05-07-2011, 05:34 PM
USS Thunderstorm
2010 Hours
Thunder one to Thuderstorm. I have wounded and need a direct transport to sickbay. Wounded is the Captain of the Hideki Vessel.
Melanie stood up.
"acknowledged. Ensign beam the wounded to sickbay. Bridge to sickbay one is coming your way. The captain of the Hideki Vessel was shot." she answered.
=/\=Acknowledged.. We're getting ready for him.=/\=
"Falcon is anyone else hurt? and did your team shoot him?" she asked heading to the sickbay.
{tag Falcon)
USS Thunderstorm
2015 Hours
In sickbay the Medical officer was getting things set up as the Hideki Captain appeared in a shimmer of light on one of the bio beds.
"Aimes to Lt Cytheria we have wounded here.. the Hideki captain from the other vessel.." the medical officer stated. Melanie walks in as the captain was being transported and headed over.
"Status?" she asked.
"unconcious.. I"m starting to work on him til the Lt Gets here." Aimes responded.
hideki Vessel
One of the two marines that had tackled the cardassian, cuffed him. the cardissian tried to fight them off but one of the marines hit him with the butt of his gun.
"stay down!" they ordered him and the cardassian grunted to the hit. "Colonel he's secure.." the marine responded and picked up the weapon and headed over to the LT Colonel and handed it to him. "He used this." he added.
TAG Thunderstorm, Falcon, Cytheria all of ya..
2010 Hours
Thunder one to Thuderstorm. I have wounded and need a direct transport to sickbay. Wounded is the Captain of the Hideki Vessel.
Melanie stood up.
"acknowledged. Ensign beam the wounded to sickbay. Bridge to sickbay one is coming your way. The captain of the Hideki Vessel was shot." she answered.
=/\=Acknowledged.. We're getting ready for him.=/\=
"Falcon is anyone else hurt? and did your team shoot him?" she asked heading to the sickbay.
{tag Falcon)
USS Thunderstorm
2015 Hours
In sickbay the Medical officer was getting things set up as the Hideki Captain appeared in a shimmer of light on one of the bio beds.
"Aimes to Lt Cytheria we have wounded here.. the Hideki captain from the other vessel.." the medical officer stated. Melanie walks in as the captain was being transported and headed over.
"Status?" she asked.
"unconcious.. I"m starting to work on him til the Lt Gets here." Aimes responded.
hideki Vessel
One of the two marines that had tackled the cardassian, cuffed him. the cardissian tried to fight them off but one of the marines hit him with the butt of his gun.
"stay down!" they ordered him and the cardassian grunted to the hit. "Colonel he's secure.." the marine responded and picked up the weapon and headed over to the LT Colonel and handed it to him. "He used this." he added.
TAG Thunderstorm, Falcon, Cytheria all of ya..