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Fleet Opening Mission: To Our Future
USS Independence, NCC-57216
0715 hours

"Captain," said Ensign Mallory Hughes from the CONN.  "We're approaching the Salon system."

"Disengage warp drive," said Captain Zack Gillibrand as he disentangled his fingers from each other and sat up a bit straighter in his chair.  "Three-quarters impulse power to Starbase Thrinacia."

"Aye, Sir."

Zack took a few moments to look around at his crew, his comrades in arms that had served him faithfully for the last six years.  For many of them, the time had come to move on to other assignments.  A few others, their tour of duty was up.  And for his Executive Officer, Commander Karl Haider, retirement awaited.  Zack felt a certain fatherly affection for many of them, despite the fact that he was only marginally older than all of them--except for Commander Haider.  The stubborn 85-year old Austrian XO was an old codger all right, seen by most--Zack included--as a sort of grandfatherly figure.  Karl Haider may be elderly, but he had a will of cast rodinium and was wickedly efficient at his job.  Zack would be sorry to see all of them leave.  As the Starbase came into focus on the viewscreen, Zack felt a hand on his shoulder.  He looked over and saw Commander Haider.

"Sir," said Haider softly.  "It's time."

"Right," said Zack as he stood up.  "Of course.  Lieutenant Givens, give me a shipwide channel please."

"Channel open," said Lieutenant Jennifer Givens from the Ops console.

"This is the Captain.  Many of you will be leaving this fine vessel today...some for personal reasons, some because duty has called you to other assignments...and a few of you, because you have done your bit for King and country and it's time to enjoy your declining years.  I did not stand in the way of any transfer requests, as all of you know.  What I do know is that the Independence is losing some of the finest officers that I have had the privelige of serving with.  We have shared many experiences on this ship--some wonderful, some brutally tragic.  Let it be known that your service to me, and to the Federation, will always be a part of the hallowed halls of this vessel.  I'll close with an old Irish blessing: May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.  Close channel."

"Channel closed, Sir."

"XO you have the bridge...for the last time," said Zack as he turned on his heel and exited the bridge to his Ready Room.  He sat down, replicated a cup of peppermint tea, and pulled up the message from Admiral Malloway.

TO: United Federation of Planets Defence Fleet Commanding Officer
FROM: Malloway, S. Admiral, Fleet Commander
RE: Cermony and Debrief
LOCATION AND TIME OF DEBRIEF: Starbase 402 'Thrinacia', Conference Room Alpha, 1300 hours, Stardate 65784
LOCATION AND TIME OF CEREMONY: As above, @ 1900 hours, Main Gallery
DEBRIEF ATTENDEES: Commanding Officers, Executive Officers
CEREMONY ATTENDEES: All Officers and Crew
ATTIRE: Duty Uniform for Debrief, Dress Uniform for Ceremony

Zack had received a message at 0530 this morning from his incoming XO that they had safely arrived at Starbase Thrinacia.  He had forwarded a copy of the Admiral's memo to them, and they had acknowledged receipt.  The only thing that Zack was not looking forward to was wearing dress uniform--it itched terribly.  He sighed heavily and began to peruse personnel files once again, trying to get a feel for this new crew that was coming aboard.

Starbase Thrinicia
0730 Hours

Ethan sat at the table, nursing the cup of coffee that had been brought a short time ago. Though cooler, it was still hot in the grip of his hands. As he sat sipping at the liquid, feeling the caffeine begin to take effect, he noticed one of his helm underlings from the Braveheart enter looking around the bar obviously for someone in particular.

Ethan watched the ensign for a moment, waiting to see who else might be here, when they locked eyes on each other. From the look of the ensign’s widening eyes, Ethan was who he had been looking for.

What in the world could he have done to my helm in this short amount of time? he thought as he took another drink of the coffee.

As the ensign approached, he said, “Sir, I was told to find you and give you this when I came aboard the Starbase.” In his outstretched hand he held a padd.

Looking from his eyes to the padd, Ethan sat for a moment, contemplating even taking the padd. Padds never contained anything good: new orders, reassignments, or parties, none of which Ethan was very fond of.

“Thanks, ensign. Dismissed.” He said with no more effort than it took. He watched as the ensign departed his step a bit lighter than it had been. Ethan chuckled at the thought that the ensign had “accomplished his mission.”

Looking down at the padd, Ethan read the orders of a party:

TO: United Federation of Planets Defence Fleet Commanding Officer
FROM: Malloway, S. Admiral, Fleet Commander
RE: Ceremony and Debrief

LOCATION AND TIME OF DEBRIEF: Starbase 402 'Thrinacia', Conference Room Alpha, 1300 hours, Stardate 65784
LOCATION AND TIME OF CEREMONY: As above, @ 1900 hours, Main Gallery

DEBRIEF ATTENDEES: Commanding Officers, Executive Officers
CEREMONY ATTENDEES: All Officers and Crew

ATTIRE: Duty Uniform for Debrief, Dress Uniform for Ceremony

“Parties tend to be worse than reassignments sometimes.” Ethan said aloud but barely over a whisper. He wasn’t concerned with anyone hearing it with the noise level as loud as it was. “At least it didn’t require him to debrief, the downside: Dress Uniforms.

Shaking his head, Ethan took and last sip of his drink, set the mug back down on the table, and stood. Letting his legs regain their feeling, he walked out of the lounge, his intentions being to re-board the Braveheart, relax for a while, and dress in his monkey suit. With any luck, his day wouldn’t be interrupted again, until it was time for the party.  
STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
Commanding Officer's Office
0711 hours

Connor moved and sat down in one of the chairs the Admiral gestured to; he just didn't feel comfortable with how Steve operated with those under his command yet. He tried to though.

Before Connor had a chance to reply, the doors to Steve's office had slid open, and Steve looked up from reading the PADD in his hands to look at the woman standing there.

Mara walked in with a silly judical wig and old judical robe, "Its ok people I made it. Now What case is this..." She looked down at the data padd in hand, "The Inflatable toy vs Admiral Steve Malloway. Hmmmmm How do you pleed Admiral." She smiled slightly hoping he wouldn't know how to take her. She had only recently transfered to this fleets judical branch but she had had plenty of experience.

Mara pulled off her wig and let her purple hair unfurl and drop to her shoulder of her uniform. She unbuttoned the robe and placed them on a chair to the side of the room, "Captain Shax of the USS Angels Flight reporting in Sir as ordered." She extended her hand to the CinC, "Pleasure to meet you."

Steve merely looked from Connor, to the officer now stood with them, down to her hand, and back up to her face as he then stood and walked around his desk. He stood there for a moment, one eyebrow slightly raised and his head angled down a little; his facial expression neutral for a moment as he took in the JAG Commander infront of him. He reached to his side, picking up the robe. "Captain..." He handed the robe to Shax, "I am currently in a meeting; in future I would appreciate your ringing my doorchime before barging into my office." He said sternly, clasping his hands behind his back as he took in a breathe. "Also, please do bear in mind that I am your superior officer and do not appreciate an entrance as you so lovingly gave us. Report back to me in an hour. Dismissed." He finished bluntly, his eyes remaining fixed on the female Commanding Officer, watching her turn and leave before moving back to address Connor.

Connor did his best not to laugh out loud at the case Captain Shax said upon barging in; he had to pull his lips into his mouth and close his jaw on them gently as he looked at the Admiral then turned to see Captain Shax before she left.

Steve returned to his desk, shaking his head slightly at Connor with a grin. "Apologies Commander. As you were."

When she was gone Connor couldn't hold onto it any longer and he laughed. "The Inflatable toy vs Admiral Steve Malloway, I'm going to have to remember that one." After he calmed down he briefly skimmed the padd and nodded. "The final touches look good sir; I can't wait." He placed the padd down on the Admiral's desk and then Steve asked about the gateways and Tachyons wrecking havoc on the starbase's systems.

The first officer swallowed nervously. "Operations and Sciences are working on it. Nothing to worry about," ~ yet, ~ Connor thought hiding his concern as best he could.

"Hmm." Steve said, bringing up the status of the Gateway on the screen that had slid from the desk surface, his eyes scanning over the data. "Lets hope so... we've only got a few hours before meeting with the Fleet's COs, and then later the actual unveiling..." He paused, looking up at Connor, "That'd be all we need; the first ship to go through being cut-off from us without being able to get back... We'd have a Voyager on our hands all over again." He chuckled, looking back to the data. It seemed one of the transmission nodes was sending false telemetry from the Gateway Control Beacon to the Starbase itself. "Commander, have the technicians look into the output stream of the transmission nodes... looks like we got a blunderer there..."

Off the top of his head Steve couldnt remember right then the length of time he'd served with Connor, probably due to the lack of sleep in the last 48 hours, but he'd learnt that the Commander was one he could trust to get the job done. Something that he knew would come in handy in the upcoming months, especially in regards to Thrinacia. 'Thrinacia - Island home to the Cattle of a Greek God'; aptly named. Steve thought, considering the Starbase herself would become the safe haven for all officers, crew, civilians and ships across the UFP Defence Fleet. I wonder if that makes me a God? He chuckled mentally. Of course not.

"How goes the Main Gallery for our little unveiling this evening? I had a look down there last night and everything seemed to be coming along nicely. I take it our menu is finalised?" The Admiral asked Connor with a grin.

"I believe so, I was about to go on an inspection of the starbase key areas before you called me after this I can give you a certain update on what is going on." Connor said as politely as he could.

"Super." Steve replied, sitting back in his chair as looked across at Connor. "I know I havent let you in on much about the Gateway itself, Commander... but you know Command and how they keep as little as possible hidden for as long as they can. But, I do now have the go-ahead to divulge..." He paused, whisking his mug of coffee up into his hands from his desk and taking a small drink before looking back to Connor. "Would you like a drink at all? And is there anything you wish to know of our project we have here?"

"Just some water please." Connor answered then smiled. "I'd like to know everything that you can tell me."

"Computer, water." Steve ordered, watching the space in the wall fizzle with a dazzle of blue sparks, which momentarily ceased to leave a glass of water in their place. He smiled, picking up the glass. He loved replicators. "Well," He began, placing the glass of water on his desk infront of Connor, taking a seat in his chair again and relaxing back a little to clasp his hands in his lap, "as you've no-doubt noticed from the readouts and assignments we have underway with the Gateway, its still in the processing phases. We know very little about where this is heading. Utilising both our knowledge of the Iconians, and Seven of Nine's intel on transwarp hubs, our Engineers have managed to manufacturer our Gateway Control Beacon; a small station somewhat attached to the Gateway itself. Details on how we obtained the Gateway is classified, even to my eyes so I can't elaborate. The technology we have has enabled us to build a perimeter around the edge of the gateway, large enough for a Galaxy Dreadnought, nothing larger, to go through - to our records it's the largest gateway anyone has come across." He paused, taking a drink of his coffee which was becoming rather cold, but he could suffer; the flavour was still acceptable. He looked to Connor. "Confused yet?" He chuckled. "Or anything you wish to ask?"

"No I'm with you," Connor took the glass of water and had a long sip. "So we are assigned to exploring were the gateway goes to?" He asked.

"Mmm," Steve acknowledged as he took a drink from his coffee, setting it down on the desk as he went on, "Yes. From the outset only a select few of the Fleet's ships will be authorised to go through as it's not 100% full functional yet," He gestured to the PADD of data on the tachyon issues from previous, "But it is part of our mandate nevertheless. Our delightful little Intrepid Class we have assigned as Thrinacia's Command assignment is at our disposal for certain missions regarding the gateway too." He passed another PADD to Connor which contained the information on the Intrepid. "We just have to continually monitor the Gateways programming and make sure we're on top form for sending any of our people through."

It would be a risky business sending the ships through when the technology wasnt exactly at its best yet. Some of the scientists on the project even disagreed with the others on their estimations that today would be the day to begin using it. But, either way, any and all Starfleet Officer was trained for this; to use the unknown, act on the unknown, and master it's mysteries. That was the real challenge ahead of them; to face whatever they had to when the Gateway became fully active. Afterall, who knew what they would encounter?

"Anything else, Connor?" Steve looked to his Exec with a small grin, wondering if he had anything he wished to know more on.

Connor shook his head. "Nothing sir, looking forward to the fun." He said with a smile.

Steve chuckled a little, glad for the enthusiasm. "Good to hear it, Commander. I'm sure there'll be plenty of it when everything's in full swing... especially our festivities this evening. I am personally looking forward to it - cant knock me down from a good shindig." He paused, placing his hands on the surface of his desk. "Unless there's anything else Connor, I think I've held you here for long enough this morning. If I've missed anything on the Gateway, I'll go into more detail in the briefing with the other COs and XOs later."

"I'm sure my questions, if any, will be answered at the briefing Admiral." He glanced off to the side then back at Steve. "I believe there is nothing else. I shall see you at the 'shindig' tonight." Connor grinned and got to his feet, picked up any padds he needed, then excused himself before heading out of the ready room.

TAG: Those reporting in, JP?
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
Commanding Officer’s Office
0735 hours

Steve watched his Executive Officer leave his office, taking in a satisfied breathe as he recalled the finalised details of the ceremony that evening. Finally its all coming together. He chuckled to himself knowing full well, as he had experienced in the past, it was always too early to congratulate himself on organising something. Infact, the last time he’d done so on something to this scale, the stag-do he had been planning went horribly wrong for the upcoming groom… but, either way, that had made his speech that more interesting as bestman the following day.

“Right, back to it.” Steve said aloud as he heard his office doors close with a low whish after Connor had proceeded through them. He turned slowly round, taking in the mess of PADDs sprawled here there and everywhere. It was going to be one hell of a job to make sure this mess was sorted. Luckily no-one of importance was due to arrive any time soon, so tidiness was not a necessity right now. Yet, despite this, as he walked back round his desk he couldn’t help but straighten a couple of piles, or pick up one and put it on another… just to make it look like he was somewhat organised. For we all know ‘a tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind’.

Meanwhile, back on the Firestorm, Ornixen was scanning over the monitored comms traffic when the Firestorm spoke up.

"Sir, I've identified the commander of the station, one Admiral Steve Malloway.  Scanners indicate that he is now alone."

"Thank you, Firestorm", Ornixen said, standing and grabbing his wrist-com from the console and strapping it on.  As he turned around, he saw his sword and staff on their racks.  Hmm...which to take he thought for a second before grabbing the sword and strapping it to his back.  "Firestorm, give me a visual of the Admiral's location."

A moment later, a clear picture of the admiral's ready appeared on the monitor.  Well, I guess the mess is a good sign they are still getting things organized Ornixen thought to himself before teleporting into the room, careful that his wrist-com was masking his lifesigns.

"Admiral Malloway, I presume," Ornixen said after a moment.

Steve looked up, jerking his head slightly to one side as he looked upon the figure before him - human in appearance, but something about him wasnt standard. He whipped his hand up to his commbadge, only to be met with the errored-chirp to signal nothing would get through.

"That would be correct..." He paused, rolling his chair back a few feet from his desk cautiously as his eyes remained fixed on the man before him, or more precisely the hilt of what appeared to be a sword strapped to his back. Either the man was biding his time to do something, or there was alterior motive... no alarms had gone off, and nothing else seemed to have been triggered. "And just er... who might you be? Or, more precisely, what do you want?" Ever the diplomat Steve, well done. Clap... clap... clap...

Ornixen chuckled to himself a little bit before saying, "Admiral, I am Kuchaba Ornixen, but you can just call me Ornixen.  Before you ask, my wrist-com here is jamming your com-badge, along with your internal sensors.  According to them, I'm not here.  I represent an highly advanced group, known as the Dianar Empire, however, I am here of my own accord.  We detected an Iconian Gateway being activated this morning, around 0300 local time, here in this vicinity.  May I safely assume that the Federation is working on a way to control the Gateway?"

The Fleet Commander remained where he sat, unmoving save-for his eyes which narrowed as he listed to the stranger's words. "Dianar Empire? Can't say I've heard of it..." He stood, walking to the narrower width of his desk nearer to the concealed weapons sheath on the underside, just incase. "Yet you yourself appear human..." He shyed from the topic of the Gateway for the moment, taking in the posture and demeanor of this 'Ornixen'.

"You are very astute, Admiral.  I am indeed human, in fact, I was born on Earth, over 400 years ago.  As for not hearing about the Dianar Empire, that isn't a surprise, considering the Federation haven't left the Milky Way Galaxy, let alone reached out the 7 galactic spans it would take to reach the fringes of the Dianar Empire," Ornixen said.  Noticing a bit of anxiousness coming from the Admiral, he said, "Don't worry, Admiral.  If I met you harm, you would know it by now.  The sword is more a precaution then anything else.  My purpose here is simple, I want to help you.  I've spent nearly 400 years with the Dianar, who mastered Gateway technology many eons ago.  And the star charts I have on my starfighter would probably come in handy as well."

Steve merely nodded slightly in understanding, before pulling out the phaser slowly and slipping it onto his belt in the usual fashion. "A precaution, you understand." He said, repeating Ornixen's words as the Commander folded his arms over his chest. "I'm still unsure of your intentions though... if your people discovered the use of the Gateways centuries ago; what interest does our attempts at using them mean to you?" He asked, moving one step from his desk to the side.

"To be honest, the rest of the Dianar Empire probably doesn't care one tiny bit.  You're still hundreds of years away from being able to connect your gate here to any of the ones connected to the Dianar.  However, personally, I've been wanting to return to the Milky Way Galaxy for many years, ever since I stepped down from being Kuchaba.  Plus, the fact that you've been able to successfully access a Gateway means you can reach parts of space where the laws of physics as you understand them don't exist," Ornixen said.  "For instance," he continued, waving his hand idly and causing all of the pads in the office to fly over to the desk and stack themselves perfectly.

Casually striding over to the replicator, he said, "Computer, one root beer."  Once the beverage appeared, he took it and took a long drink.  "Ah, well made root beer....I never could get the Dianar replicators to do the drink justice."

The Fleet Commander watched the stranger drink from the replicated beverage, nodding slightly but keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the man as he spoke. "Forgive me, but I'm still skeptical here..." He paused, unfolding his arms to clasp his hands behind his back loosely before continuing, "Lets say for argument's sake so far, that your intentions are as you say non-hostile... why mask yourself from my Starbase's detection?" He remained steady, his tone firmly solid as he posed the question.

"Honestly, I wanted to make sure we had a chance to talk uninterrupted.  It isn't like you were expecting me, and, even if you were, would you have believed me had I shown up in a more traditional manner?"

"I wont pretend I would have done... infact, it would be hard to acertain how I would have been..." Steve knew this was very unorthodox of any Starfleet Commander, but, with the Gateway now being used - would anything be orthodox any more? They were bound to need to do things differently from tradition, especially First Contact situations... even if the First Contact was with a member of your own race... now that was a paradox and a half. He gestured with his hand to a vacant chair as he sat on the edge of his desk himself. "What is it you are proposing then...?"

Taking a seat, Ornixen calmly said, "Simple.  I'd like to be an consultant, both on things relating to the Gateway and things magical.  With your permission, I'll decloak my starfighter and instruct it to proceed with docking procedures.  Also," he said as he tapped out a command on his wrist-com, "I have now deactivated my personal mask as well as the interference signal jamming your communications.  Also, First Contact with a member of your own race is quite the Paradox,"  he said with a grin.

"I, err... was just thinking the same..." Steve said, reaching behind him to press a single button on his desk control, a small chirping sounding as he proceeded to speak. =/="Malloway to Command Control, instruct all Personnel; there will be an unknown vessel decloaking shortly - do not do anything to it and allow it to dock. Commander Blake I will explain shortly. Malloway out."=/= And with another tap he closed the link, looking back to Ornixen who, it would seem, hadnt moved. "This is very strange am sure to any officer within Starfleet... you'll understand I'll need to consult with my superiors? And obviously inform my Senior Staffing. I would also point out there will be certain... restrictions, on your part. Well, more conditions than restrictions I should say."

"That is perfectly understandable, considering my abilities," Ornixen said as he tapped a couple of commands into his wrist com.

Are you sure about this, sir.  Dianese regulation strictly prohibit the decloaking of a personal starfighter in the vicinity of a fledgling base.

Yes, I know, Firestorm, however, since I am a member of this particular species, I'm staying and so are you.  Decloak and request docking clearance.  If they request visual confirmation, use a humanoid mask

Yes sir

"Alright, the Firestorm should be decloaked now.  If there is nothing else, I guess I should visit your resident Quartermaster for a place to stay."

Steve nodded, standing to his feet from sitting on the edge of his desk. "Its a rather awkward situation I have here.... I have regulations I should follow, yet my exploratory instincts have me ignoring them," He chuckled, extending his hand to Ornixen, "If anyone has any issues, have them contact me directly... I'll see what comes of... all this."

Taking the Admiral's hand and giving it a firm shake, Ornixen said, "I hear ya, fully.  I'm pretty sure this is a first for both of our peoples."

JP by Ornixen and Admiral Malloway
TAG Open
{posting as LtCmdr. Torin Elano, Chief of Operations, USS Braveheart}

Starbase Thrinacia, Shuttle Bay Three
1040 Hours

The small type-10 shuttlecraft had been parked in Shuttle Bay Three for several minutes...and yet, Torin had not been able to pry himself from the pilot's seat.  He and Rennan had been en route to Thrinacia for the past six days, and both of them were exhausted.  The trip would have gone much faster had Torin been able to convince his old Captain to give him one of the Runabouts instead of the small class-10 shuttle; they would have been able to travel at warp seven, which would have cut the travel time from six days to less than two.  But since Thrinacia was scheduled to have another class-10 shuttle delivered and the Babylon was carrying a spare, they had been limited to the small shuttle's warp five point three.  Both Torin and Rennan had been sorry to leave the Babylon--that ship was the place they had met, the place where just about all their friends lived, the place where they had been married. But duty had called Torin elsewhere, and his faithful husband had followed.  Now they were set to board the Braveheart, a top-of-the-line Sovereign class vessel.  It was a higher profile placement for both of them, so they hoped it would be beneficial to both of their careers.  As he leaned back slightly in the pilot's chair, Torin felt Rennan's presence telepathically and sensed his husband's mild annoyance with him.

"You coming, Tor?" asked Rennan playfully, standing with a hand on his hip and trying his best to look annoyed.  "We only have a few hours before this ceremony of theirs, and I know how long it takes you to get ready.  Being late would be impolitic."

"And since when have you cared about what is and what is not impolitic, Ren?" responded Torin, turning his seat around and standing up.  He stretched wide, then began to walk toward the aft access hatch.

"Since we arrived.  I haven't had a new CO to impress in years, and neither have you.  We both need to be at our best."

"As long as I have you, I'll always be at my best."  Torin caught a slight whiff of his husband's cologne, an obscure Terran blend that drove him wild.  He pulled Rennan close to him and kissed him gently on the lips, a gesture that the taller, stronger security officer returned with equal affection.

"Let's go, Imzadi," said Rennan, breaking away from the kiss.  "We need to get to our quarters on Braveheart and get ready...and we need to report in also.  The shuttlebay staff can take care of getting most of this stuff to our quarters."  Rennan started to move toward the shuttlebay exit after picking up his carry on, and noticed his husband hanging back slightly.  "Tor, what's..." he trailed off as his mind scanned Torin's, finding his husband enveloped by other voices that he was unable to filter out.  As Rennan pulled out the portable medkit and loaded the theragenic isocyanate cartridge into the hypospray, he tried to use his limited telepathic abilities to suppress some of the chaos.  He could feel Torin's little remaining control slipping away as the hypospray hissed against Torin's neck.  In just a few seconds, Rennan felt his husband's control return to normal.  "Better?"

"Yeah, much.  I didn't realize how much these thousands of non-telepathic voices would affect me, Ren.  Sorry."

"You can't help that the Gift the Gods gave you is so strong.  We'll just need to make your dosages a little stronger while we're here at the Starbase."  Rennan stuck his hand out, spreading his fingers wide.  "Here, take my hand.  I'll help shield you until the dose takes full effect."

Torin took his husband's hand, once again surprised how easily their fingers interlaced together.  It was so natural, like Ren was an extension of himself.  The instant their skin contacted, Rennan's mind was completely open to Torin.  Torin felt safe, comforted, protected.  It was a feeling he never wanted to go away.  He smiled at Rennan, then the two of them set out for the Braveheart to begin their newest adventure--together, now and always.
USS BRAVEHART, docked with STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
CO's Ready Room
0805 hours

"LAAAAALLALAAALALAAAAAAAAA!" Donald sung loudly as he walked out from the small room with his washbasin in, swinging the drenched towel round his neck. "Refreshing." He chuckled, walking over to the computer terminal as it flashed with a new message.

It was the same communique all the other CO's had received. Briefing. Dinner. The joy.

"Well, the dinner should be fun. Nothing like getting your superior's completely off their faces." He grinned, sitting down rather heavily behind his desk and swinging his feet up on the surface lightly. He'd slept well that night. Better than he had done for a long time infact, as he normally woke up with a stiff neck or major bags under his eyes with fatique. Ever since...

He let the thought stop. Wasnt good to drag up what had happened in the past. This time it was done, and there was no turning back.

Donald looked across to the viewport, watching a workerbee glide by outside as it began it's work on the Braveheart's hull. 3 months she had been back in service, dragged back in from mothball. The crew had done an outstanding job in getting her back to somewhat full capacity. The internal corridors were at least welcoming again. Instead of the soot marked walls and missing panels that they had been met with 3 months ago, she was gleaming again. Newcomers would have thought she was a new ship altogether.

The CO took in a breathe as he turned, looking around his Ready Room slowly, feeling a lump settle in the back of his throat and he bit the inside of his bottom lip. Not the time for second thoughts young man. He mimiced the voice of his father in his head which led him to smile, remembering the face of the old man himself. "No, it certainly isnt..." He paused, reaching up to tap his commbadge before continuing, =/\="Captain McGriff to Commander Trane. Report to my Ready Room. McGriff out."=/\=

TAG: Traney-boy
Admiral Steve Malloway
Commanding Officer, USS Eagle
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet

Training and Personnel Developments Director, and Internal Verifier
USS Braveheart, docked with STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
Crew Quarters
0745 Hours

Ethan had made it back from the Promenade without a problem. HE resolved to spend some quiet time in his quarters, perhaps going back over the last mission reports from the helm underlings.

The first thing he did was grab himself a coffee from the replicator and walk slowly to his desk, the mug hot and steaming, filled just short of overflowing. Raising the mug to his lips, giving a light blow to clear a bit of the heat, he took a sip of the liquid. He could feel the hotness making its way to his stomach. “Ahhh,” was all that he had said thus far.

Setting the mug down on his desk, he moved to the chair, pulled it out and sat down. For a while, he just sat there staring at the screen, seeming to be having a staring contest with the Federation symbol that stared back at him. After having downed half the coffee, he tapped the console, and brought up the helm reports from the last mission.

As he scanned the reports, he sometimes found his mind fading from the task. Gathering his wits about him, he regained his focus, and began the report again from the top. So far as he could tell from the others, they had the same experience with the controls as he had. “Status quo,” were what the reports from the crew said.

“That was easy,” Ethan said to himself, tapping the console again, shutting the reports. The truth was, even if there was something there, he wouldn’t find it, not being able to keep his mind on the details. Sitting back in his chair, he reached for his mug.

Before his hand closed around it, his comm badge chirped. Following the chirp was the Captain’s voice.

=/\="Captain McGriff to Commander Trane. Report to my Ready Room. McGriff out."=/\=

=/\=On my way, Captain.=/\=

With that he left his coffee where it was, and exited his room. Riding the lift to the bridge, Ethan did the usual tugging on his tunic as he arrived at the door to the Ready Room. Smoothing the front with his hands, he reached up and rang the door chime.

Tag : Captain Bligh 
John Morgan's Temporary Quarters.

*The time is 0600 hours* The computer announced.

John Morgan jolted upright on his bed in reaction to the alarm he has set. Blinking for a few seconds, John slowly gained the realisation that he was conscious, he shook his head in response.
John turned round to get out of bed and requested something of the computer,
“Computer, upcoming events please”.

“You have, four unchanged events, one reminder and five cancelled events.”  The computer listed.

“Hmm, why so many cancelled events?” John pondered aloud to him self as he rose from the side of his bed.

“Unknown”  The computer responded. John stepped to the mirror standing in the room and thought for a second.

“What is this reminder?” John inquired to the computer, thinking it may shed some light on the situation.

“Type message, subject Ceremony and Debrief reminder.”, replied the computer promptly.

“O yes, of course, Steve has got a nice party to kick-start this whole thing doesn't he.” John said in realisation.  John looked down at him self in the mirror, “Also means dress uniform, looking at my self I doubt it still fits, being behind a desk months on end”, John jested followed by a small chuckle.

“Computer cancel any thing from when this reminded event starts” John requested of the computer.

“Three events cancelled” the computer replied.
“Three? Dam, I need to remember what am doing with my time.  Am sure who ever they where with, they would of cancelled anyway. Computer, anything within the next few hours?” John requested.

“Negative” The computer responded.

John picked up his dress Uniform to see if it still fits. After a few tugs it finally got it to fit his  frame.

“Hmm, perhaps I should cut down on the snacks.” John joked as he adjusted his top. “I better get it pressed I suppose” He commented to him self.

Such formalities seem to be of no ones preference, but they seem to organise and attend them anyway. John pondered why they just don't get straight into the partying, and don't bother with the formal meal.  They know they want to.

After making a meal of taking his dress uniform off, he proceeded to pick up his duty uniform.
Still thinking why do such a thing, his thoughts wandered off to thinking in that these formal meals are the reason Admirals never leave their desk job. All these meals are weighing them down. John would rather be in an engineering section of a starship instead of pushing pencils. But it seems the universe in it's wicked way would have it otherwise.
Finishing putting his uniform on, he checked the computer for the time and exited his quarters. From there he tallied forth towards the promenade, where he would get him self a darling cup of coffee to fully awaken the pencil pusher within. To produce a man that could wade his way though mountains paper work, before this party that was soon to commence. 
Entering the promenade, he turned left and headed for the café that was before him. Trundling towards the café, the aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air, like a sweet nectar. This however being the nectar of work.
Sweeping though the entrance, John halted abruptly, scanning the room for an unoccupied chair. The café was of the a similar style to the station, nothing new, the standard décor is something Starfleet rarely has bothered to liven up. The café however was busy, as it is usually in the mornings.With  many working men and women of Starfleet obtaining the nectar to quick boot their morning shifts. It surely that Starfleet runs on the stuff.
Finally locating a seat, John approached it in a swift fashion, and awaited for service. For it was not long before a waitress approached him.
“What be your order sir? The waitress inquired.
“My poison will be Coffee, black if you please.  Also would you accompany it by two pieces of toast, buttered. That will be all,Thank you.” John requested.
“Will not be long”, The waitress responded before turning and departing from the table John sat at.
The waitress of course was not incorrect, she returned with his order, “Your order sir” The Waitress announced to John.
“Thanks”, John said as she turned for the next table.
Taking a bite of the toast he just received, he thought that he should of brought the PADD that he purposely left beside his bed last night to work on. Never mind.
Admiral John 'Spiced' Morgan
Joint Fleet Commanding Officer, Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet
Commanding USS Elimination

Quote:[02/27/11 13:25:51 ] Nick : just noticed another issue, now the posts aren't showing in teh Starfleet HQ thread. the post is there when you open teh thread, but the only post that shows is my instructor thread
[02/27/11 13:26:13 ] Nick : I love creating work for the admin....(H)
[02/27/11 13:26:34 ] Paul : I love ignoring issues as an admin Tongue
STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
Commanding Officer's Office
0750 hours

Once Melanie Saw Ornixon come out of the office she looks into it with her padd in her hand. she straightens out her uniform and clears her throat and walks in slowly. "admiral? Melanie Woodcroft reporting for duty. i hope this isnt' a bad time sir." she introduced herself, her blond hair to her shoulder, her blue eyes sparkling. standing at attention.

Steve allowed for his eyes to watch Ornixen head out of his office as he walked around his desk to sit in his larger chair again, his hands moving up to wipe the fatigue from his face as he heard the doors open for the new arrival to leave, after moments hearing a female voice introduce herself. He clasped his hands together loosely on the surface of his desk as he shook his head a little, recognising the name from the Fleet manifest. "Not at all Commander, come on in." He smiled, gesturing with one hand to one of the 3 empty seats on the 'guest' side of the desk.

Melanie sat down gently and hands him her transfer orders. "here are my transfer orders and information about the thunderstorm. i'm still looking through applications for the positions.. i have one filled so far.. and thats the security and tactical officer." she informed him as she sat back sitting up straight her legs crossing each other and her hands on them.

Martize finally made the correct turn and reached the Admiral's office. He cleared his throat and ringed the chime, and waited an answer.

Steve nodded with a small smile as he took the transfer orders PADD, as well as the data on the Thunderstorm. "Ah, Intrepid Class. Good ships, very good ships." He commented, looking up over his desk at Melanie with a sly wink. "Well I hope you dont plan on-" Steve paused for a moment as the doorchime sounded, continuing, "shoving off too soon, Commander. We have a nice little party organised for everyone this afternoon." He chuckled, now looking across to his door as he called out, "Come!"

Melanie blushes slightly as he winked at her and she looks down embarassed. "no sir.. i dont intend on leaving anytime soon.. i can't really with no crew.. " she said chuckling as she turned her head to the door.

Martize heard the command and opened the door. He stepped in with his creditials and information from Starfleet. His eyes laid through the room, abit longer on the female officer that sat in the chair before the Admiral.
"I apologise if I'm interrupting anything." He said with a smile.
"Malone Martize, reporting in sir." The hispanic said, saluting but accidently hitting himself in the eye.
"Ow...sorry about that." He added quickly, his lower body remaining in attention and his hand rubbing his eye. He wasn't very sure of who or how the Admiral would react. Unfornatly he also embarssed himself infront of the female officer. The thought knocked hard against him in his mind.

Steve stifled a laugh as he kept a stern expression, clearing his throat just a little as he nodded his head. "Not at all Colonel, come on in." The Admiral welcomed, again gesturing to one of the other chairs at his desk. "I was actually hoping you would turn up while Melanie was here too." He nodded to Melanie as a small introduction of one to the other. "Melanie Woodcroft, Malone Martize." He smiled at both officers as he sat back slightly in his chair.

Melanie turns to see Malone and gets up and stands at attention. "nice to meet you Colonel.. " she said at slight attention and her hand out to shake his with a slight smile. "dont worry.. accidents happen Colonel. Is your eye ok?" she asked with a slight chuckle.

Malone nodded as he stepped over to the seat and handed his creditials and the classfied information from Starfleet. He saw Melanie stand and greet him and smiled warmly and shook her hand.
"Same here commander." He said and nodded.
"Yea its good. I get hit there a lot." He said,
"Divorces never go smooth." He added, trying to ease her slight attention with a smile.

Steve smiled, watching the exchange between the two Commanders. Whilst they seemed a little preoccupied with trying not to look mediocre with each other, their handling of a first meeting was... perfect. A quality that would definately help them together. Divorces never go smooth. He thought to himself, repeating Malone's last comment and he gave a little grunt. "That, Martize, is to say the least. Past experience." He added with a grin, turning his attention to both Melanie and Malone together after briefly skimming the PADDs handed to him. "Right, lets get to it shall we?"

Melanie turns to Steve hearing the tone in his voice and the feelings come from him. she sits back down looking at him knowing something was wrong and gave him a "i'm here if you need anything" look and then nods. "yes.. lets get started.. " she said softly.

"Your orders are... somewhat changing slightly." Steve threw right out in the open, looking from one to the other as very slightly quizzed expressions flickered across their features. He sat forward, grabbing one of the many PADDs from one of the many piles on his desk, keeping the screen from both of them as he glanced to it, then back to them. "Though I suppose, I need to get the more formal issues out of the way before I divulge this little nit-bit." He looked up from the PADD to Melanie with a smile as he stood, producing a small box from amongst the piles of PADDs. "Commander Melanie Woodcroft," He began, walking around the desk to stand by the Betazoid female, "after your continual service to the United Federation of Planets and determination to fulfil your duties above and beyond the call of duty; it is with great pleasure that, as my first act as your Fleet Commander, I hereby promote you to the rank of Captain with all the rights and responsibilities of such rank." He flipped open the box to pull out a single golden pip for Melanie to add to her current three and extended his hand for a shake.

Malone was confused at the words of this 'slightly changing.' First starfleet gives him classified documents that he wasn't supposed to review or look at. He smile and stood at Melanie's promotion. He held the rank of colonel, but as a officer in Starfleet, she held higher than him.
"Congradulations on your promotion Captain, Woodcroft." He said as he saluted the new captain.

Melanie grins and chuckles. "thank you admiral, colonel.. its an honor to be a captain in your fleet. I'll keep doing the best i can." she said shaking steves hand and looks at the colonel and salutes back.

Steve smiled, nodding his head in acknowledgment of thanks. "Captain, thanks arent needed. You earned it." He paused for a moment, looking to Malone, then back to Melanie. "I've watched your career for the last year and it certainly shows me that you're more than ready for your upcoming assignments."

"Now, Mr Martize, I have a bone to pick with you." The Admiral said, quickly turning from Melanie to look at Malone as he took a step towards the younger man. "Your uniform. I suggest you change yourself as soon as you can from Marine Green to Command Red." Before Malone could ask, Steve explained. "Your new orders are to transfer your records from Starfleet Marine to Starfleet Navy as well as update any necessities as follows; Colonel Malone Martize, your are, after considerable effort on your part in your Command abilities, hereby promoted and transferred to Fleet Captain." Steve smiled, again extending his hand to shake Malone's as he handed him the final 5 golden pips from the box to replace his Marine pip that currently sat on his collar.

Malone looked bewildered for a second at him saying he was in the wrong uniform. Then he laid it on him, he was transferred and promoted to Fleet Captain.
"Oh...thank you sir." He said, wasn't expecting to be promoted. He shooked the admiral's hand as he looked at the pin in his hands.

Melanie smiles. "Fleet captain Malone.. i'm sure its well deserved.." she said to him shaking his hand. "they'll look good on you.." she added with a small chuckle.

The Admiral nodded slightly, turning and walking back round his desk. "I won't press on details otherwise left classified just yet," Steve said, moving on as he sat in his chair, leaning on the surface of the desk to clasp his hands together, "as that information will become clearer in this afternoon's briefing." He finished, picking up the two PADDs he had previously held. "These are your orders in the meantime." He passed each of them copies, allowing them to take in the first few details. "Congratulations." He added, chuckling as he looked from one offier to the other, remembering the words 'Fleet Captain Malone Martize, Captain Melanie Woodcroft - Taskforce Commanding Officer and Taskforce Executive Officer, respectively, of Taskforce 354; The Oracles - United Federation of Planets Defence Fleet.'

Melanies eyes went wide as she read the orders and then looked at the admiral. "taa.. taskforce Executive officer.. we're in charge of the task force?" she choked out the words. she couldnt' believe she was the XO of the task force. she tried not to make a fool of herself in front of them but she was in total shock. "i can't believe this.. oh my god thank you admiral.. you dont know how much this means to me.. really." she said grinning.

Malone was just as shocked as Melanie as he read his order had placed him the Commanding Officer. His mind flashed briefly to a point in his past, when he had served on the Enterprise. He remembered what Picard told him when he was getting let off at a starbase.
'You will make a fine officer one day.' Now here he was, receiving orders to command a Task Fleet. He looked over at Melanie and smiled.
"I can't wait to begin serving with you, Captain. It would be an honor." He said to Melanie then looked to Admiral Malloway,
"We won't disappoint you, sir." He said.

"Good." Steve replied with a grin. "I didnt choose you guys above the rest to be let down, thats for sure." He paused, picking up another PADD and handing it over to Melanie. "Captain, after the ceremony etc is complete I will be paying the Thunderstorm a visit on your first mission under my command. Make sure everything's ready for departure." He then looked from Melanie to Malone in turn. "Now, unless there is anything else, you are dismissed and I'll see you both and your XO's at the briefing later."

Melanie looked at him and nodded gently. "yes sir.. i'll make sure its all ready for you.. " she responded to him  getting slightly nervous, but glad at the same time. he chose her ship for his first visit. She wandered why he had chose her first. He was handsome and she started to have butterflies in her stomach. but she knew she'd have no chance with him. she looked at the padd and nodded. "nothing else sir." she added and headed out.

Malone shook his head.
"None sir. Just need to get settled and used to the Agamenmon." He said and he saluted. As Malloway dismissed the two, he followed out with Melanie.
"Hey, Captain." He said as he tried to catch to pace.


JP between, Malloway, Martize, and Woodcroft
STARBASE THRINACIA, Merenion Nebulae Cluster
Dock of the USS Agamenmon
0800 hours

Elvira walked along the corridor towards the dock of the Agamenmon she was due to report for duty in five hours but saw no point in delaying it, she had just been dropped off so decided to go in hunt of the ships CO. There were many people rushing around the dock going to or from the ship, some with hoversleds and others just carrying padds or talking. She had no idea what the man she was looking for actually looked like only that he was somewhere around this dock, she walked over to one of the security officers guarding the dock seeing he was of a higher rank than she she addressed him apropriately.

"Excuse me Sir, I am looking for Fleet Captain Martize can you tell me where I might find him." she asked in a polite and formal tone.

The Officer turned to look her over, "What business do you have with him lass?" he asked informally.

She pulled a padd out of the bag on her shoulder, "I have been assigned as the Chief Security and Tactical Officer for the USS Agamenmon Sir." she said as she handed him her orders.

The Officer took the padd and glanced over it, "Good to meet you LT Dark, I am LT Commander Stevenson, your Captain is in his quarters on the station." he said and then gave her directions to them.

"Thank you Sir." she replied then turned and headed off to find his quarters following the directions given her.

08.10 Quarters of Fleet Captain Martize

Elvira found his assigned quarters and pressed the chime, as she waited she straightend her uniform.

Tag Martize

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