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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha

Ornixen sat and listened patiently to the Admiral's briefing about the Gateway and the various questions that were being asked, getting a sense of both anxiousness and worry from the various officers in attendance.

Firestorm, how rough are the meta-fields in this area?  I know we exited a safe distance away to avoid detection, but how hard would it be for some of the other Gateway enabled groups to lock onto this area? Ornixen quickly inquired of his ship.

To be honest, sir, the meta-fields in this area are remarkably stable, although, most of the full Gateway using races wouldn't bother with this part of space.  However, there are races with similar technology, that would be able to insert within the system if they could isolate it, who are much more aggressive then most of the ancient races.

Understood.  I want you to set-up a discreet communication with Gateway Control on Dianar, see if you can request additional monitoring of the space around this station for Gateway or similar activations and give us some sort of heads up

Can do, sir.

Quote:Connor was a little upset with the relay station having not been already set up on the other side of the Gateway as per standard procedure with wormholes. Though many considered the Gateway could have multiple exits locations which only gods knew where. "Admiral if I may," he spoke up, "I have a team working on getting a relay station just on the other side which will send us feeds and sensor logs unfortunately only when the Gateway is active but the station is not ready yet and we'll need a ship to go position it. Any takers?" Connor asked.

"If I may, Admiral, I have requested that my people keep a closer eye then normal on this sector of space to watch for any incoming gates.  Should they notify me of an incoming traveler without a Federation signature, I could notify you immediately."

TAG Malloway.


Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha
1319 hours

Steve laughed internally as 3 sets of suggestions, questions, concerns; you name it, they came - flooded out from various points of the room. It was a great feeling to know that people were definately interested, and making a point to get themselves involved.

As Connor asked for a volunteer vessel, Steve's own gaze waved across the sea of Captains in hopes that someone would come forward before he had to look at ordering one on their first assignment. "I assume though, Commander, that you and your time will be looking for the most strategical location we come across to place the station? That would in some way tag on from Ms Woodcroft's suggestion." He turned to face Melanie as he leant backwards on the podium and loosely folded his arms over his chest. "The codes are a good suggestion, it would help us to know when our own ships are coming through; work with your Taskforce Teams on getting those handed out to Flight-Conn officers for all vessels. Only issue from that would be when we dont receive one, but that would be something we cross when whoever or whatever emerged - something we cannot control."

"If I may, Admiral, I have requested that my people keep a closer eye then normal on this sector of space to watch for any incoming gates.  Should they notify me of an incoming traveler without a Federation signature, I could notify you immediately."

Steve turned to the newly-arrived Ambassador, gesturing with his hand and arm to Ornixen before replacing to fold over his chest. "My apologies Ladies and Gents, this is Ambassador Kuchaba Ornixen; an individual who utilises Gateway technology in a far off sector. I'm hoping he can aide me and my teams in seeing to it that the Gateway we have here is utilised correctly." He looked back to Ornixen, inclining his head somewhat in thanks. "I would appreciate that, however I do not want our affairs to interefere with your own people's. With all due respect, the Federation's Prime Directive guides us on 'helping' 'lesser-abled' species, if I could ask you consider that in your own way in regards to us?"

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
POSTING AS Retired Captain Donald McGriff



Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha
1319 hours

Donald sat silently during the proceedings of the briefing so far, leaning on the back of his chair a few seats down from Ethan and Jemma of the Braveheart. His arms crossed gently over his chest as he watched the Admiral at the front, yet occassionally looking down at the new Captain and his XO. It would in some ways be difficult for them, well, uneasy more precisely Donald imagined. Afterall, he had chosen Ethan to skip over Jemma as the replacement Captain, but there was something about the young man that the Retired Captain felt he should indeed be the one to fill the boots.

As the Starbase XO and Admiral looked for a volunteer, Donald leant back further on his chair to reach down and lightly prod Ethan's shoulder. "Captain, the Braveheart is more than equipped if you think you can handle a big shakedown." He grinned, winking to Jemma who had turned her head as her Captain had. "Would definately shake the crew up to their best."

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier

Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room Alpha
1320 hours

Connor looked at Steve and nodded. "Yes Admiral I will be overseeing the relay station placement if you don't mind me leaving the starbase to you and the second officer?" He turned to the Ambassador and smiled. "Welcome aboard Ambassador, so sorry I wasn't involved in assisting you with settling in once you came aboard." Connor said.


tag steve and Ameicav
Starbase Thrinacea
Conference Room Alpha
1320 Hours

Ethan sat listening to the various individuals speak. The Admiral had maintained the briefing with others jumping in with questions and comments here and there. Another Captain stood, asking for volunteers to enter the Gateway apparently to deliver a relay station. Ethan though about it for a minute then let it fall as it didn’t seem an interesting mission. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure he wanted to travel through the Gateway with the knowledge that he might never return.

Sitting forward slightly to sip from his mug of rapidly cooling coffee, Ethan had barely set the mug back down, listening as an Ambassador spoke, then was introduced by the Admiral. As his back hit the chair, he felt a hand on his shoulder. With an audible gulping sound, he swallowed the rest of the coffee he had in his mouth, and turned to see who was behind him.

With nobody behind him, his eyes followed the arm to the body just to his right, leading to Captain McGriff. Though he hadn’t been part of Don’s crew for a long time, he had been with him long enough to know what the glint in his eye meant, and Ethan wasn’t sure he was going to like what he heard.

"Captain, the Braveheart is more than equipped if you think you can handle a big shakedown." He grinned, winking to Jemma who had turned her head as her Captain had. "Would definitely shake the crew up to their best."

Ah crap  Ethan thought, though his face still displayed the smile he wore. Not really how I intended the crew to shakedown.

Nodding slightly, Ethan whispered, “In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess. We won’t get used to the ship, or each other sitting at a starbase, will we?”

Standing, Ethan waited to catch the Admiral’s eye, and began speaking. “Admiral, Captain Ethan Trane, USS Braveheart.” Normally he would have been a nervous wreck with all the eyes of the room on him, but for some reason this started to feel right. Though he couldn’t explain it, he continued on as though he were speaking to the Admiral himself. “I would like to volunteer myself and crew to go through the Gateway to deliver the relay station. It would be a shakedown mission for myself as a new Commanding Officer, however, if there is any crew that can get the job done I know the Braveheart can.”

As he awaited a response, Ethan thought of how the crew would react when they found out what they would be doing and where they were going. Nothing at all about this mission was certain except for the fact that they were going to enter the Gateway. After that it was anyone’s guess as to what would or could happen. As he stood there, he looked briefly at Don and smiled and nodded. Then reaching slightly, and brushing Jemma to get her attention, he whispered, “Tell me we’re doing the right thing here.”

Tag: Admiral, Don, Jemma
(Jemma Grax)

Starbase Thrinacea
Conference Room Alpha
1325 Hours

Ethan stood up and volunteered the Braveheart to go through the gateway first as the Admiral looked around the room with expectation. To be honest she hadn’t thought Ethan would want to, what with only just getting command. However when he brushed her shoulder looking for reassurance she simply smiled at him and nodded her agreement in the decision.

Looking over at Don, Jemma winked. That was one way to through Ethan into the deep end. She could see that cheeky sparkle in Don’s eyes, but Ethan had taken the challenge head on, and Jemma knew they would be just fine. She couldn’t think of a more interesting shakedown mission that would keep the crew on their toes.

Jemma thought for a moment. It certainly would be interesting to be the first ship through…what would they find…who would they find, and would they be friend or foe? Whatever happened, Jemma knew that between herself, Ethan and the crew, they would do the federation proud.

Rear Admiral Emma Wilkinson
Chief of Staff
Starbase Thrinacia
Starbase Thrinacea
Conference Room Alpha
1325 Hours

Draco listened as a few people asked questions and made their concerns known. Then a gentleman addressed the Admiral that was both familure and stranger to him.

"If I may, Admiral, I have requested that my people keep a closer eye then normal on this sector of space to watch for any incoming gates.  Should they notify me of an incoming traveler without a Federation signature, I could notify you immediately."

Steve turned to the newly-arrived Ambassador, gesturing with his hand and arm to Ornixen before replacing to fold over his chest. "My apologies Ladies and Gents, this is Ambassador Kuchaba Ornixen; an individual who utilises Gateway technology in a far off sector. I'm hoping he can aide me and my teams in seeing to it that the Gateway we have here is utilised correctly." He looked back to Ornixen, inclining his head somewhat in thanks. "I would appreciate that, however I do not want our affairs to interefere with your own people's. With all due respect, the Federation's Prime Directive guides us on 'helping' 'lesser-abled' species, if I could ask you consider that in your own way in regards to us?"

A few seconds past and then a young Captain stood to address the group

“Admiral, Captain Ethan Trane, USS Braveheart. I would like to volunteer myself and crew to go through the Gateway to deliver the relay station. It would be a shakedown mission for myself as a new Commanding Officer, however, if there is any crew that can get the job done I know the Braveheart can.”

Draco saw this as a bold move on the part of Captain Trane and stood up at once to make sure that Steve would see him.

" Axecuse me Admiral, " Draco barked. " I would have to agree with Mr. Trane on this. The Braveheart is well equiped for such an assignment. I would though suggest that before we send her through that we send a squadron of fighters first to scout the area."

Draco glanced over at Retired Captain McGriff and Captain Trane and nodded in approval of the choice that was made.


OOC: I did a bit of Copy/paste to maintaine Tags that had not been ansewered
Conference Room Alpha
1326 Hours

The Admiral nodded to Connor as he mentioned his leaving the Starbase, knowing full-well that Connor was more than capable of the job he would be temporarily be leaving to complete. Infact, he was more than capable of any job he undertook, let alone the one involving the relay station. Now all he needed was a vessel for Connor to- His eyes flicked to the gentleman who stood; a Captain Ethan Trane. Ah, McGriff's replacement. I remember his report well - a well refined officer who, whilst somewhat lacking the actual on the job duty of command, is one I KNOW is destined to sit in the centre chair. The report, or rather request, for Ethan to take on command did nothing but praise the was-Commander.

"Captain, from reviewing reports on the Bravehearts previous escapades I agree whole-heartedly her crew, AND her new Captain, are indeed capable. You'll need to liase with Commander Blake on his and his team's requirements. Thank you Captain." He inclined his head in thanks, and darted his eyes to Draco as he stood.

" Axecuse me Admiral, " Draco barked. " I would have to agree with Mr. Trane on this. The Braveheart is well equiped for such an assignment. I would though suggest that before we send her through that we send a squadron of fighters first to scout the area."

Steve thought for a moment, almost rethinking many scenarios in his mind on the security of the vessels going through. "Admiral, whilst I agree that a 'pre-scout' of the area our ships are heading into is a good idea, I am more inclined to agree with Ms Woodcroft's suggestion of sending through a probe, if anything. On that matter I will leave it to the individual Commanding Officer's to approach you on the matter of squadron assignments; I would recommend that fighters form-up with our vessels however and act as an escort rather than a scout. The idea behind the gateway is the added facility to explore - which is why I'd rather our crews themselves all hit head-on what they might find." He turned to look at the COs and XOs. "I know that each and every one of yourselves and your crews are more than capable to rally against, or with, whatever is out there. You wouldnt be assigned to this Fleet otherwise. If any Commander would like a fighter squadron sent through before them, please speak with Admiral Targus and his department.

I don't need to tell you all that this is something big. I'd like to assume it's bigger than any of you had thought this briefing could have been about, but I know that not everyone in command can keep their mouths shut and some leaks may have sprung. Again, I don't need to tell you all to watch how you handle things. Each of you are in command positions because we believe you have what it takes. You have the strengths where others may not. You have my confidence. Now, does anyone have anything else? You will each receive detailed schematics and data on the project after the ceremony this evening, but in the meantime has anyone's cogs been turned in their heads?"


OOC: By schematics and data I mean people should pm for answers to stuff they wanna know :|
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Conference Room Alpha

Melanie looked around feeling like an idiot. She made a suggestion but everything just went past them with it. She sighed and sat back down and crosses her legs gently. that usually happens though. She gets overseen as usual. Shes used to it so she tried not to let it bother her this time, but it was slightly different. She was in a room full of captains and first officers from the fleet as she looked around at them. someone tapped her on the arm and she looks over and it was Leanna, the Argamemon's first officer. Leanna gave her a smile and Melanie coudln't help but slightly smile back in a thanks motion and she turns her attention back to what was going on.


Conference Room Alpha
1326 Hours

Connor smiled as he now had a ship to position the relay station but noticed Melanie suddenly downed. "Captain Woodcroft was it? Perhaps you would like to assist in the mission?" He asked her.

After her response Connor turned to Ethan. "Captain Trane, may I ask how long it will take for the Braveheart to be ready for departure? I will have the relay station parts loaded into one of your cargobays and a few starbase engineers accompany me once your ready."


tag Melanie and Trane

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