs to be done to her. Once I get the information, I’ll relay it to you. If you want you can begin the upload of the relay station now.”

Waiting for a reply, he turned to Jemma and said, “Looks like a roundup of the department heads is going to be in order for another briefing.” Today would be a day of briefings, a day that would give him his fill of meetings. 

Tag: Connor, Jemma anyone else who wants in
Conferance Room Alpha
1325 hrs

"Admiral, whilst I agree that a 'pre-scout' of the area our ships are heading into is a good idea, I am more inclined to agree with Ms Woodcroft's suggestion of sending through a probe, if anything. On that matter I will leave it to the individual Commanding Officer's to approach you on the matter of squadron assignments; I would recommend that fighters form-up with our vessels however and act as an escort rather than a scout. The idea behind the gateway is the added facility to explore - which is why I'd rather our crews themselves all hit head-on what they might find." He turned to look at the COs and XOs. "I know that each and every one of yourselves and your crews are more than capable to rally against, or with, whatever is out there. You wouldnt be assigned to this Fleet otherwise. If any Commander would like a fighter squadron sent through before them, please speak with Admiral Targus and his department.

I don't need to tell you all that this is something big. I'd like to assume it's bigger than any of you had thought this briefing could have been about, but I know that not everyone in command can keep their mouths shut and some leaks may have sprung. Again, I don't need to tell you all to watch how you handle things. Each of you are in command positions because we believe you have what it takes. You have the strengths where others may not. You have my confidence. Now, does anyone have anything else? You will each receive detailed schematics and data on the project after the ceremony this evening, but in the meantime has anyone's cogs been turned in their heads?"

Draco listened as Steve replied and went on to tell the other officers that he felt they were more than ready to handle what ever the gate would offer them. Draco again looked in the direction of Captain Trane  and Retired Captain McGriff and nodded again in approval of them stepping up to the task. As he sat back down he pulled a PADD from his inner pocket of his over jacket and started to tap out a list of ideas to bring to the rest of the Command Staff, Following his list he tapped out a short message to Sage, two simple but fully understood words to the fighter community, " TALLY HO".

Draco knew full well that what is on the other side of that gate could either be a great aid to Starfleet. or be the death of the entire quadrant. But in the true spirit of Starfleet, they would all handle what ever came to be with honor and pride.

(Jemma Grax)

Conference Room Alpha
1326 Hours
“Looks like a roundup of the department heads is going to be in order for another briefing.” Ethan stated with a smile.

Jemma grinned back but replied with… “Well…with the party later, it might be best to leave yet another briefing till tomorrow.” She stated hoping he would think it best too. What with the briefing still going on, and the party to come later which would probably last most of the evening, they would all be tired and no doubt ready to turn in.

“I’m sure were not expected to leave before tomorrow anyway…we haven’t even seen this gateway yet, let alone been given the go. Plus as you said…were still short a few crew.” She reminded not wanting either of them to get ahead of themselves. “One step at a time!” She added with a smile, before turning back to look at the front of the room again.

As for the fighter assistance…Jemma wasn’t sure what she thought. On one hand they could be useful if anything went south, but then again they had managed first contact so far without too much of a problem, so why should this be any different. Either way, it was down to Ethan and not herself, although she was sure she would be asked her opinion before the final decision was made. If only she could make that decision.

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Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia

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