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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Starfighter Squadron A-205
Inbound for USS Majesty
1941 HRS

Kang watched as the Majesty got hjammered by the lead Cardassian vessal. Moments later Admiral Malloway came across the com,
=/\="All ships, this is Admiral Malloway. Stand your grounds. I know the odds dont look promising, at least 11 of them against limited of us but I know you all posess the skills that by far outreach theirs. All Fighters are to remain with the Gateway and Thrinacia, using the USS Majesty as aid, the rest of you are under the direction of your Taskforce Commanding Officer and Executive. Concentrate your resources as you see fit, you know your vessels. Malloway out."=/\=
Almost on cue to the end of The Fleet Admirals communication the com lit up again, this time with Admiral TArgus on the other end.
=^= Targus to all pilots. I want the Stations fighter to concentrait on protecting the gate while the ship based fighter will cover the station. Commander Targus is in command of all Ship Based Fighter. Targus Out=^=
JUst as things seemed to get quiet again the com roared agian.
=^=Dragon to Sundown. take the 205's and cover the Majesty. she is on reserve power and will need cover fire till she can nbring up her warp core or clear the area.=^=
=^=Orders recieved Dragon,=^= replied Kang as he opened a channel to the rest of the squad. =^= Nightstalker's TALLY -HO. orders are to cover the Majesty till she can fend for herself. Sundown on lead, all weapons are hot.=^=
In short order the pilots of the squadron replied with tally-ho and thier callsigns. within seconds the squad of 6 valkyre class fighters were in position. one fighter to each side of teh majesty to head off any incomeing torpedos The fighters held a box formation on the Majesty as she continued to muddle through on Impulse power.
=/\= Majesty to fighter squadron we are increasing our speed we suggest that you do the same =/\=
Seeing as the Majesty closed the channel before he could reply , Kang tipped his wings to show he recieved the transmission. mere m oments later a second transmission came from the Majesty, just as short at the first but this time telling the fighter that they were slowing.
Bloody hell, What doeas this guy think, we are a bunch of first year cadets or something Kang thought to himself as he again tipped his wings in responce to the transmission. 

=^=Sundown to Nightstalkers, rotateing cover pattern Kang alpha 3. =^= He ordered as the Majesty came to an all stop and held her position.


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Profile for Frogman205
1945 hrs

As the Thunderstorm broke off her intercept of the Majesty, the ships Tac Chief, a Lt Martize stepped onto the bridge. Falcon nodded to the young officer showing that he was release control to the chief. As he made his way to his chair next to Captain Woodcroft, Falcon tapped his combadge.

=^= Col. Wiseman to Chief Master at Arms. =^=

=^= Gunny Bratcher here sir.=^= replied the Armoury Chief in a brutish voice.

=^= I need you to send a marine to the bridge with a MarkII phaser pistol. =^=

=^= Aye Sir. I will have it on its way in a few seconds. Is there anything else that will be needed. Your Staff NCO has already ordered that the marine complement be armed. =^=

=^= Negative Gunny. Thank you for the update. Wiseman Out. =^= Falcon replied with a quick tap of his com. “ Captain what do you say we get into this fight. The Master at Arms informs me that the ships complement of marines have been activated and stand ready.” He commented as he sat in the XO's chair and tapped in his security code to the armrest controls.  As he finished tapping in his command codes a marine came onto the bridge and presented himself before the command chairs.

“ PFC Rogers reporting as ordered Sir.” barked off the young man as he snapped to and saluted.
“ Atease PFC. I assume you are transporting the item I requested from the Master at Arms.”
“ Aye Sir. One Mark II phaser Pistol,, Gunny sent a tactical holster as well.”
With a grin on his face as he tookthe holstered weapons from the PFC. “ Thank you Privite, Dismissed” Replied Falcon. The PFC snapped to and saluted. Falcon return the saluted then the young marine turned and made his way off the bridge.

“ Captain, May I suggest that you carry a sidearm till we have ran off the invading Cardassians?”He commented as he removed the weapons from it's holster and pulled the slide on it. After he was sure it was preped and ready for his Captain he replaced the sidearm in it's holster and extenmded it for his Captain to take.

TAG: Martize. Woodcroft, THUNDERSTORM CREW( get ye old butts moveing)

USS Thunderstorm
1950 Hours

Melanie looks at Falcon and then the Gun and raises an eyebrow. she then takes it from him and checks the clip and all like a pro and snaps the clip in the gun and holsters it.

"usually i say no.. but this time i'll make an exception." she answered him and looked around. "Actually that goes for everyone. Since we're going up against the Cardassians i want us all to be prepared." she answered and looked around. "get your sidearms and holster them to yourself. That's an order." she added looking at Falcon. "You get your marine way this time." she said chuckling softly and looked out as someone from Comms reported in.

"Captain, Enemy approaching with weapons armed and ready." they reported. Melanie looks over and gets up.

"weapons armed and shields raised." she answered looking at tactical. Just before the officer could do that the ship suddenly shook from a hit to the bow. Melanie fell back grunting from the hit. "report!" she demanded.

"direct hit off the bow! damage on decks 5,6 and 7!" the ops reported. Melanie taps her commbadge.

"Medical teams on decks 5 6 and 7! Engineering teams there as well!" she commanded. "Send a message to Thrinacia we're being attacked!" she ordered.

TAG Thunderstorm Crew
[Renn Dervin, Chief of Ops, USS Thunderstorm]

USS Thunderstorm
1950 hrs

Renn reached into the small cubby hole underneath the Ops console and took out the fostered phaser. He looked it over briefly, ensuring that it was fully charged and set to power setting five. After he was satisfied with the condition of the sidearm, Renn clipped the holster to his belt and resumed his work at his console. Making certain that the crew was armed was a sensible precaution; often the young Ullian had wondered why it was not a standard part of Red Alert procedure. 

"Cardassians," said Renn aloud. "Six Keldon-class heavy battleships, four Galor-class cruisers and one Hideki-class patrol cruiser. This is probably a significant fraction of what remains of the Cardassian fleet."

Renn considered the general specifications of each class mentally. From a strict firepower standpoint, an Intrepid-class light cruiser like the Thunderstorm was only a match for the smallest of the eleven vessels. From his studies of the logs of Voyager, however, Renn also knew that Intrepids were more than capable of defeating much larger and more powerful vessels; much of that depended upon the Commanding Officer and how well they directed their personnel. Renn did not know Captain Woodcroft personally, but she had quite a reputation in security and tactical circles as a person that was not to be trifled with. The ship bucked hard, an indication of weapons fire.

"Direct hit off the bow!" Renn reported. "Damage on decks five, six and seven." Renn's fingers danced gracefully across his forward display panel.  "A few burned out power couplings and shattered circuit boards, but there are some minor injuries reported."  The Captain immediately ordered medical and damage-control personnel to that area. As per the Captain's orders, Renn sent a message to the Starbase, even though he was pretty certain they were aware of the Thunderstorm's status.

Renn could feel the anxiety radiating from just about everyone in the vicinity, including crews of other ships. His people do not ever scan a non-telepathic mind without permission,  but often in times of stress emotions radiate freely from people so Renn felt them as if they were his own. Renn's parents were highly skilled in the famed Ullian art of telepathic memory retrieval, and they had passed on many of their control techniques to their son; this gave Renn a distinct advantage over many telepaths that had not recieved the finest instruction available in filtering out the emotions of others.

[open tag]
USS Independence
Bridge | Lt. John Haven
1950 hrs

John nodded and stood up as the XO took tactical.
"Corproal Aims and Sargent Flam on me." He said as he stepped onto the lift. The Corproal and Sargent followed in. As the doors closed, Haven looked to the two.
"Security members on site report." He said into the commbadge. The channel opened with the crackle sounds of disruptor and phasor pulse trade offs.

//We got security officers down and another wounded. We've managed to stop their advance in the cordoor, but they got us pinned!// The security officer's voice shouted.

The lift stopped and Haven and his escorts followed, running towards the armory, grabbing 2 more officers along their route.
"Back ups coming." Haven said as he grabbed a rifle and quickly thrusted it to the officers and then grabbed one himself and headed off.

"All Security members, form a defensive line on decks A through D. Anything without a Federation Uniform, double tap the bastards." Haven said. The silent acknoledgement went over as they boarded the lift once again and went to thethe source of the attacks, Deck C.
"What's their count Officer?" Haven asked.

//Around 4 on my side. Hard to tell at the moment. Too many shots!// The officer shouted over the fire. His channel still open, he returned fire up the hall.

As the lift arrived, the hallway was littered with some unconious crew. A thin screen of smoke floated through the hall along with a few disruptor shots flying by. Up the hall was the trapped security officer, hiding behind an overturned gravcart. He looked up seeing Haven and his group, kneeled down, moving towards the makshift cover, fiing back at the cover the infiltrators were using to fire from.

TBC  Tag Open
Posting as LtJG Wiseman

USS Agamemnon
Special Operation Briefing Room
1942 Hrs

It had been a matter of a few minutes since the station and all the ships attached there to had become a frenzy of activity. It seemed that a the Cardassians had entered the area and attacked the station and at least one of the ships in the fleet. Michael found himself before his operators waiting to be deploy.

“OK guys, We have multiple Cardassian vessels attacking. We have been activated as well as every other asset that the fleet has at its disposal. Make sure all weapons are locked and loaded. If needed I full well expect nothing but perfection from all of you.” He barked off as he checked his rifle. As he slung his weapon one of the enlisted Marine in the unit shouted out

“Death before dishonor. HOO RA!”

In one voice the briefing room filled with the members of the units barking off


“ Ok pipe down. “ Shouted Michael over the group. =^= Reaper Command to the bridge, We stand ready to deploy if needed. =^=

AS he awaited a reply Michael sheathed a katana. One of the younger operators. Looked at him oddly.

TAG. Martize

USS Agamemnon
Bridge | Flt.Capt. Malone Martize
1950 hrs

The Agamemnon fired it's long range weapons at the ships coming at the fleet, noticing the jolts from the Thunderstorm and Independence.
"What the heck is going on out there?" Martize asked. One of the bridge personnel members looked at him.

"Sensors indicate structual damage to the Thunderstorm and Independence. They might have boarders."

"Also damage to the USS Majesty as well." He said.

"What about the Braveheart?"

"No up to date word on them sir."

"Helm, get us into all weapons range. Lets take some pressure off of them." Malone said as the engines pulsed the ship foreward on que. She was slow, but was ready to deal the neccearly shots.
"Weapons CON, you have free fire at will and get our torpedos ready at their first shield drop." He said. The phasor cannons immdieately started trading shots to the ships occupying the Thunderstorm, Majesty and Independence.

=^= Reaper Command to the bridge, We stand ready to deploy if needed. =^=

Malone heard Wiseman on the comm.
"Copy that Reaper, stand by."
He then opened a Channel to the fleet.

//Woodcroft, Gillibrand, Jackson, what's your status? Were gonna try and divert some pressure off of you.// Malone said and awaited their answer. He then reopened his channel to Wiseman.

//Prepare for possible boarding deployment.//

Tag Melanie (Woodcroft and Micheals), Zack, Jackson, and Wiseman
USS Thunderstorm
Bridge | Lt. Malcome Martize
1950 hrs

Malcome's head jolted foreward as the ship took a blow to it's bow.

He looked at the console, trying to regain his composure. This in truth, was the first time he had ever been put into this kind of situration on a ship. It was all happening so quickly.

He looked over at the tactical officer who tried to put the shields up but then looked to the captain. He couldn't get his thought right until he heard the captain order a emergency hail to Thinrica. He sent the hail immdieatly.

"Transmission sent Ma'm" He said, his breathing still unsteady and quick. He then noticed a new hail coming in from the Agamemnon. A brief moment of discontent came over his face, but he shook off and looked to Melanie.
"Captain, Hail from the Agamemnon" He said

Tag Melanie
USS Majesty
1950 hrs

Callum had just sat back down "Tactical as we have partial main power back online fire at will at that Cardassian ship take out her weapons" he ordered he then heard the torpedo's being fired at that point another volley of torpedo's from the Cardassian ship hit us with a violent jolt he then looked at Mr Halsey and said "How are those reinforced shields holding up?"

TAG:William Halsey.

At that point a transmission from the Agamemnon came through Captain Malone Martize then said
Quote://Woodcroft, Gillibrand, Jackson, what's your status? Were gonna try and divert some pressure off of you.//
Callum then quickly got up out of his seat and said =/\= Sir we have managed to bring our core online but only with partial power it seems at the moment that our shields are holding but we have minor damage to the hull on deck 36 Main Engineering as our shields failed there but we have shut down life support on unused decks to compensate for power to boost them=/\= but at that point another torpedo hit the Majesty and threw Callum onto the floor he got up in a daze looked round and said "is everyone all right?"  Callum then continued on by saying =/\= but apart from that the Majesty is in relatively good condition but that last hit seems to have taken 1 of our forward torpedo bay's offline sir=/\=

Tag:Malone Martize, Cadets.

Callum then sat back down and looked at the Cadet on Tactical and said "Cadet report on the Cardassian ship"

TAG: Cadet On Tactical, Majesty Crew.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Majesty
1952 hrs

As I entered the bridge of the USS Majesty I could feel the emotions of her crew. The cadets, including myself, were afraid and nervous, none of us felt ready for combat. I was unsure where I was needed as I was just a counselor. I had self studied combat tactics as a part-time hobby but I was uncomfortable with saying anything. I realized though that if I wanted to go far in this career I had to take the initiative. With that thought I walked quickly up to the command chair where I noticed he was stationed. The bridge looked almost identical to the USS Enterprise NCC-1701D but there were a few small differences. The Majesty was more upgraded with newer technologies that the Enterprise D never got a chance to be updated with. All the cadets were already their stations and Majesty had already engaged the enemy. Something didn't feel right though, something was warning Des.

"Commander Callum, I am Cadet Locker, studying counselling. Where do you need me for this mission? Sir, may I suggest using the Corkscrew maneuver? It may give us a tactical advantage to allow the Starbase to assist us."
TAG: Callum, cadets

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