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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
USS Independence
2004 hrs

Captain Gillibrand responded to Jack with the order to take the auxiliary generators offline so Jack turned to begin shutting them down when he continued speaking and said
Quote:"Cut life support to minimum levels and divert every last watt of energy from non-essential systems. Looks like we will need to work without a safety net."
so Jack replied with "Aye sir" and he then tapped in the commands to shut the generators down and cut the life support to minimum levels when he noticed that the generators had come back online odd I'm sure I shut them down, but maybe I'm just jumping a head of myself he thought to himself. Jack looked back over his controls and shut down the auxiliary generators he then double checked that he shut them down and moved on to diverting power to the defence systems.

Once he had finished diverting power he noticed that some how the generators had reactivated them selves or someone was overriding his controls so he sat back for a minute to think when he had an idea he was going to try and fool what ever or who ever was doing this so he began the shut down sequence on the generators again and simultaneously Jack began a level 5 diagnostic on the generators he only managed to get a bit of data before the generators shut down and the scans were blocked but he managed to pick up a device in bedded in one of the auxiliary generators so he quickly ran a level 5 diagnostic on the main power generators and found the same device they both had a Cardassian signature Hang on what is this....surely not as the Captain had left the bridge earlier he said "Lieutenant Commander Soghla` I have picked up a device in bedded in the auxiliary and main power generators it is preventing me from shutting them down and if I am reading this correctly then they seem to have a homing device in planted in them. What are you order's?"

TAG: tamyoH Soghla`, Zack Gillibrand, Open.
Starbase Thrinacia
2010 Hours

Megan looked over at Conner and nodded.

"yes sir.." she responded and she started tapping into the Security Console. As she taps in it looking at Areas she saw a few area that had cardissian biosigns and tapped faster touching the areas were the signs were and a blue tint appeared on the screen.

"they been shielded in sir." she told connor as she headed out and tapped her commbadge. "All security personnel and ambassader to these areas! Engineering, weapons, VIP areas, the Gate control room..  she ordered. "Commander Blake please inform us of anymore. She added as she walked out going down the hall away from the command center. she headed down the halls and two came up on her out of the blue. she ducked under their shots from their phasors and she kicked both their knees to knock them down. she missed one and it kicked her phasor away from her hands and punched her in the face. she falls back rolling over her hand on her nose and she coughs. When she sees the one coming towards her about to grab her,  she rolls over and grabs her phasor and shoots him square in the chest. she gets up slowly putting her hand under her nose to see if it was bleeding and it came back with blood. before she could do anything else she gets knocked down from behind by the other cardiassion. He puts her to the floor and she grunts starting to fight him and tries to roll around to get to him. He hits her on the head and she grunts and tries not to fall unconcious and she elbows him in the face and he falls back and she rolls on her side and shoots him and she collaspes exhausted and coughs. she slowly and weakly tap her commbadge.

"officer down.. command cooridor.. medical assistance.."she said weakly as she passes out.

2030 Hours

Megan moans as she starts to come to and she slowly opens her eyes.

"welcome back commander.." a nurse said to her. Megan looks around and rubs her head where she had a headache.

"ow.." she said and she slowly sits up looking around. "what.. " she started to say but the nurse interrupted her.

"you're in the medbay.. you called out just before you passed out. You took quite a beating..Your officers have the ones who attacked you and others as well..who they found so far.." the nurse told her. Megan gets off the bed and starts to head out.

"thanks." she said before the nurse or the med doctor could stop her. she heads off towards the command center and taps her commbadge.

"All security personnel report in" she ordered. voices responded to her over the comm.

=/\=reporting in ma'am.. we have the cardassians in the brig. we're still looking around.=/\= the last man reported. Megan walks into the commander center.

"good man.. keep up with it and keep heavy guard at the one in or out but command and security.. only the ones assigned to you and the ones you call to switch." she added and headed over to the security console and starts typing in. she touches her head where shew as hit and winces slightly. "god i hate headaches.." she said to herself as she started working, her face still bruised up some from the attack and she blinks some getting her focus as she works.

TAG all

USS Agamemon
Bridge | Flt.Capt. Martize
2013 hrs

Martize looked at tactical.

"Do you have a tracking of that Command Vessel?" He asked.

"Currently holding it's position in rear flank of the enemy." Tactical officer said.
"I'm not exactly sure what kind of ship it is, but its definately handing out orders." He said.

Martize nodded. This was offcial, they needed to go after that ship. Maybe they'll be able to get information from them on this attack. He looked at his console and opened a channel to Moorehead.
"Lieutinent Moorehead. Prepare a boarding party and make sure your armed." He said.

Agamemon | Marine Bay

This was a first for the Private 2nd Class sitting on the bench. The first battle, first time he's actually gotten into the fight. It was time to show what trainning had prepared him for. Drill Sargent Kelly had beat the every day drills into him...the manuvers, the stealth...

He had to ask himself one last question tho...was he ready for this.

He shifted slightly as the ship jolted from a stray round to it's sheilds. The fight was still going on. He grabbed his rifle to check over it one last time, setting the butt right atop of his jacket, name embroderment saying 'Avery' in white letters. It's amazing that Black Ops had anything in bright colors on their clouthing.

TAG: Moorehead - Open
USS Braveheart
2013 hours

=^= ...hazard team? I suggest you deploy them to the Cardassian flagship and find out who told them about us. =^= Marek had entered the bridge just in time to hear the last of the communique and smiled. It was his, and that of his team, time to shine; he turned to Ethan who nodded back at the Romulan.

"Go," Ethan said simply.

Marek was already in the turbolift. =^= Lovok to Hazard Team, suit up. We're boarding the enemy flagship. =^= He ordered the lift to take him to the barracks so he to could out his gear on.

2018 hours

They were ready and now came the tricky part; getting them on board the Cardassian flagship. Marek was at the transporter console and his team standing on the transport platform; he saw them assuming poses which amused him before he realised he should inform the Bridge that they needed the shields down and the Braveheart to be in range of the flagship.

=^= Lovok to Bridge, we're ready; need the shields down for five seconds for transport, or better yet a section of the shields missing for the transport transmission to travel through. =^=

Ethan came back with a countdown after a small pause in the link as the Braveheart took a few hits. =^= 3...2...1. Now! =^=

Marek nodded to the hazard team coordinator, who was operating the transporter console, and the team watched as their world vanished to be replaced by that of the interior of a Cardassian ship.

Cardassian Flagship
2022 hours

“Okay standard search and data retrieval guys,” Marek ordered and they followed the Romulan in standard ‘diamond’ formation to cover any corridors they encountered.

2004 hours

“...I have picked up a device in bedded in the auxiliary and main power generators it is preventing me from shutting them down and if I am reading this correctly then they seem to have a homing device in planted in them. What are your orders?”

Eamon overheard the operations officer and growled. “A homing beacon preventing the generators shut down sequence!” He hated it when things did not go smoothly or wrong for that matter; he assumed the engineering station from the relief officer there and got to work.

Though it would have been simpler to just go down to the generators and disconnect the offending device, which it may come to, but Eamon was sure he could program the generators to overload. That would trigger the failsafe and shut down the generators allowing some engineers to get in, extract the device then get out before the automatic restart macro.

Suddenly he realised that this would leave the Independence without shields or weapons on the battlefield. Eamon turned to the Captain. “I suggest we dock for the procedure then rejoin the battle Captain.” He said just as he finished the programming and saved it in a macro the ship sustained a strong hit and the engineering console sparked before exploding.

He was thrown a meter away from his console and burned, Eamon fought to stay awake.

tag Indy crew!
Marine Bay- USS Agamemon
2016 hrs

Moorehead looked at his men as the orders came through from the Captain. With a nod they all secured the weapons and made way to the transporter pad. The team of operators that He had with him where some of the best trained in Starfleet. All of them trained and highly recommended. As the seven man team stepped onto the pad Moorehead, or as he was commonly called , Night Owl, took position in the center of the pad with his team all faceing outwards from that point.

=^=Ghost one to Bridge, waiting on a go/no go. =^=

As He waited for the reply mike turned in his spot tapping the shoulder of each and every man looking of a thumbs up or down from them. the first man was  brute of a operator. standing a near on two and a third meters tall and build like a defencive lineman of a game they called football in the old days. he was callsigned "Lead" due to to his ability to feel like a piece of lad falling on you if he brought the rain down on you, well that and the amount of fire power or 'lead' he would level down range.

The Second man, "Snake" was a slinder man standing about a meter and a half tall. A weapons master, highly trained in close combat weapons systems. Somewhere in his youth he discovered that he was able to dislocate most of his joints and slip out of or though spaces that most could not.

Operator 3, commonly known as “Babal”, was the linguist of the group. He spoke most languages and dialects than most people ever cared to think of. He was also a specialist in proticol. He was able to look, walk and talk the part in most every enviroment.

The fourth man. An old roughed up looking Marine Gunny, was known just simply as that, GUNNY. He was a lifer in the corps. He lived breathed and would die in only the fashion that was allowed and acceptable to being a Starfleet Marine, in battle protecting the citizens of the Federation. He vowed that he would die in such a way that made it an honor to have the colors of the Federation draped his casket.

Operator Five, known as “ace” was the team sniper. A highly trained and well trusted  operator, although the nature of his position and assignments meant that only a few people were alive that actually knew what he looked like. His face is always covered. To protect him as an asset to the Federation.

And last but certainly never least was “Bella”, the only female in the unit but on of the most dangerous of the group. She was the explosives expert. If it needed to be blown open, up or just disarmed she was the one in the line of fire doing it.

With all his crew showing a thumbs up Mike checked his sidearm and nodded to the transporter chief they were ready.


OOC: sorry had a slight writers block going on

Carddassian  Hieki Patrol vessel

Once the bridge was clear and the Cardassian Captain was transported to the Thunderstorm Falcon started setting to the business of getting the ship underway. At the helm he placed a young Ensign that was one of the marine details lead pilots. The rest of the detail fell into positions that suited there skill sets.
“ Tactical open a channel to the Thunderstorm and the Agamemon.”
“ Aye sir, Channel open. Captains, I am going to fall into formation with the fleet and start repairs while my Cryptos start debugging the main computer over here. I have Major Doa starting on a secured connection so that you all at the starbase can get a real time feed of what they are finding.”
TAG: FCapt Martize and Capt Woodcroft
As he awaited their reply Falcon pulled out a small PADD and started to tap in a series of commands. Unknown to his team he was feeding information to Admiral Targus as to the ships location and making sure that the fighters realized that she was now a friendly, not a foe.
After a few seconds Admiral Targus replied with one word, Dragon. Falcon knew that his message had been received and understood. Unknown to him though, there was a cloaked ship just below him that was waiting for the time to pounce.

OOC: I have plans for this ship “cloaked” ship
Command I will be sending you a PM on my plans it

USS Thunderstorm
2018 Hours

Melanie sat down in her chair and pulled up a console to look at readings when a message came through from Zack. She sighed and shook her head and put it away for later. "there's always one that doesn't like their commanding officers." she mumbled to herself as she looked at more readings. Suddenly she heard Falcons voice cover over the comm.

Captains, I am going to fall into formation with the fleet and start repairs while my Cryptos start debugging the main computer over here. I have Major Doa starting on a secured connection so that you all at the starbase can get a real time feed of what they are finding.”

Melanie tapped her commbadge nodding.

"understood Falcon. Good job people on getting this ship in our control. Alright fleet lets cover our bases and make sure there are no other enemy ships out there. you all know your positions. Falcon i suggest you take that patrol vessel to safety line to do repairs and get any information you can from it first before you think about using it to our advantage.. Better check it for traps and things." she responded sitting back down. "Alright fleet formation.. ships that need to be repaired head to safe haven to do so. I want all ships to report in their status and scanning progress.. also crew statuses as well" she responded.

((OOC: Question, when did the Braveheart move into position to intercept the flagship?))

USS Agamemnon
2019 Hours

Malone watched the screen as the battleship approched the position of where the Flagship was. It was definatly a Cardassian Warship. As soon as the Agamemon came into range, their engines started.
"Bring their shields down." Malone ordered. The battleship's phasors battered the command ship's shields. The Warship fired back on the Agamemnon's shields.

=^=Ghost one to Bridge, waiting on a go/no go. =^=

Malone nodded and responded.

//Standby.// He said as the ship shook. This tug of war against shields was gonna take a moment. However, it ended quick as the Warship's shields caved, just as it's engines got propelling foreward.

//Ghost one, you are green light. We'll keep close, but hang tight, were gonna beam onboard moving.// He said and nodded to the tactical officer. He responded and iticiated transport, locking to a large empty cordoor near it's center.

"Lock to their engines. make sure they're dead in the water if they try to jump." Martize ordered.

//Aye sir, Channel open. Captains, I am going to fall into formation with the fleet and start repairs while my Cryptos start debugging the main computer over here. I have Major Doa starting on a secured connection so that you all at the starbase can get a real time feed of what they are finding.” //

"Understood. Beware, you got friendlies coming aboard. We'll guard your wing." Malone said as the Agamemnon placed itself in a vantage point to guard the patrol ship, looking like a bodyguard.

Alright fleet formation.. ships that need to be repaired head to safe haven to do so. I want all ships to report in their status and scanning progress.. also crew statuses as well

"This is the Agamemon, were fine here. How are you holding up, Captain." Malone asked and then opened a channel to Thrinica.
"Starbase Thrinica, this is the Agamemnon. How many cracks you guys got?" He asked.

Tag: ALL
Cardassian Flagship
Cooridor leading to bridge

The GHOSTs materialized in the intersection of two cooridors near the bridge of the Flagship. With stealth and what appeared to be corigraphed movements the team took up a position covering the approach in all directions. Mike tapped Ace on the shoulder and motioned for him to move up tword the bridge. Bella moved around to cover the flank while Gunny moved in behind Ace to cover him as he moved up. As Ace and Gunny made it to the next intersection they held fast as the rest of the team moved back to the safety of the secured cooridor. At the rear of the group was Lead. As the team made it to the intersection Ace and Gunny check the cross walk. Mike motioned for Snake and Bella to move up the bridge doors. They approached and covered the doors to the bridge while Ace and guny moved up and took a kneeling postion next to them. The Moorehead moved up and took up a position directly covering the center of the door. Last at the door was Lead. He took a prone position at the base of the door .
Mike signaled for Bella to open the door in her standard fashion. As the doors blew open the Blood Spoonheads opened fire on them. Lead laid down a level of cover fire while Ace and Gunny cross fired into the bridge. On the count of three Lead, Ace and Gunny held fire and allowed Bella and Snake to sweep into the bridge before they laid down another round of cover fire. The Cardies fought heavily and with a valor that would almost be that of a Marine. Moorehead under estimated the resestance that he would receive. The spoonheads were not backing off and seemed to be holding the Ghosts at bay.
With a tap of his combadge Mie opened a channel
=^=Ghost one to Brave One we are attempting to take the bridge and need assistance, Respond please. =^=


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