08-28-2011, 02:01 AM
Starbase Thrinacia
Outside Conference Room Theta
21:43 hrs
Ensign Hurt walked up and stood next to his new caption and said " reporting for duty sir" in a whisper as not to interupt the two senior officers talking not a far stone toss away.
as he waited DJ thought to him self what it was going to be like really geting to be the one makeing the starship move and fly to its next space adventure.
he also thought back to his home and how he first learnd to fly in an old airplane he thought it was the best thing in the world untill he saw a starship in the sky and he knew then that he wanted to be the pilot of the statship no matter the costs.
he turned and looked at his caption " how are the ship repairs going sir? any thing wrong with the helm?" he asked probing for answers""" trying to figure out what he would have to do when he finnaly got to the ship, his mind wonderd back to the other cadets and wonering if the got on to a ship like he had and been choicen for the cheif spot of what might have happend to them.
TAG-Callum Jackson-Open
Outside Conference Room Theta
21:43 hrs
Ensign Hurt walked up and stood next to his new caption and said " reporting for duty sir" in a whisper as not to interupt the two senior officers talking not a far stone toss away.
as he waited DJ thought to him self what it was going to be like really geting to be the one makeing the starship move and fly to its next space adventure.
he also thought back to his home and how he first learnd to fly in an old airplane he thought it was the best thing in the world untill he saw a starship in the sky and he knew then that he wanted to be the pilot of the statship no matter the costs.
he turned and looked at his caption " how are the ship repairs going sir? any thing wrong with the helm?" he asked probing for answers""" trying to figure out what he would have to do when he finnaly got to the ship, his mind wonderd back to the other cadets and wonering if the got on to a ship like he had and been choicen for the cheif spot of what might have happend to them.
TAG-Callum Jackson-Open
Commander DJ Hurt
Executive Officer USS Majesty
USS Majesty
Executive Officer USS Majesty
USS Majesty