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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
USS Majesty
1953 hrs

William arrived in Engineering and went straight to the fomerly leaky coolant pipe. His patch was holding strong and he could see no problems with it. In order to reinforce it so he could turn the core to full power he placed more of the same type of patches around the original and then took a large sheet of tritanium-big enough to cover the spot and welded it down. Making sure that there wouldn't be any side aeffects of his patching William went over to the central control console and cranked the core to full power.

All of a sudden William heard a humming sound. The warp drive had been engaged--warp factor 2 by what the console said. He then received a message over his commbadge,
Quote:=/\= Jackson to Mr Halsey our shield generator has been damaged and is losing power will it be possible for you to fix in the battle field before=/\=
Another torpedo struck the ship interupting the Commander who quickly finished,
Quote:=/\= it seems we have another problem the upper shields have failed=/\=

The warp drive's speed increased to factor 5 and the humming of the drive increased in volume and the coolant leak didn't give any trouble. William quickly pressed his commbadge and said, =/\= Halsey to Commander Jackson. I've done the best I can do with the core and the coolant leak. The core is fully online and functioning normally so all power to weapons and shields are completely restored. As for the shield generator I'll have to go to its location and see what I can do. Halsey out=/\=

TAG: Jackson, All
USS Independence
1955 hrs

For the time being, the security staff had the intruder situation under control. Zack had learned from his service on the Vermillion during the Dominion War to never underestimate the Cardassian capacity for cruelty, however; all available security personnel had been dispatched to the critical areas of Enginrering, Sickbay abd the Bridge just in case. The Agamemnon had just hailed them, requesting a status update from the primary fleet vessels. Zack traded a look with Ensign Skal at Ops, then nodded indicating that a channel was to be opened.

"Independence to Agamemnon," said Zack, his voice an utter mask of calm.  "We are currently repelling boarders. Situation is yellow, borderline red. Minor structural damage, shields restored. Close channel.  XO, Tac display on screen."

The forward viewer came to life, with silver arrowheads denoting Starfleet forces and the strange, menancing emblem of the Obsidian Order representing Cardassian forces. There was one craft that was not identified as part of either fleet, and the design did not match anything in current Federation databases. It was, however, taking up a firing position between a Galor-class cruiser and Thrinacia.

"Send the unidentified vessel a coded friend or foe acknowledge..." Zack stopped in mid-sentence as the unidentified ship opened fire on the Cardassian warship.  "Belay that, we have our answer. Looks like that craft is starting to go on the offensive. If we are going to turn the tide of this battle, we need to bring the fight to them. Tactical, ready attack pattern Epsilon Four Five. And try to integrate this unknown craft into our attack plan--they seem to pack a punch." Zack nodded to the Klingon XO manning the Tactical station, and she nodded in return. "Qapla, Commander. Execute attack pattern."

{tag: Indy crew, Amb. Ornixen, open}
OOC: Posting as Malloway


Command Deck
1953 hours

"Report on Intrusion." Steve called out, walking around the railing as he gripped it during a small shockwave. The attack on Thrinacia had luckily began to drive back with the aid from the Fleet.

"We've got 2 team of Cardassians on the Promenade, made up of about 9 officers average in each. Our teams are holding there own to a degree and it would seem Ambassador Ornixen has begun aiding one of our teams."

The Admiral raised an eyebrow slightly. "How the merry hell did he get there?" He asked aloud, not wanting an answer as he stood up properly, his eyes seeking out Connor. "Commander Blake, you have the Deck!" Steve called over above all the other reports being called amongst the teams on duty. Before anything more could be said, Steve was in the turbolift and directing it to the Promenade.

Main Promenade
1955 hours

The turbolift doors hissed open slowly, slower than usual as Steve stepped forwards to edge through keeping himself low. Power distribution, always from the turbolifts first. Damn mechanics. He thought to himself as he looked this way and that. It was oddly quiet, no activity down this end. Trust the turbolift to take him to the wrong section. Steve moved delicately across the deck, accessing a weapons locker on the far wall to the turbolift to pull out a standard Phaser Rifle. Checking the energy cell he carried on round the corner slowly, one foot edging out infront of the other as he kept his ears and eyes at full alert to any movement or noise.

Sure enough, the noise came. Disruptor fire, phaser fire, yells and commands met the Admiral's ears as he sped up, banking on towards the security forces. Luckily he was their side, and not the Cardassians. THAT would have been interesting to get around. As he stepped to the back of the group, one of the senior officers hung back from his position, keeping himself and the Admiral low. "Sir, we've got 11 of them counted, raining down fire pretty sharply. They've taken out 1 of my men," he paused, nodding to the singed corpse they had pulled out of the way. A crewman, hadnt even made Ensign. Another loss, "we've not managed any of their's as yet. However the Ambassador's aid has been a godsend."

Steve nodded. "Understood, lets see if we can get some of these guys back for our own losses." He ordered, patting the other on the shoulder as he went back to his position.

TAG: Ornixen. JP?
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Main Promenade
1955 hours

As the lead security officer went forwards to his old position, Steve knelt down on one knee, covering down the eyes of the still Crewman. As he slowly began looking upwards, the Admiral’s eyes locked with one of the Cardassian’s and he raised the rifle. In unison both fired their weapon, missing one another for the blockade each had snuck behind.

“Bloody spoonheads.” Steve grumbled, peering round then zipping back as weapons fire struck back at them all once more. “Anyone taken any out yet?”

Ornixen was struggling to keep the deflector field going and the concentration was visible on his forehead.  A number of Cardassians had taken shots at him, but his personal shields were holding easily.  "Not yet, but I'm not sure how long I can keep this deflector field up, Admiral.  The metaparticles in this area aren't nearly high enough."

Steve glanced up at Ornixen, raining out a few shots from his Rifle to distract 2 Cardassians attempting to lodge in some shots to the Security team. “Ambassador, give the word and the team will hold back to cover if you need to remove the field.” He called out over several disruptor shots to the barricade he knelt behind. Another shot rang through, nipping the shoulder of a Security officer who ignored it to fire back.

"Actually, if you can lay down sufficient suppressing fire, I can get my sword out and turn this fight around, but we've got to move quick, the other cardassian team is trying to flank around us," Ornixen called back, quickly formulating a plan.

“You heard him people, show these intruders not to mess with Thrinacia and her peeps!” The Admiral ordered, moving swiftly to lean over the top of the hull fragment he’d been behind, aiming quickly with one eye down the barrel of the Rifle he held to begin firing multiple shots out, the officers following suit.

As the federation officers opened fire and the Cardassians ducked for cover themselves, Ornixen quickly dropped the deflector field, teleported his staff back to the Firestorm and drew his sword.  In a blink, he was across the way, behind the Cardassians and attacking them from the back, quickly distracting them as they scrambled to fire at him.

“You know the drill.” Steve commanded, standing again to rain in fire across the way towards the team of Cardassians as they attempted to recover their assets and batter their confusion amongst the appearance of Ornixen. As some began against the Ambassador, others returned to the Thrinacia team attack, firing back but with significantly less numbers than before they found themselves having to retreat behind hull pieces or upturn tables for cover.

“2 down!”

Steve heard one of the team call out, ducking behind his cover again as did the rest during a shockwave from what felt like a torpedo hit the Starbase. Sparks flew out from a conduit nearby and the glass in another shop window shattered just off from their location. It was at this time that Steve registered the damage around him. For something so big, Thrinacia was taking more than he thought she could regardless, and it made him proud. “2 isnt enough!” He roared suddenly, spurred on by his command’s resilience to get more and more into the battle.

Ornixen continued to press the attack, beheading one Cardassian who had turned his attention to the security forces.  Turning around, he reached out with his mind and started to fling the cover away from the enemy forces, slamming pieces of hull into various Cardassians, crushing two more of them and leaving the rest exposed.

The opportunity arose and Steve stood again, jumping over the hull piece as he pushed on his rifle to mass out fire towards the remaining Cardassians, he took one down easily as a shot hit him to the chest. The Cardassian fell back, almost tripping to land square on the deck. The other officers followed suit and sprang out and forwards, 2 of the team dropping due to inexperience or a lucky shot from the opposition. The Admiral didn’t sway, save for the occasional move to dodge pulse from disruptors his way.

As another Cardie fell, Ornixen released a shockwave, knocking the remaining enemies over.  Sheathing his sword, he reached out and ripped the weapons out of the enemys hands and tossed them back towards the security officers before lifting two of the enemies into the air and flinging shards of glass into the major arteries of the other three.  "We've got this one, team.  Admiral, what do you want me to do with these last two?"
That was just the question though. So many lives had been taken so far during this engagement, lives that these Cardassians would need to pay for. Steve gritted his teeth, placing the Rifle over his shoulder using the strap. He looked at the Cardassians suspended in mid-air as they glared at him, recognizing the 4 pips to his collar, knowing he was the Admiral.

“Ambassador… there are no survivors to this team.” Steve murmured through his teeth, turning his back to the Cardassians to look at the security team stood there. Just the other lot to find.

Ornixen quickly dropped the Cardassians and in one fluid motion, drew his sword and beheaded them both before turning around.

Firestorm, can you get a lock onto the second cardassian group?

Affirmative, they have realized that you have dispatched their other team and are on their way to Ops

Thank you.

“Admiral, the other group is trying to make it to Ops.  May I suggest shutting down the turbolifts entirely?”

“Computer, shut down turbolift access to the Command Decks, authorisation Malloway-Alpha-6-9.” Steve called out, the computer chirping in the affirmative that the codes were accepted. He nodded to Ornixen. “The Cardassians aren’t stupid – they’ll know there is more than one way to skin a cat. If they want up there, they’ll get up there.” He paused, bringing his rifle down from his shoulder to hold it ready for action. “They’ll be after the data on the Gateway. We’re going after them.”

“Lead the way, Admiral,” Ornixen said, sheathing his sword and pulling out a small blaster pistol.

JP by Admiral Malloway and Ornixen
TAG Open
OOC Posting as the Firestorm

Firestorm, Engaging in Battle
1955 hours

It only took a couple of minutes for the Firestorm to find the right frequency and critically destabilize the Galor's warp core, causing it to explode in a brilliant explosion.

USS Independence requesting aid in tactical formation one of the Firestorm's child processes reported.

=/\= USS Independence, this is the Firestorm, alter weapons to 548 MHz and follow me against the Keldon at bearing 147 mark 285, distance: 5.8 km.  Focus your fire on their main deflector, my sensors are detecting an instability in their shields starting to form at that point. =/\=

Sir, the Galor is down and I am altering course to attack the lead Keldon-class vessel.  Shields are holding and sensors are detecting two Galor-class ships converging on my location.

Acknowledge, Firestorm, keep it icy up there and don't show off.  Also, any progress on the tachyon emissions we were detecting?

Not yet, I'm having difficulties isolating the signature

Keep me posted.  Keep those torpedoes off of the station as best you can as well and be ready for anything.

Will do.

=/\= Dragon Squadron, form up on me and alter weapons frequency to 548 Mhz for increased shield penetration.  Phoenix Squadron, take care of the station and that patrol vessel. =/\=

TAG Gillibrand, Targus
USS Majesty : Lt Cmdr Jackson, Cadet Halsey and Cadet Locker [JP]
1954 hrs

William was in Engineering looking at a Deck by Deck layout of the ship wondering which deck the shield generator was on but he couldn't find it. Finally giving up on finding the deck he pressed his commbadge and said, =/\= Engineering Cadet Halsey to Tranporter Room 1. I need a site-to-site transport from Engineering to the location of shield generator 1. Energize when ready. Halsey out=/\= A moment later William de-materialized from Main Engineering.

USS Majesty
Shield Generator 1 | Deck Unknown
1954 hrs

William slowly materialized in the chamber where shield generator 1 was located. When the transport process was over he quickly saw the damaged generator about five feet from him. He walked over to it and began examining the damage. He quickly determined the problem was the power relay coupling that was attached to a power conduit coming from Engineering, the relay coupling to the shield projecter was damaged and a lot of wiring within the generator itself was fried. He could replace all of it but the ship would have no shields in this sector as he was working because the generator needed to be shut down. William quickly pressed his badge and said, =/\= Halsey to the Bridge. I'm here at the generator and its taken some damage but I can repair it now. The only problem is that I need to shut down the generator to work on it. Proceeding with repairs. Halsey out.=/\=

USS Majesty
1954 hrs

Callum sat in his seat looking at the view screen which had been set to look behind them in case they were followed it seemed that the Cardassian's didn't pursue them but remained in the battle field shortly after they arrived at the co-ordinates and came to an all stop then swung the ship around too look out over the battle field Callum then received a message from the computer requesting transport authorisation Callum then responded with "Authorisation Jackson-9159-alpha the computer then replied *Authorisation acknowledged.

Callum then tapped his COMM badge =/\= Bridge to Mr Halsey acknowledged on the warp core are you sure we don't need to take it offline to check for further damage?  proceed with the shield generator we are holding our position here until we get our weapons fully online and shields charge to near full please contact me when or if you fix the generator also I have given you full control over transporter control so you don't have to use the turbo lifts you can move around a lot faster if you wish=/\=

Callum then said "Computer allow full transporter control temporally to Cadet William Halsey Authorisation Jackson-beta-5-beta  the computer then responded *Transporter control has been established with Cadet William Halsey*

USS Majesty
Shield Generator 1 | Deck Unkown

As William began his work on the generator he continued his conversation with Jackson =/\= Captain our warp core will not need to be shut down. I made sure that all repairs that could be made were made. The core and coolant pipe won't give us any trouble unless you decided to put us at warp 8 or above. Trust me sir I've been working on warp drive components for nine years. Thank you for the transporter control it will help me get around faster. Proceeding with repairs. Halsey out=/\=

William ended the communication and began his work. First he replaced the relay from the generator to the projector then taking the fried wiring out of the generator and the got new wire and correctly  put the new wiring into the generator. Finally he replaced the relay module attached to the generator that came from the warp core. With everything fixed William threw the switch to activate the generator The whole repair took approximately one minute. The shield generator powered up to full power. =/\= Halsey to the Bridge. The generator is fixed. You should have full shield power in a few moments. Returning to the Bridge now. Halsey out.=/\=

USS Majesty
1955 hrs

"Commander, we have another problem, but I think Halsey can fix this too. The Artificial gravity generator has taken damage, it is located twenty-five meters aft of the shield generator." Des shouted across the bridge. At that point the maim view screen on the Bridge exploded with shattering debris impacting some of the command crew on the Bridge. Des was struck in his right arm with a shard of metal and was bleeding just a little. Commander Jackson was thrown out his chair but held on as the Bridge's atmosphere vented out the large gaping hole. Everyone in the Bridge held on for dear life hoping the the emergency force field engaged. Only moments later it did. No one was seriously hurt.

USS Majesty
Shield Generator 1 | Deck unknown
1955 hours

William then said, " Computer, transport me to the Bridge please." *Warning; Bridge viewscreen has exploded - atmosphere has been venting. Emergency force field activated. Do you wish to transport still?* "No computer is there anything else on this deck that needs work and how is the fire on deck 26?" *The artificial gravity generator has taken damage. It s 25 meters aft of here. The fire is under control.* William headed for the artificial gravity generator but pressed his commbadge saying, =/\= Halsey to the Bridge. I am aware of your damage up there. The computer has alerted me that the artificial gravity generator needs work. Halsey out.=/\=

USS Majesty
1955 hrs

Callum was sat in the centre chair they had come to a full stop and turned around to face the battle field when Cadet locker reported that the artificial gravity generator had been damaged so Callum was about to contact Cadet Halsey when the view screen blew up throwing debris everywhere Callum was hit as he was trying to move out the way as was half of the bridge crew where the view screen used to be was a massive hole the whole bridge crew was holding on for dear life praying for the emergency force field to engage just as Callum lost his grip on his chair and began hurling towards the hull breach just as the force field engaged. Callum then got up to his feet and turned around to look at the view screen or a hole the air was still a little thin on the bridge so Callum said "Cadet Locker report on the life support systems. And is everyone all right"

Callum could see that Cadet locker had been hit by something and was bleeding and Callum had broken his left arm from being thrown across the bridge so Callum tapped he tapped his COMM badge and said =/\= bridge to sickbay please send a medical team to the battle bridge=/\= Callum then looked at all the bridge officers and said "We are evacuating the bridge so that we can conserve power by not using the emergency force field and because life support is failing on this deck please go to the battle bridge immediately" Callum then said "Computer Transfer all operations to the Battle bridge deck 8 authorisation Jackson-3361-delta" the computer then responded *all command operations transferred to deck 8 battle bridge*

USS Majesty
Artificial Gravity Generator | Deck Unknown
1955 hours

William walked from the shield generator to the artificial gravity generator so he could see what the trouble was. When he got to hs destination he looked over the generator. Hmmm. Lets see exactly what the damage is, he thought, Looks like a blown power coupler not a problem to fix, I just need a replacement. There was a spare part bin a few feet away from which he grabbed a new power coupler. William removed the old, burnt out part and replaced it with the new part. There all fixed. I should be able to resume my station on the bridge now. But with a thin atmosphere on the Bridge they probably relocated to the Battle Bridge.

William pressed his commbadge and said, =/\= Halsey to Commander Jackson. I have fixed the Artificial Gravity generator in addition to the Shield Generator. Since you have relocated to the Battle Bridge I'llbe coming up now. Halsey out. =/\= William then told the computer, "Computer please beam me to the Battle Bridge." *Affirmative* repied the Computer and then William dissapeared in a beam of blue light

USS Majesty
Battle Bridge
1955 hrs

Once all the crew were accounted for on the Battle Bridge the medical officer turned up at the bridge and put Callum's arm in a cast and said that he is to go to sick bay the second he can do so then Callum received a message from Cadet Halsey informing him that he was returning to the Battle bridge soon after that Cadet Halsey materialised on the battle bridge Callum then looked at him and said "Will you be able to activate the emergency bulk head that seals of the main bridge from here so we can shut down the force field to conserve power or will you have to go to engineering?"

USS Majesty
Battle Bridge
1956 hrs

William materialized on the Battle Bridge next to the Engineering station. The Bridge crew was already there and the Commander asked William,"Will you be able to activate the emergency bulk head that seals off the main bridge from here so we can shut down the force field to conserve power or will you have to go to engineering?"
William replied by saying, "Yes I can activate that from here." He truned to the Engineering console and entered the appropriate commands. Suddenly they could hear the noise of Emergency bulkheads closing shut. Once they were closed, William entered another command that shut down the Bridge force field.

With that done he checked over the other situations. The fire on deck 26 was fizzling out and the torpedo bay was being put back together so it could be used. Both of the generators he had repaired were running fine, the weapons and shields were fully charged and the warp core was fully operational. The Majesty was repaired and ready to get back to the fight. Turning back to Jackson, William reported all this and said, " Sir the ship is fully repaired and is ready to return to battle.

USS Majesty
Battle Bridge
1956 hrs

Mr Halsey reported that he could close the emergency bulk head from the battle bridge shortly after they all heard the noise of the bulk head being closed then Mr Halsey reported to Callum that they could return to the battle field because they had made sufficient repairs so Callum then said "helm take us back to the battle field warp 6 hold around the station" Callum then tapped his COMM badge and said =/\= Majesty to fighter squadron we will be returning to the battle field at warp 6=/\=

Callum then looked at the Helm and said "Engage" He then turned to Cadet Locker and said "once we get to the Starbase we will implement the Corkscrew manoeuvre just though I should let you know"
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer

Main Gallery
1920 hours

Marek was enjoying chatting and eating with his new friends from the Braveheart and those he was making on the starbase; though he kept much to himself considering his position within Intelligence as his training became second nature to him.

1936 hours

When the red alert sounded and the lighting turned red, Marek almost jumped out of his skin. He looked at his friends and each one exchanged glances before they all got to their feet before heading back to the Braveheart.

Marek was on the way out with them; he wondered what could possibly be happening at a classified base. ~ Unless... ~ He didn’t get to finish the thought and would check with his superiors at Starfleet Intelligence once back on the Braveheart.

Braveheart, Bridge
1941 hours

He found the captain. “Sir, permission to take the hazard team and board one of the damaged Cardassian ships to find out how they discovered Thrinacia?” Marek asked of Ethan.

tag Ethan
USS Agamenmon
Bridge | Malone Martize
1951 Hours

=/\= Sir we have managed to bring our core online but only with partial power it seems at the moment that our shields are holding but we have minor damage to the hull on deck 36 Main Engineering as our shields failed there but we have shut down life support on unused decks to compensate for power to boost them. but apart from that the Majesty is in relatively good condition but that last hit seems to have taken 1 of our forward torpedo bay's offline sir.=/\=

He heard Jackson's reply and nodded, and listened for the next

=/\=Independence to Agamemnon, We are currently repelling boarders. Situation is yellow, borderline red. Minor structural damage, shields restored.=/\=

Good to hear Zack, however, he gotten worried when he didn't hear the Thunderstorm's reply just yet.

"Helm, get ready to-" He stopped as a transmission was broadcasted from Thrincia.

=/\=”This is Admiral Malloway to all ships. The Cockerel has been destroyed. Get what you can from those bast-“=/\=

Malone looked at the comm console.
"Communications on Thrinica have been abruptly cut short seems like thy've been boarded."

He gripped his seat tightly in anger. This unprevoked attack had now claimed lives. This was the time to end this.
"Weapons CON, do not spare a torpedo when you have the chance...let's sink these bastards."
"Track the ship that took down the Cockerel. He's gonna share the same fate..." He said.

Tag open
USS Majesty
Sick Bay
1955 hrs

I was catching up on my paper work in Sick Bay when the Bridge called me and said
Quote:=/\= bridge to sickbay please send a medical team to the battle bridge=/\=
I replied with =/\=acknowledged, on my way=/\= I then got up, picked up my medical equipment and headed to the battle bridge. As I walked out of the door I stepped into a dimly lit corridor with the ominous glow of the red lighting and walked to the Turbo Lift, I stepped inside and said "Deck 8, Battle Bridge", the doors shut and the lift took me to the Battle Bridge.

USS Majesty
Battle Bridge
1956 hrs

I arrived on the Battle Bridge to see that a few of the Bridge crew had been injured but none life threatening.  I then looked at the Commander, it appeared that his left arm was broken, I then said "Sir,you need to come to sick bay the second you can", I then gave the Commander some pain relief and put his left arm into a sling.  I then left the Battle Bridge to return to Sick Bay, as I was heading to the Turbo lift  as I heard the emergency bulk heads for the main bridge being sealed and the warp drive being engaged. I then stepped inside the Turbo Lift and said "Deck 12 Sick Bay" the Turbo Lift came to  a halt, I stepped off and walked down the corridor and into sick bay.

TAG: Callum Jackson and Bridge Crew.
USS Jaggedier, Wildcat Class - Captain Farlh in Command (NPC)
1958 hours


The bridge shook again from yet another volley of weaponsfire against the vessel as consoles sparked and crew shielded their faces for what seemed like the millionth time. The situation on the Jaggedier was not looking good.

"Shields down to 22%! Aft weapons completely offline with hull breaches across mulitple decks!" Came the reply as the deck shook again.

"Damn!" Captain Farlh called, gripping his chair before standing up and turning to the tactical station. "Arm what you can, fire it on the Cardassian ship the Majesty is whipping out at, see if you can lend them a hand or two." The Tactical officer nodded, his hands dancing over his console expertly as he followed orders. "Engineering, give me as much power to boost the shields as you can, evacuate non-essential decks and re-route power from there. I dont care what you do, just give me my shields back!"

A spark on the viewscreen caught the Captain's eyes as he looked back to see the tail-end of one of the Galor's snap from the vessel itself, but it did not sway them from their attack. Instead, it urged them on. Closer.

Farlh's eyes widened in horror as he watched, immediately snapping to the helm. "Helm, evasive manauvres, get us out of-"

But it was too late. The Galor disappeared in an explosive fireworks display, taking the Jaggedier with it as collision ensued. The Jaggedier was lost.
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier

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