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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
Starbase Thrinacia
Docking ports
2050 hours

Melanie looked over hearing Malloway and nodded to Callum and then and started to run towards the docking port. After Malloway has finished his speech she tapped her commbadge.

"alright you heard him! Alpha crews and Tango crews get in the fighters! James, Callingham, Andrews you take leads with the crews! Star formation as you head out!  red Teams take flank around the available ships! All thunderstorm crew to the Deffiant USS Jerrico at Docking port 3! ALL SHIFTS are working double time! Lets move it people!" She exclaimed as she ran onto the port and on the Jerrico. she started pressing panels as she headed to the bridge powering up systems as she walked. When she got on the bridge she headed over to tactical and looked at the readings and then at Ops and Helm. When who all else got on board the ship and went to their positions she sat down and tapped her commbadge. Jerrico to Starbase. We've boarded and are heading out.. Woodcroft to rest of fleet.. i want to say one thing before we do anything. I'm proud of all of you and i'm honored to be along side in this fleet with you.. No matter how strong they are you guys keep going.. But we have an advantage.. we've watched them.. they know we're not going to stand down... so like the admiral said.. lets show them what is making this fleet who we are! Alright people! move out!!" she exclaimed and all the flighters and the Jerrico headed out for battle and as Megan started to fire all the weapons they had at the enemy.

Starbase Thrinacia
20:52 hrs

Callum stood thinking of which route to take when a pain shot through is left arm again which made up his mind for him he looked at his first officer and said "Lieutenant we will take the second route to the Command deck" he then grabbed his phaser and set it to full power he then aimed at an empty container and fired it the container was immediately vaporised he smiled and imagined himself vaporising the Cardassian's for a few seconds when he realised that they should be heading to the Command deck by now so he turned to face the group and said "We are going to go down this corridor to our right to Main Sickbay" he gestured to the corridor and continued "from there we will go down a corridor past an auxiliary armoury and on the other side of that armory is the Main turbo lift which we will take to the Command deck. Keep close together and remember what I told you if you find yourself by yourself. Right then, Lets Go" Callum turned around and began to lead the team down the corridor on the right to Main Sickbay there journey there was eerily quiet no officers no sounds he looked at his First Officer and said "it is too quiet down here" he was stopped suddenly as he tripped over a Cardassian body he fell onto his phaser and when he got back to his feet he tried to fire it but it just sparked a bit and then died "Damn" he said as he chucked it to the ground and turned to face the dead Cardassian on the floor he then began looking for his phaser he grabbed it and began to examine it he set it to a setting that he wasn't sure if it was full power or low power he pressed the biggest button on there hoping that it was fire whilst aiming it at the Cardassian it immediately vaporised the Cardy he wasn't that worried anyway as they were going to be passing an armoury where he could get a phaser that he understood they carried on their journey to sick bay as Callum continued "anyway as I was saying it is too quiet down here I don't like it I would prefer to be fighting the Cardy's or at least see some other officers down here" he stopped suddenly when he saw the door of sick bay it was logical to assume that there had been an explosion of some sort there "Well at least the fire suppression systems are still online" he said out loud without realising he quickly ran in.

Starbase Thrinacia
21:01 hrs

Callum slide past the doors which weren't open properly and began looking to see if anybody was there or any body's but all he could see were dead Cardy's lying on the floor he quickly said "Computer initiate the Emergency Medical Hologram" the computer replied with *The EMH is already online* he looked to his first officer and said "where?" but before he could reply he tapped his COMM Badge =/\=Jackson to Cadet Locker=/\= he got no reply it seemed that there was something jamming the communication's from here that is when he noticed that the Jeffreys tube access hadn't been sealed properly again which gave him the idea that they might have gone through there just before the explosion so he quickly turned to James and said "Do you know where that Jeffreys tube leads?"

TAG: James Spruance, Cadets, Majesty Crew.
Commodore Callum Jackson,
Commanding Officer USS Majesty.
Fleet Chief of Operations
Taskforce 169 Commanding Officer
USS Independence
2052 hours

=/\=All ships, this is Admiral Malloway. Negate all orders and fall back to Thrinacia - I want a fierce line held between us and the Cardassians. No arguments. All available Fighters are to equal themselves out between our ships and act as point-defence to incoming torps. Woodcroft, assign as many personnel as necessary to the remaining Starbase fighters and get them out there, in the mean-time you are to take command of the USS Jerrico, Defiant Class docked at port 3 and take your crew. Lieutenant Commander Jackson, you and the Cadets are to report to the Command Deck, taking out all boarding parties on your way. Fleet Captain Martize, get your ships to the line and kick back those spoonheads. We've lost enough as it is so far, lets show these in-breds just what the Federation is really made of! Malloway out.=/\=

There were a few seconds of semi-stunned silence on the Independence bridge as the crew mentally processed the Admiral's orders.  Zack sat down heavily in the center seat, wiping a smear of blood from a jazzed cut on his forehead. Immediately, he felt the blood trickle back down his forehead and saw that it was wasted effort until the medical teams arrived.  As the silence hung for a few more seconds than was comfortable, Zack spoke up.

"You heard the Admiral people," said Zack, trying to project confidence despite the fact that their Fleet seemed to be out-gunned. "Fall back and regroup at Thrinacia; use that time to reconstitute the shields and cool down the phaser arrays as much as possible.  Mr. Ketteringham, full evasive. Mr. Haven, cool down the phaser banks--torpedos only until we get to Thrinacia.  And keep those transphasic warheads hot...we may be using them after all."

Zack panned around slowly, looking each member of his Bridge staff in the eye for a few seconds.

"We're taking off the kid gloves, people. By Dorinda's Healing Light, we'll beat them back. And where the hell is my medical team anyway?"

[open tag]
2052 hours

As he got the message fighter pilot, mike mccovoy pushed the throttle to half power and was joining the rest of the squad, "well so much for that plan" he took a deep breath and placed his fighter next to a war ship.

Cadet hurt had just came back awake after a nasty hit on the head, as he tryed to sit up stars appared in his eyes, cadet hurt his his com badg "hello? This is cadet hurt, is anyone out there" and he hit it once more as he waited for the response he picked himself up off the deck, and brushed off his uniform, "why couldn't I be flying instead of down here" he mutterd to himself " oh well now to find out were I am and what happend". Cadet hurt started to head down a hallway to his right, he could still here thumps from outside and the ship was bucking he scanned the hallway walls looking for something to tell him were he was, he tryed to calm down and reach out with his mind to the othe cadets telling them he was still alive and he needed help as he brushed a mind he found it to be crawling throughout a tube," finally someone I know" the cadet said and he hurryed off to his left to find the other cadet.

Tag-All, cadets.
Commander DJ Hurt
Executive Officer USS Majesty
USS Majesty
USS Independence
2050 hrs

"Ow, dammit!" said Zack loudly as a medic swabbed the jagged cut om his forehead to remove the blood. "Graezik narvonno klott!"

"There is no need for vulgarity Sir," said the medic, a gray-skinned ruby-eyed native of Rigel V who understood the Captain's favorite curse perfectly. Medic Pzial sterilized the cut, them sealed it shut with a dermoplastic bandage. "Come to sickbay within 12 hours for dermal regeneration or that will leave a scar, Sir."

"So noted Crewman. Dismissed."

The tall, lanky Rigellian nodded curtly and took his medkit to examine another crewman on the Bridge. Zack had insisted others who had more severe injuries be treated first, even though he had lost a significant amount of blood and felt slightly lightheaded. He had sustained second-degree phosphorus burns on his left hand, in addition to getting the cut on his forehead from a flying polyglass shard. The entire bridge crew had been also given a small dose of triox, to stave off the effects of smoke inhalation.

"Mister Gran, status of tactical and defensive systems?"

The young Zakdorn Ensign looked up from the Engineering console. "Shields are back up to eighty-three percent, all emergency bulkheads are intact and structural integrity field is holding. We have seventy photon and twenty-six quantum torpedos left; as per your orders, all ten transphasic warheads remain on hot standby. Phaser arrays have cooled back down to 750 Kelvin...liquid sodium cooling jackets have been repaired."

"Good. Helm, time to rendezvous with the Fleet?"

"Arriving now, Captain."

"Mr. Haven, heat up the weapons. Full power to forward shields, hold position here. Tac display on main viewer."

The viewer came alive. Both sides of this conflict had suffered significant losses; the Cardassians had lost several vessels while Starfleet had lost the Cockerell and the Majesty had suffered major damage. The Thunderstorm had been replaced by the Jerrico, a ship designed for battle. Despite the issues he had with Captain Woodcroft's handling of personnel issues, she was an extremely capable tactician. Knowing that she was on their side tipped the odds measurably in Starfleet's favor. All they needed was for the enemy to come back after them...and they would.

[open tag]
OOC: Ladies and Gents; please dont forget FULL TIME/LOCATION STAMPS!


Command Deck
2055 hours

The place looked like a complete tip; conduits hung open from the ceiling, consoles were smashed to pieces, sparks flew from wall panelling every now and then, and shards of bulkhead lay here there and everywhere. Emergency lighting was on, made only slightly brighter by active consoles and the Red Alert beacon dimming in and out as was its fashion. But, despite all this, the crew of the Command Deck were not faltered.
Standing around the central podium was the Admiral, his eyes following the Fleet's movements as it was obvious all Commanders were following orders; regrouping the line between Thrinacia and the Cardassians. However, the Admiral was troubled. In his hand he held the latest tactical report onthe sector. Their friend, the Tachyon reading from before, had disappeared. Or rather had left. But more troubling they had gotten nothing from it. Scanners couldnt pick up anything other than the unusual amount of tachyon energy that had 'grouped' in that one place. But nevertheless, the problem was still the battle.

"Tactical, report." Steve ordered, his arms still folded with one fist clenched loosely around his jaw, his eyes remaining on the console screen before him,watching the Federation icons form the line.

"All our people are holding fast, despite the damage across all vessels. The Jerrico has joined the lines, fully prepped and ready to, excuse me, 'kick some ass'. Thrinacia's shields are holding at 42%, phaser banks primed and ready at 69% efficiency. Cardy Fleet holding at 4 Galor, 2 Keldon and a squadron of smaller Fighters, 1 more Hideki at their point. Captured Hideki is safely within our ports. Boarding parties seem to be slowly coming under control but we're still to hear in from several of our teams."

The Admiral looked over to the Tactical. Not hearing from his people was not good, anyone could tell you that. "I want additional teams out there, find our people. I dont care where you get these teams from but find them - even if you have to give Medical Crewmen a lesson on how to tap the fire button on a phaser - find my teams!" He ordered, almost yelling. It was bad enough the Fleet were taking a battering, but his own personnel on his own Starbase were another matter. "And patch me through to Gillibrand on the Independence."

As the nod came over from the Communications station, Steve stood up properly as if to look at the viewer before realising that was looking in no fit state to even consider using. Audio it was.

=/\="Admiral Malloway to Captain Gillibrand - you know the drill. If you've the advantage I want some of those cutlery-forehead-encrusted pains in the ass taken out, and I dont mean for coffee."=/\=

TAG: Fleet, Zack
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
USS Independence
2058 hours

=/\="Admiral Malloway to Captain Gillibrand - you know the drill. If you've the advantage I want some of those cutlery-forehead-encrusted pains in the ass taken out, and I don't mean for coffee."=/\=

"With pleasure Sir," said Zack from his center seat. He looked at Lt. Ketteringham at Ops, then nodded to close the channel. "Load five transphasic warheads in the forward torpedo launcher.  Helm, prepare to give me warp six in a two second burst...heading of 020 mark 141.  Mr. Haven, I'll need your finesse here since you may need to do blind targeting. I want all five of the warheads away as soon as we come out of warp, then a quick 180 and get us back within Thrinacia's defensive perimeter. We don't move out until everyone signal's ready. Clear?"

A chorus of 'aye Captain' and 'yes Sir' echoed through the bridge.  The attack they were going to attempt was very risky, an adaptation of the Picard Maneuver. It would put them right in the thick of the Cardassians' Galor-class cruisers...and hopefully, with a little luck, it would collapse their lines and turn the tide in Starfleet's favor.  As the crew began to report ready, Zack offered a silent prayer of protection to the moon Goddess Dorinda.

"Okay everyone. Let's do this. Execute maneuver."

There was a rapidly rising hum as the warp engines powered up.  The two second cruise through subspace was...well, short. The moment they returned to normal space, Zack gave the order to fire the transphasic warheads.  The white torpedos streaked across the viewscreen, going off to their pre-programmed targets.  Zack followed their trajectories closely...and the first found its target, striking a Galor-class cruiser squarely on its port blade and plowing through its shields as a warm knife would  slice through butter.  The torpedo detonated, and the cruiser flew apart.  The second torpedo struck a Galor on its forward disruptor array, cleanly vaporizing the forward half on the ship in one fell swoop. The third must have been targeted blindly, because it veered off toward the Independence's starboard side erratically before a Cardassian disruptor put it out of its misery.  The fourth struck a Keldon directly in its underbelly, and the fifth did the same to a Galor.  Both vessels erupted in a rapidly dissipated cloud of energy and debris.

"Okay, tuck tail and get us the hell out of here," said Zack just a few seconds after arriving. The Warp engines powered up and sped the Independence away, but not before the remaining vessels managed to get in a few shots of their own.  The Independence had done a good deal of damage, but had taken a small beating herself. She would fight onward, until the enemy was no more.

[open tag]
USS Independence
2058 hours

"Captain, remember that homing beacon that Lieutenant Ketteringham detected? I believe it is more then a simple beacon, it's causing problems with all systems." Eamon called out from station; he had been given burns treatment on the bridge and now he was back to work.

As if on queue the Independence power grid fluctuated causing both primary and secondary systems turn off then came back on again. Eamon was still a bit stiff from his burns since the medical officer decided not to heal the scarring or burnt skin until after the battle. He was well enough for duty and that was okay for Eamon.

"We need to get that beacon out of the power grid. Unfortunately I have to shut them down leaving the ship vulnerable; I suggest we dock with the starbase for the procedure then we can get back into the fight." Eamon said.

tag Gillibrand

JP between James Spruance and William Halsey

Starbase Thrinacia
21:01 hrs

James Spruance looked about the Sickbay assessing the damage done by the phaser overload that had taken out the entire Cardassian boarding team. He also noticed that the Jeffries tube door wasn't properly sealed and when Commander Jackson asked,
Quote:"Do you know where that Jeffreys tube leads?"
James pulled out his PADD with the Starbase map. He zoomed in on the section where the Sickbay was and found the Jeffries tube. After consulting the map James turned to Jackson and said, "Sir, the map shows that the Jeffries tube goes up three levels and down three levels. If the Cadet and any other people climbed in here they could have gone either direction. I'm not sure what is blocking your comm signal but if we send someone into the tube we can probably make contact with the Cadet.

Turning to Cadet Halsey, James said, "Cadet would you climb into the Jeffries tube and see if you can locate Cadet Locker? And any ideas about the comm signal?

William nodded, "Sir, it could be the residual energy from the phaser overload. The energy signature could probably even knock out the EMH even though the computer says it is on." With that, William opened the tube door and climbed in. He looked up and down the ladder that went to different decks and tried to contact Cadet Locker. =/\= Cadet Halsey to Cadet Locker can you hear me? I'm in the Jeffries tube at Sickbay. Are you above or below me? Des? Can you hear me? Me, Commander Jackson and a few others are here to check on you. Are you alright?=/\= Silence answered William as he waited for a reply.

TAG: Locker
USS Independence

Zack looked at his Chief Engineer like he had a huge piece of spinach caught in his teeth. "Are you serious? In the middle of a pitched battle where our weapons could very well turn the tide in our favor?"

The young Engineer's expression told Captain Gillibrand that he was indeed not joking. "Very well then," said Zack. "Signal the Fleet that we're falling back to Thrinacia for..."

Zack didn't have time to finish his sentence as the Bridge--and the entire ship--lost power. He opened the small control panel on the arm of his chair...nothing. Not even energency lights.

"Where are the auxiliary...oh shit," Zack said. He just remembered he had ordered the auxiliary generators be taken offline to prevent a cascade failure like the one they were in right now. The Independence was toast unless they got power back, and damn fast.

"Chief, I hope your people are in place to get that device out stat. And let's hope our colleagues realize we're in trouble in time."

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