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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
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Command Deck
2005 hours

Quote:Connor was about to issue an order when he heard Steve's voice from behind; he turned and smiled. "Admiral! Where have you been? Anyway, communications is being jammed, we are adapting the frequencies but the Cardassians are adjusting their jamming devices. The Majesty suffered extreme damaged and has docked for repairs while the rest of the fleet is taking less and giving the Cardassians a run for their money, as you humans say, the starbase shields is holding at eighty-nine percent and we're firing at will. What are your orders?"

Steve nodded, moving across the Connor and leaning on the console in the centre of the deck, his eyes gazing at the data streaming over on the Fleet. "Keep mustering all reserve power to our defence grids, I'd rather keep us alive than biting back. Our ants out there can do the damage-giving." He replied, looking up to Connor as they were informed communications were back, but only temporarily, which when a call came in from the Independence.

Quote:"I'm sure you are aware that we're taking a beating Sir. Independence is carrying a limited quantity of Specialized Ordinance TPP Mark One," said Zack, referring to the transphasic weapons by their official technical designation. "Request permission to deploy."

Before the Admiral could reply, he gripped the console as the deck shook against a barrage, the Independence looking to take several herself as Zack's attention was caught by reports his own end. Overhearing the orders it didnt sound too good. A few moments later, orders issued here and there, Zack turned back to the screen.

Quote:"Now, about the TPP Mark One? We can end this quickly if you allow me to use the transphasic torpedos."

"Right now Captain our own forces are too near those ships-"

"Admiral, Thunderstorm has boarded the Hideki!"

Steve glared at the officer who had interupted. A simple piece of information that could have waited until AFTER the Fleet CO had finished. The Lieutenant looked away immediately back to his console. "Contact our ships, have them move from their targets and try to draw them away from Thrinacia, as soon as they're clear, give as many as you can - but DO NOT fire on any ships within range of the blasts. Our losses have been too great. You know your stuff Captain, Malloway out."

With a nod, the channel was closed, the main viewer returning to the battle as a crewman handed Steve a PADD. "Commander," The Admiral looked up to the XO, "liase with Commander Goodyear, assign more security forces to aid Ambassador Ornixen - Cardassians are now moving to board other decks, not just the Promenade." As he ordered the Commander's instruction he reached up and hit his commbadge. =/\=Malloway to Ambassador Ornixen, status down there?"=/\=

TAG: Gillibrand, Blake, Goodyear, Ornixen and Majesty team
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
USS Independence
2007 hrs

Zack nodded quickly to Admiral Malloway as he issued orders regarding the transphasic torpedos. Their Fleet's chances of coming out of this alive had just increased by a significant margin. As the Independence banked hard to starboard--barely missing a volley of torpedos--Zack turned toward his tactical officer.

"Mr. Haven," he began. "I need you to calculate the minimum safe distance for our ships  to survive a transphasic pulse, then add 5,000 kilometers for good measure. I need that number ASAP. Send it to the Fleet using emergency channel Silver-6. And get me the Fleet on a secure channel."

"Open, Captain."

"Melanie, Malone, Ethan, and all fighter pilots...I'm gonna make this quick. I have been given authorization to use transphasic torpedos. Admiral Malloway's orders are to try and draw the enemy away from Thrinacia as much ad possible, then pull away a safe distance so the weapons can be deployed. My tactical officer is sending the minimum safe distance on emergency channel Silver-6. All vessels please acknowledge this message. End transmission. And load all transphasic warheads in the forward launcher. We only have ten shots to take, so make them count."

[tag: Melanie, Malone, Ethan, fighter pilots]

USS Thunderstorm
Enroute to Bridge
2010 Hours

Melanie stopped hearing the comm from Zack and her face goes to shock and then anger. He went over her and Malones head to the admiral! How dare he! she was going to get with him after the mission was done and have a nice chat with him. and calling people by their first name? specially your superior officers? that was unacceptable. she shakes her head heading to the bridge and goes to her seat.

"Helm open a channel to the independenance." she ordered and the helm officer saw her face and cringed. she turns in her chair and does as told.

"open ma'am" she reported.

"USS Independance this is the USS Thunderstorm.. we acknowledge your transmission. you didn't notify me or fleet captain martize about your torpedoes and for now on captain you'll address me as captain woodcroft.. Not Melanie. We will move to the safe distance." she replied and looked at the helm. "open channel to the fleet.." she ordered and the helm did as told. she looked up again

"Fleet this is Captain Woodcroft.. You are to move away at a safe distance as been suggested by captain Gillibrand BUT.. cover their six's and draw the enemy away from them so they can plant their charges.. Braveheart cover their six.. Fighters lets detour the enemy away from them.. Fighters that are protecting the gate hold your position.. helm.. lets lure them away.. captain your plan better succeed.. and captain.." she said and mutes the comm to the fleet to where only Gillibrand could hear.  "DONT go over our heads again.. you report to us is that understood?" she warned sternly and then opened the comm to the fleet again. "all ships i want your reports in ASAP of your postiions!" she ordered.

TAG: all
USS Independence
2011 hrs

So, shw wants to play hard ball with me, does she? Zack thought to himself. That pompous little rar'nik. Fuming, Zack got up abruptly from his seat and spoke tersely to his First Officer. "Hold position here for a few moments, Commander. You have the Bridge." Zack stormed into his Ready Room, leaving a somewhat bewildered--and perhaps a little frightened--Senior Staff in his wake. Zack sat down at his desk, took three deep and calming breaths and opened a private communiquè file; he listed the recipient as Captain Melanie Woodcroft, CO of USS Thunderstorm. Zack pushed a button on his computer controls and began recording.

"Captain Woodcroft. As I'm sure you have noticed, I have taken the liberty of NOT embarassing you in front of your Bridge officers," said Zack in an even tone of voice except for his emphasis on the word Captain. "I would appreciate if you would extend the same courtesy to me in the future--otherwise our dealings will be unpleasant for both of us. Next, it is not part if my job to 'inform you' about the armaments my vessel carries; as Task Force Executive Officer,  that us infornation you can access under your personal clearance code. I suggest you take the time to read that infornation. Third, as I am certain you are aware of...being a former Security and Tactical Chief can only deploy transphasic torpedos with the authorization of a Flag Officer, regardless of who is next in the Chain of Command. And lastly, not bark at me like I am a dog. It's just flat out unprofessional and downright rude. Give me courtesy and I promise you courtesy in return. That's all. Gillibrand out.  Computer, deliver that message to Captain Woodcroft's inbox as soon as possible."

Acknowledged said the Computer.

Zack got up from his seat and returned to the Bridge. "Is everything ready?" He recieved affirmative responses all around. "Okay then...find us a target and blow them out of the sky."

[open tag]
USS Agamemnon
Bridge | Flt.Capt.Martize
2010 Hours

The damaged ship that took down the federation ship had tooken a beating.

"Shields are down on the enemy ship." One of the personnel called.

"Sink them." Martize said with a slight bitter tone in his voice.

The battleship fired a 2 volley torpedo spread into the enemy ship. It soon exploded into flames, debris flying from the it as it quickly dispated into the vaccuum of space.

'Vengence has been obtained.' Malone thought as he looked to the tactical officer.
"Give me a sitrep on the enemy's patterns." He said.

"Their lines are still strong and advancing their attacks on our ships. Most have focused their attack on Thrinicia." Tactical replied.

Melanie, Malone, Ethan, and all fighter pilots...I'm gonna make this quick. I have been given authorization to use transphasic torpedos. Admiral Malloway's orders are to try and draw the enemy away from Thrinacia as much ad possible, then pull away a safe distance so the weapons can be deployed. My tactical officer is sending the minimum safe distance on emergency channel Silver-6. All vessels please acknowledge this message

Malone listened in before hearing Melanie's transmission cut in moments later.

Fleet this is Captain Woodcroft.. You are to move away at a safe distance as been suggested by captain Gillibrand BUT.. cover their six's and draw the enemy away from them so they can plant their charges.. Braveheart cover their six.. Fighters lets detour the enemy away from them.. Fighters that are protecting the gate hold your position.. helm.. lets lure them away.. captain your plan better succeed.

Martize sighed softly.

"Sir, were picking up call shouts coming from a position further out of the battlezone. It's appears encrypted, but the enemy is defeantly responding to it." The intellegence officer said.

'must be a command type ship...' He thought and opened a channel to all ships.

//Fleet this is Agamemnon, I don't think these guys are attacking at random. Picking up crypted comm chatter on their frequencies and they seem to be responding to it. Independence, I have to ask that you hold your attack until we get a chance to comfirm. If it's their command vessel, they might try to make a run for it if we take them all down. We'll provide rear cover for you. All active in the fight ships, what's your status?//

Tag: COs

USS Independence
Bridge | Lt. Haven
2011 hrs

Mr. Haven

John had just came back onto the bridge after dealing with the boarding eariler.

I need you to calculate the minimum safe distance for our ships  to survive a transphasic pulse, then add 5,000 kilometers for good measure. I need that number ASAP. Send it to the Fleet using emergency channel Silver-6. And get me the Fleet on a secure channel."

"I'll get that in a second sir." John said as he shoved the tactical officer standing in his spot aside gently and typed in the possiblty.

"Pulse will be lethal to any ship within 21,000 kilometers from blast radius. I recommend at least a good 26 kilos would be good." He said as he got ready to send the number, setting up the secure freqeuncy message.

Tag: Zack
Starbase Thrinacia
2004 hrs

Just before Ambassador Ornixen could speak Callum quickly said "Sorry to interrupt again but did you hear that sounded as if" he only got that far because a group of Cardassian's broke through the barricade they all quickly pulled out their weapons and began to defend them selves.

Callum quickly grabbed his rifle but couldn't hold it properly because of his left arm so he threw it over his right shoulder and he grabbed his phaser and aimed it at a Cardassian and fired it and hit it right in the chest which knocked him down to the ground but at that point another one fired at Callum and it only just missed because Callum's rifle fell of his shoulder and he tripped over it so he crawled over to a bit of debris which was once part of the barricade and stayed knelt there a few second later he quickly popped up and shot a Cardassian in the back of the head and he quickly ducked back down again, when he heard more footsteps so he peeked over the top of the crate and saw even more Cardassian's so he quickly tapped his COMM Badge and whispered =/\= Jackson to Ornixen, I have an idea but it is risky if we can lure them into the Airlock I can then open the Majesty's Airlock so I can get out of it and then seal both of them and decompress the Airlocks but I will need cover to unlock the Airlock, but do you think it will work?=/\=

TAG: Majesty Crew, Cadets, Ornixen.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
Starbase Thrinacia
2004 hrs

I looked at Callum and thought he was crazy to try such a thing... But.... Crazy has worked for us so far. I stepped towards him with a grin and charged my rifle.

"Lock and load commander! I will back you up." The Advanced Compression rifle was a rapid fire pulse rifle used in the Dominion War. It was the modern version of the American "Maverick" rifle. "Commander, I think the cadets and I need to form a parameter around the airlock. Do we have snipers and assault rifles to mix up our attack?"

I looked at my rifle energy and realized I had already used half of the energy. I needed to recharge before I ran out but could not see any tactical chargers anywhere.

=^=Cadet Locker to Commander Conner ,where can I get more ammo for my gun?"

TAG: Callum, Conner, Cadets
Starbase Thrinacia
2004 hrs

Connor was busy working on keeping the starbase protected by re-routing power, though he had the repair teams on open intercom and keeping their to-do list growing. He was taken by surprise when one of the Cadets contacted him directly.

=^= 'Ammo'? Cadet there should be an armory with phaser power packs four doors down from your location. Oh by the way my surname is Blake. =^= Connor told the Cadet before a repair team leader announced that they had fixed a key power distribution relay allowing the shield generators additional energy strengthening the shield bubble by 20 percent.

Later Steve instructed that additional security be sent to other areas now occupied by Cardassian boarders. Connor of course answered. "Aye sir," and gestured to the Chief of Station Security. "Lock down those areas with force fields Commander Goodyear and when the Cardassians are trapped let your security teams and the Ambassador know where," Connor firmly suggested; he knew she was quite capable at doing her job but one can always offer ideas.

Connor had a thought about how they could find out how the Cardassians found Thrinacia and the gateway. =^= Blake to Braveheart, you have a hazard team? I suggest you deploy them to the Cardassian flagship and find out who told them about us. =^=

tag Braveheart, Cadet Locker, Goodyear
Starbase Thrinacia
2004 hrs

Cadet Locker must of heard what Callum was saying to the Ambassador although that wouldn't be hard as he is only about 10ft away from me he thought to himself, because the Cadet stepped closer to him and charged his rifle whilst saying
Quote:Lock and load commander! I will back you up."
Callum stood there thinking of how they should go about this when the cadet said
Quote:"Commander, I think the cadets and I need to form a parameter around the airlock. Do we have snipers and assault rifles to mix up our attack?"
before Callum could respond the cadet had tapped his COMM badge and said
Quote:=^=Cadet Locker to Commander Conner ,where can I get more ammo for my gun?=^=
so Callum quickly said after Commander Blake had finished speaking "here have my rifle I can't hold it anyway" Callum put his phaser in its holster and picked up the rile and handed it to the Cadet and then continued "you know I have no idea, I just grabbed the first weapons I saw if you want you can have a look in the armoury the Commander was on about but be sure to get back quickly as I am going to head over to the Majesty and open the Airlock now"

The Cadet went off looking for the armoury the Commander was on about when Callum tapped his COMM badge again and said =/\= Jackson to Cadets I need your help, I need you all to form a parameter around the Airlock and keep the Cardassian's attention just long enough for me to unlock the Majesty's Airlock and then when I give you the signal force them all into the airlock and seal it up with me inside I will then go through the Majesty's and seal that one as well we will then decompress the Airlock. I am now going to go and unlock the Airlock get into formation, Jackson out =/\= Callum tapped his COMM badge to close the channel and then began to move towards the Airlock.

Callum had managed to make it over to the end of the debris but he still had about 20ft until the Airlock and there was a Cardassian right at the door he knew if he fired it would get the attention of the others so he recoiled a few feet and tapped his COMM badge and said =/\= Jackson to Majesty=/\= the computer responded with *Majesty here, standing by* Callum continued with =/\= Computer unlock and open Airlock number 3 Voice Authorisation Jackson, C. Lieutenant Commander, Commanding Officer, USS Majesty=/\= the computer then beeped and Callum heard the Airlock open, The Cardassian turned around to look what was going on and headed onto the Majesty Callum followed closely behind the second the Cardassian stepped onto the Majesty the intruder alert went off Callum was also on the Majesty so he said "Computer stand down intruder alert" the computer beeped and the alarm went off but of course the Cardassian swung round but before he had time to register that Callum was stood behind him he fell to the ground dead. Callum then turned around looking through the Airlocks and taps his COMM badge and says =/\= begin to move them in now=/\= he taps it again to close it.

Callum points his phaser right into the middle of the Cardassian group and fires which gets there attention and Callum shouts "OI YOU SPOON HEADS, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE THIS SHIP" after shouting that they begin to advance on Callum, one of them fired at him and he barely dodged it he retaliated straight away and took the Cardassian out. when most of them had got into the Airlock Callum punched in the command to seal the Majesty's Airlock but before he pressed the last button he weighted until one of the Cadets signalled him that they are going to seal the Starbase's because that would mean they are all in.

TAG: Cadet Locker, All Cadets, Majesty Crew, and Ornixen.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer

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