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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Main Gallery
1920 hours

Connor had wondered why Steve left so suddenly; he was sure it couldn't be anything relating to the running of the base for he had taken care of pretty much any issue that could occur. So must have been fleet related and couldn't wait, Connor hated that he could only help the Admiral by keeping starbase operations running smoothly.

Though he knew it was keeping one less thing off the Admiral's mind which Connor was happy with for the life of a flag officer is extremely time consuming causing much tension and stress. Connor thought about forcing Steve to take a break but most officers, flag and line alike, can become defensive which can lead to many irrational regrettable actions and words later on.

However with the dining experience starting Connor focused on the delightful smells from the meals; he began eating once everyone except Steve received their food. He every so often looked around to see everyone else enjoying themselves; many conversations began around the room.

He noticed another man staring at him and he realised it was Eamon Rayner, chief engineer of the Independence. Eamon winked and had some sauce on his finger; he seductively licked and sucked the sauce off his finger while looking at Connor.

Connor found that he wasn’t repelled by the display but he didn’t like it either which stirred much confusion and looked away down at his meal. Every now and again he glanced up to see Eamon give a wink or a smirk or some kind of flirting gesture at him but focused on his food after each time he looked over at Eamon.

1936 hours

Just about to finish off his meal and suddenly the red alert sounded along with the lighting turning red, Connor looked around but his instinct kicked in. He got to his feet and saw everyone leaving; he knew many of them would be heading to their ships. Connor saw that the Independence crew, Rayner amongst them, were beamed out as he made his way out and along with the cadets headed to the Command deck.

Just before Connor made it to the central transit tube he heard Vice Admiral Morgan’s voice behind him.
Quote:“Commander, may I enquire to what in blazes is going on?” John enquired of the Commander.

Connor faced the admiral. “I’m not sure, which is why I am on my way to the command deck. Are you coming?” He asked then added. “Sir.”

TAG Morgan

Command Control Deck
1941 hours

Connor stepped out of the turbolift and crossed the deck to Steve’s side, he was surprised to see a Cardassian fleet approaching; he then turned to Steve.

Quote:Steve turned to Connor. "Commander, we have a breach in security here somewhere and I want to know who. Work with Admiral Morgan and anyone else you need - find me this mole."

It struck hard and Connor couldn’t respond for a moment before the shock lifted. He couldn’t believe there was a spy amongst the crew. “Aye sir.” He took one last look at the Cardassian fleet and then towards Morgan.

“We should check everything.” Connor suggested.

TAG Morgan again

Malloway has requested that I lock the fleet mission for the time being due to some issues.

I apologise for the inconvenience.
Admiral John 'Spiced' Morgan
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet
Commanding USS Elimination

Quote:[02/27/11 13:25:51 ] Nick : just noticed another issue, now the posts aren't showing in teh Starfleet HQ thread. the post is there when you open teh thread, but the only post that shows is my instructor thread
[02/27/11 13:26:13 ] Nick : I love creating work for the admin....(H)
[02/27/11 13:26:34 ] Paul : I love ignoring issues as an admin Tongue
OOC: The issue mentioned by Admiral Morgan is being looked into by myself.


Again, sorry for the inconvinience everyone, I HOPE this wont need to happen again.

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
USS Agamemnon
Bridge | Malone Martize
1936 hours


Malone looked up as if trouble had occured directly above his head.
'Time flies when your eating...' He said silently to himself before moving away from the buffet table.
What happened he wondered for a second as he stood up and headed off to the docking where the Agamenmon was sitting.

A few moments later, the Agamenmon's engines hummed alive and floated out to join the fleet leaving the station. Setting up with the defensive line infront of the gate.
"What are we up against?" Malone asked as he sat down in the command chair, looking to his XO.

USS Independece
Bridge | Lt. John Haven
1941 hours

Mr. Haven, send confirmation to Captain Woodcroft that her orders are recieved...

Haven nodded and typed in the orders, sending to the Thunderstorm.
"Orders sent sir." He said as he turned his attention to the screen ahead, hoping the worse doesn't occur.

Starbase Thrinica
Main Galley | Unknown
1941 hours

What had occured that the commanding officers had to scramble so quickly...?
Ether way, this would be the perfect opporunity to take note of their proficantcys...and possibly new recuits.

The man had exited the galley along with everyone else, watching out of the station's port windows as the ships had disembarked and went to engage the attacking ships.

(Sorry for the strange post. I had to catch up really quickly and I'm still lost. Forgive me if I don't asnwer any tags.)

tag open
USS Independence
1950 hrs

Let's tally the events, shall we? said Zack to himself as his ship rocked slightly from the impact of a Cardassian spiral-wave disruptor. First I had to dress up in the monkey suit for a party. Then we get attacked and I don't even get to finish my cocktail or ask the Starbase XO out. It's pretty safe to say I'm pissed off.  The ship rocked again as another report came in from the secondary tactical station.

"We can't seem to shake the Keldon," said Lieutenant Davis. "Aft shields down to sixty-three percent. Majesty had offered assistance, but they are taking heavy fire themselves."

"Aft quantum torpedos," said Zack calmly. "Dispersal pattern Charlie. Fire when ready." Zack waited a few seconds for the whine of the electromagnetically propelled torpedos to pass before addressing others.  "Engineering, prepare to vent a stream of plasma from the dorsal nacelle.  Mr. Haven, prepare to ignite the stream with a wide-beam phaser discharge. If we time it just right, we can disrupt their shields long enough to take out their weapons."

A chorus of "yes Captain" followed.  Several very long seeming seconds later, Engineering reported that they were ready with the drive plasma--things seemed to be falling into place nicely, for a change.

"Okay people,"said Zack. "Let's do this." Just a second after Zack had issued the order to execute, the ship shook violently snd an aft bridge console erupted in a noisy shower of sparks. "Report!"

"They ignited the plasma cloud before we could, Captain. Shields are down over decks A-D...Intruder Alert! Twelve Cardassians on deck C!"

"That means they are most likely headed here. Haven, lead a strike team. XO, take over Tactical One.  Everyone else--arm yourselves."

[tag: Indy crew]
1940 hours

“I’m not sure, which is why I am on my way to the command deck. Are you coming?” Connor asked John. John nodded in response and they both headed into the turbo lift, requesting the command deck, it was not long before they got there.

On the command deck, Steve was all over. He was barking orders and organising everyone to ready the fleets defences. Wondering what all the commotion was about, John looked over the tactical console. It looked like we have a fleet of Cardassian ships bearing down on us. 
“If the Cardassians know about this, it won't be long before the likes of the Romulans or Klingons find out. How the Cardassians found out, it could be that we have a  mole about. I can see why they are upset, they were not invited.” John thought to him self.

Turning about, John saw Conner report to Steve.  "Commander, we have a breach in security here somewhere and I want to know who. Work with Admiral Morgan and anyone else you need - find me this mole.",  Steve requested of the commander.

At which point Conner turned to John and suggested, “We should check everything.”

“Begin with checking all recorded outgoing communication within the fleet in the last twenty four hours, we may find a go ahead message. ” John commanded.

TAG: Conner.

John turned to Steve, “Looks like the rocky start we wished to avoid. Am sure since the Carassians already know, am sure the Romulans and Klingons won't be long in finding out. We better have them diplomats ready after this mess.”, John recommended.


Admiral John 'Spiced' Morgan
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet
Commanding USS Elimination

Quote:[02/27/11 13:25:51 ] Nick : just noticed another issue, now the posts aren't showing in teh Starfleet HQ thread. the post is there when you open teh thread, but the only post that shows is my instructor thread
[02/27/11 13:26:13 ] Nick : I love creating work for the admin....(H)
[02/27/11 13:26:34 ] Paul : I love ignoring issues as an admin Tongue
(Emma Wilkinson)

Main Gallery 19:37

Emma was just beginning to enjoy her wonderful prawn cocktail, when the inevitable happened. Nothing ever went smoothly.

“RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTATIONS – THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!” Was shouted over the COMM system by Admiral Malloyway himself. Oh great, here we go again. She thought to herself with a small sigh.

John turned next to her and joked, “Sounds like we got ourselves some extra guests for the fleet opening.” He chuckled before continuing “As long as it isn’t the Cardassians, we don’t have the Kanar.”

Emma smiled slightly. “Well you know what Steves like, he does like to do things the hard way! Lets just hope it isn’t.” She finished before pushing away her rudely interrupted meal with a grimace, and headed out of the door to the command deck.

By the time Emma had made her way out of the crowd or people, and managed to work out where she was going, she arrived at the command deck. John and conner were already there and were talking to Malloway about what was going on. The second she entered she was listning to all the conversations around her, soaking in as much information on the situation as she could.

‘This could get interesting.’ She thought to herself as she approached the group, hanging back to allow Malloway to give his orders before seeing what she could do. John and Conner were looking into outgoing communications, which was when the first torpedo hit. Emma was thrown to the floor and stunned momentarily, before finding her feet again.

“What can I do?” She asked once everyone was accounted for, as another Torpedo hit almost making her loose her grip on the railing.

Tag: Malloway/all.
Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia
(Jemma Grax)

Main Gallery
19:36 Hours

Jemma was about half way through her soup, and enjoying the chatter around the table when everything started to go belly up. Admiral Malloway’s voice came across the COMM system with, “RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLESTASTIONS – THIS IS NOT A DRILL, REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!”

The wave of fear and confusion, as well as her own made her freeze for a moment. This was one of the reasons, large groups of people were never a good idea. Normally she could deal with it, but the sheer number in the room along with the suddenness of it, stunned her momentarily. Snapping out of it, she turned to Ethan.

“You know what this means don’t you?” She asked rhetorically. “We might not be having that second debriefing for a while?” She joked with a wink as she stood before turning serious again. “We’d better get back to the Braveheart and get this in motion.” She said matter of factly, waiting for him to take the lead with a gesture of her hand, and following.

As they made their way out of the room with all the others making their way as well, Jemma couldn’t help but glance at the Command staff as they too exited the room and made their way to their stations. ‘What will they find?’ she wondered to herself as they finally filled their way through the door, and made their way to the Braveheart Bridge.

USS Braveheart

“I’m reading 11 ships out there, 6 Keldon, 4 Galor and 1 Hideki Patrol. It’s the Cardassians?” She half stated half questioned. “What are they doing here?” She thought allowed as the crew busied around them, calling out reports here and there as they engaged themselves into formation with the other ships.

Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia
About 200 meters from the gateway
1941 HRs

Draco watched as a volley of torpedos cuised tword the station. Before he could get fighters deployed, a craft, which he assumed to be under the control of the Ambassador that he had met ust a short time before.

=/\= Ornixen to Admiral Targus, can we get some fighters on point defense of the station? The Cardassians are starting to focus their fire. My readings are indicating that the command deck's shields are down to 33%. =/\=

=^= Aknowladged Ornixen, I have fighter inbound to the station. I will have The lead craft contact you to settle out coverage of the station.=^= Draco replied as he opened a channelt o add Sage to the conversation. =^= Ambasador Ornixen, Commander Targus. Use any avalible resources you need to cover the station.=^=
=^= Roger that Dragon, Pheonix and complement on intersept course to cover command assets. Request permission to break off to handle the inbound Patrol ship. =^=  Sage torted back as she whipped her craft around. behind her a convergance of fighters and runabouts dropped into formation and made way to the station at best possible speed.
=^= Permission granted, as long as Ornixen feels he can cover commanding the rest of the small craft till you return. ROE is disable only. Letahl force is only allowed to protect federation lifes. =^=
=^=ROE Orders and understood.  Pheonix Out=^+ She replied as she quickly closed the channel and tapped in a command to have Whillis take her wing and the rest of the formation to remain on course to join Ornixen.
TAG: Ornixen
JP Draco and Sage

USS Majesty :Lt Cmdr Callum Jackson, Cadet Halsey [JP]
1952 hrs

William acknowledged the Commander's order with a quick, "Yes Sir." He then turned about to his console and shut down the reserve power feed. Since the ship had not used reserve power for very long the reserve batteries had only been drained by 1/8th instead of his estimated number of 1/6th. Thanks for saving us some power Cardassians William thought. He then went to the turbolift and said, "Engineering".

USS Majesty
1952 hrs

William strode out of the turbolift into Engineering. He went straight over to the primary control console and checked its data readouts. Good the core is completely stable. Now let me check the coolant pipe. He went to where the leak was and noted that his temporary patch was still holding up. He then put a proper long-term patch on where the leak was. Now if he started the core he would be able to sustain warp for a good period of time. He went back to the control console, double-checked that everything was stable and restarted the core.

The warp core came online with no trouble and William then received a message on his comm badge =/\= Bridge to Mr. Halsey are you at Engineering yet? =/\=

USS Majesty

Callum was stood at the Engineering station as he looked down he saw that the core was coming back online and at that point Mr. Halsey responded with =/\= Cadet Halsey to Commander Jackson. Yes sir I am in Engineering. I've put a good long-term patch on the coolant leak and restarted the core. Everything within the core is fine, completely stable. I estimate that we can sustain at best warp 5 for three hours. Of course if it’s a lower warp factor we can use it for a longer period of time. I need the Starbase to make the rest of the repairs to return our warp drive to normal. I am returning to the bridge. =/\=

Callum then responded with =/\= Acknowledged Cadet before you leave Engineering please would you check the shields that are around Engineering because if I am reading this right then they are about to fail again could you please boost the shields =/\=

USS Majesty
1952 hrs

=/\=Sir since the warp core is back online the shields will draw power from the core now instead of the back-up power systems. I can boost power to the shields but since the core is not operating at full power I need to take the power from other systems. Since we are on a skeleton crew several decks are not being used. If you wish I can shut down life support on those unused decks and redirect power to the shields around Engineering.=/\= William sent back to the Commander.

USS Majesty
1952 hrs

Callum listened to what the Cadet had to say and then said =/\= yes shut down the life support on the unused decks but if possible try to keep life support online to the decks that lead directly to sick bay in case of an emergency and to engineering =/\=

USS Majesty
1953 hrs

=/\= Yes Sir that is possible. With the power redirected from those decks the shield power around Engineering will move from its present power of 10% to 60%. That is the best I can do until the core is fully online as usual. If we can destroy the Cardassians weapons and if we can prevent more hits to them the shields will hold until they are shut down after this battle is over. =/\= William said.

William then brought his attention back to the control console and began the process of redirecting power from the nonessential decks life support systems. A moment later the process was complete and the shields began to charge up. William then pressed his commbadge again saying =/\= Cadet Halsey to Commander Jackson. I have done what you requested and the shields are charging. They should up to the 60% mark when I return to the Bridge. I recommend that you warn the crew not to go into those unused decks. I am returning to the bridge now sir.=/\=

USS Majesty
1953 hrs

Callum then said =/\= acknowledged Cadet I will inform the crew now=/\= Callum then tapped his COMM badge to close the Channel he then tapped it again and said =/\=Jackson to all hands we have currently shut down life support to the unused decks I advise that you stay where you are but if you do have to leave I will be sealing the doors and denying the turbo lifts access to those decks also they lights will also be shut down on those decks so don't try to use the Jeffreys tubes Jackson out =/\=

Callum then said "Computer locate all the decks where the life support has been shut down" the Computer then responded in its annoyingly calm voice *working.......decks located*, he then continued "seal all the doors leading to those decks and deny the turbo lifts access to those decks Authorization - Jackson - 5153 - Alpha" the computer replied *Authorization code accepted doors sealed turbo lifts have been locked out of those decks*, Callum then said "Computer shut down the lights on those decks" computer responded *lights have been shut down* At that point Mr. Halsey returned to the Bridge and he said "Mr. Halsey please re-assume your station." he then walked back over to the centre chair straightened his uniform out and sat back down.

USS Majesty

The turbolift doors opened in front of William and he stepped out onto the Bridge. Commander Jackson was there to welcome him and when he said "Mr. Halsey please re-assume your station", William replied, “"Yes Sir."” William went back to his station and checked everything out. The shields around Engineering had been restored to 60% and he reported this to the Commander.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer

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