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Fleet Mission: "To Boldly Go..."
Conference Room
1856 hours

The Admiral turned his attention to the Commander, one he recalled as a Commander Layton. Assigned to the USS... Firebrand, if I'm not mistaken. Steve thought to himself, allowing a small smile to curl his lips just ever so slightly as the Commander posed his query.

"A valid question indeed, Commander." Steve tapped the PADD in his hands, the display showing schematics of both the new commbadges and the gateway control devices and how they linked with each other. "Our efforts into researching this technology have spanned near 5 years now, just under 4 of those years within our own Fleet. The latest simulations and test-runs have the devices operating at 98.567% accuracy. Our foremost objective is to establish the Aurora Colony on Planet-45604 in order for our Gateway objectives to begin - which are, yes, to explore through the gateways." He paused, allowing this to ripple across the faces of the COs and XOs. He knew some would still be sceptical about this, that was a given, but before when this topic was raised, the accuracy of the devices was far below what they sat at now. "I know a lot of you will be wary of this, I know I still am. But we are Starfleet, we are here to look past the unknown and explore. Trust me when I say I would not have authorised this for the Fleet if I wasn't happy with the stability of the devices and Gateways. At this time, starships are unable to use linked gateways due to the sheer size of the larger gateway, so only small teams will be asked to traverse. However, as I said, our first objective is the supply and establish Aurora Colony." The Admiral looked to Michael. "I hope this puts you somewhat at ease, Commander?" He offered a reassuring inclination of his head.

TAG: Michael, Anyone

OOC: COs and XOs - you can ignore the wordcount limit for the briefing to ask questions lol!
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Conference Room
1857 hours

Layton nodded. "That sounds good to me sir although 98 point... Whatever you said is still not 100% but it's good enough to convince me to give one a try and it's a large enough gesture from Starfleet to convince me." Layton turned back to the planet and looked it for a few more moments. "Aurora couldn't be in a nicer place sir. Probably what Earth looked like a couple of thousand years ago!" Realising he had strayed of topic, Layton corrected himself. "Thank you Admiral."
Conference Room
19:00 hours

Des looked at the planet and smiled, he then looked over to the retired Captain.

"I think the planet should be called Exodus." He smirked.

He was thinking that since the Federation once had a planet called Genesis, and in a way, this new planet was in fact an exodus of some sorts, it would be rather appropriate.

Des looked forward towards the Admiral again, still not been able to think of a suitable question.
Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room
19:00 Hours

Callum looked at the planet again and smiled at the thought of exploring.

Callum looked from the screen to the Admiral "I imagine I'm about to ask what everyone within 169 is thinking, when do we leave?" he said with a slight smile, looking forward to being able to do more than command a construction site.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
Starbase Thrinacia
Conference Room
19:00 Hours

Draco grinned a bit at the eagerness of the young Captain. " Gentlemen, Might I suggest we first think about establishing operations on the colony. Admiral, Before we send ships or more crew , might I suggest that we send in the flight crews from the Majesty and Firebrand as well as LtCol WIseman's Tactical unit from the Majesty in first to recon and secure a ten klick perimeter. "

TAG: Steve, ALL
Conference Room
1859 hours

"I'm inclined to agree with you as well, Mr Layton. Still not 100% thats for sure, and I fought alot to get it that high... then again, a little risk is why we're all here." He allowed a grin, and nodded at the Executive Officer's next comment before his attention was drawn to both Callum and Draco as they shared questions and advise.

Again Steve pressed a button on the remote in his hands which brought up an aerial view of the established facilities in an area of Aurora Colony, nodding at Draco's advise and allowing a glance to Callum to respond to both in one. "Admiral Morgan has spent the last 3 weeks with a team on Aurora, his teams have carried out minimal sweeps of the immediate area but I would indeed like for a squadron to get a better look at the surrounding area. Draco, if you could liase with Mr Wiseman and the Majesty and Firebrand COs? As for when we leave - the plan is for supplies and personnel from the Fleet to be ready by 0800 hours. At the conclusion of this briefing you will receive your orders for areas to concentrate on. In summary - the Majesty and Firebrand fighters will traverse through Gateway 1, and all crew, personnel and remaining supplies assigned to 'Operation Aurora' will use Gateway 2. Due to lack of shelter, as a heads up, we all get emergency cabins - so pack warm as latest reports from Aurora say they've just hit monsoon season." Steve winked.

Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
Conference Room
1901 hours

Layton nodded and smiled. This should be fun. "I believe I saw Majesty's fighters arriving whilst my ship arrived. I'm sure their CAG would like to be informed also, as far as I'm aware Firebrand is still waiting on any senior fighter pilots to step up, therefore I recomend that Majesty's CAG to coordinate any fighter operations for now. I look forward to it Admiral. I shall pack my umbrella... Mr Targus?" Layton quickly decided that he would have to have a look in the shops here for some warmer clothes. Other than some light civilian clothes, a few spare pairs of uniforms and his trademark mole skin coat and his old leather hat he had not brought much else, most of it was still in his house in Scotland. "For the record, I agree that the planet should be names Exodous. Either that or the promise land..."

Tag: Draco, all
Conference Room
1902 hours

Draco nodded to Steve has he started to tap commands into the PADD that laid before him. With out missing a beat he turned his attention to Mr. Layton.

"You would be correct in your assumption that the Majesty fighter wing is on base. Actually they just entered the lower fighter bay on Beta pylon." he mused as he loosened the collar to his flight suit. " As for the Firebrand's fighter wing, they have been on base for about an hour now. The CAG, Commander Targus is currently on an over watch patrol of this station. She will be transferring to Aurora as soon as a replacement is assigned."

As he spoke Draco tapped out command orders.

To Commander Sage Targus, Commander Air Group, USS Firebrand
    Lt. Colonel Falcon Wiseman, Marine Commanding Officer, USS Majesty
    Captain Scott Archer, Commander Air Group, USS Majesty

Your presence is requested and required at 2100 hours in Marine Special Operations Command.

Admiral Draco Targus
Fleet Executive Officer

And with a slide of his finger the orders where sent.

"Admiral If I may, I have sent orders to both CAGs and to Mr Wiseman for briefing at 2100 hours in MSpOC. I would like to have a secured link to Admiral Morgan as well for the briefing. With your permission I would like to have the Indiana stay on station till furthure notice to provide over watch ." Draco continued as he turned his attention back to Steve.

TAG: Steve, Callum, DJ Hurt,  Des, Layton, Sage, Falcon, Archer,
1902 hrs

=^= Tango 1 to THRINACIA control. How many more ships are we expecting in this shift. Dragon 1 and 5 need to rotate out and there is no coverage till at least 2200 hours.=^=

=^=  THRINACIA to Tango 1. The 205th tactical operations wing will be joining you in fifteen minutes to rotate out your entire flight. Authority Moorehead Alpha one Zulu=^=

Sage grinned as she signaled her acknowladgement of the relief 'looks like some break time. Maybe Falcon will be up for a trip to the holodeck to get his arse handed to him' she mused to herself as she made her final turn back tword the station. at about 2 klicks out she could see the 205th launching from the Indiana and heading out to relieve the stations fighter crews. just as she tipped her wings to show that she was breaking off and handing over the overwatch to the incoming craft orders pinged her craft. she tapped in her access and the message came through to her HUD.

To Commander Sage Targus, Commander Air Group, USS Firebrand
    Lt. Colonel Falcon Wiseman, Marine Commanding Officer, USS Majesty
    Captain Scott Archer, Commander Air Group, USS Majesty

Your presence is requested and required at 2100 hours in Marine Special Operations Command.

Admiral Draco Targus
Fleet Executive Officer

" well fire" she screached as she reakized that her plans for the evening were shot. well atleast she would be getting out of patrol duty for a bit. 

" Computer syncronize approach to USS Firebrand."

The Computer beeped in reply and the craft went into autopilot mode for final approach. within moments Sage was on the flight deck of the Firebrand and disembarking her scout. Quickly she headed for the transporter room and headed to the station to get a bite before she had to report.

[img]'s Go Geocaching!&uid=b62f613d-3a3c-421b-95f2-8558d8af3359&bg=1[/img]
Profile for Frogman205
USS Majesty
Deck 13 A
CAG's office
1910 hrs

Archer set up his display shelf. In the centre was the golden pilot trophy he got from the academy for being the years best pilot. Scattered around it were images of family, friends and the ships they served in. In his spare time, Archer collected old technology. One of his personal favourites, although it ran 100 times slowe than a ship computer, was a 2044 MacBook Air. It was old and slightly battered. It had been passed down through the family of one of his old squad mates, Hellfire. She had been given it by her father and she didn't want or need it so she passed it on to Archer. He actually enjoyed the change of typing on keys sometimes. He placed the computer on his desk and set up a link to it through the ships computer. He quickly loaded it up to make sure everything still worked fine, he'd personally replaced the power system in it with a modern one used in tricorders so it didn't need to be plugged in. He'd also replaced some damaged keys. But she still works fine. Satisfied, he was about to close the lid when something popped up in his 'mail' application which also showed messages to him from the Majesties computer. A welcome message? He checked the message

To Commander Sage Targus, Commander Air Group, USS Firebrand
    Lt. Colonel Falcon Wiseman, Marine Commanding Officer, USS Majesty
    Captain Scott Archer, Commander Air Group, USS Majesty

Your presence is requested and required at 2100 hours in Marine Special Operations Command.
Admiral Drago Targus
Fleet Executive Officer

He still had plenty of time. He still need to check in with First Lieutenant Assar to get her report and he also needed to greet Majesties second fighter squadron aboard who were due to arrive at... 2100 hrs... Of course. He'd need to get the Firet Lieutenant to sort that one out too. He also needed to play around with the squadron lists, he intended to mix them a bit as well.

Tag: Falcon, any

OOC: Sage, I also play the Michael Layton character and I just checked Firebrand's SIMM and your not registered as the CAG on there.
[Image: 10410329_1413822988906033_5930062657459929709_n.jpg]

Taskforce 169 (Olympians)

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